Histology of liver and pancreas Flashcards
How does all the nutrients absorbed by the intestines enter the liver
Through the hepatic portal vein
Absorbed nutrients have to firstly pass through liver capillaries known as?
The liver has dual blood supply name the arteries:
Hepatic Artery (branch of aorta) supplies liver cell with oxygenated blood
Hepatic portal vein which brings deoxygenated blood from the digestive organs
What are the hexagonal units the the liver exhibits are called
Liver (Hepatic) Lobules
What is present in the center of each hepatic lobule
Central vein
How many portal areas can be seen per lobule
Between afferent and efferent blood vessels, which follows the connective tissue highway throughout the liver
Afferent blood vessels
What colour does the capsule, septa and hepatocytes stained as?
Capsule and septae- stained blue
Hepatocytes- stained magenta (Masson’s Trichome)
What are the structural units of the liver
Hepatic Lobules
What is a lobule
A lobule is a roughly hexagonal arrangement of plates of hepatocytes radiating outward from a central vein in the center.
What does the hepatic veins enter into after they have left the liver
The Inferior vena cava
What makes up the portal triad
Branch of bile duct
Branch of hepatic portal vein
Branch of hepatic artery
What is the hepatic acinus oriented around?
Afferent vascular system
Components of the Hepatic acinus
Irregular shaped
Roughly ellipsoidal mass of hepatocytes
Aligned around hepatic arterioles and portal venules just as they anastomose into sinusoids
Name the zones of the hepatic acinus and describe them
Zone 1: Hepatocytes closest to the arterioles- best oxygenated
Zone 2
Zone 3- Hepatocytes farthest from arterioles
How much percent do hepatocytes contribute the mass of the liver
The parenchymal cells of the liver are hepatocytes ; True or False?
How are hepatocytes joined together?
In anastomosing plates
Name the 2 borders of the anastomosing plates
Sinusoidal Plates- Border facing the sinusoidal plates
Lateral faces- adjacent hepatocytes
A portion of which face of the anastomosing plates is modified to form bile canaliculi
A portion of the lateral face
On which anastomosing plate is there an abundance of Microvilli
Sinusoidal face- they project sparsely in the bile canaliculi
Hepatocytes are ver active in the synthesis of proteins, which cell organelles are abundant in hepatocytes
Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Where are golgi apparatus particular abundant in hepatocytes
In the vicinity of the bile canaliculi
Apart from the synthesis of proteins, what other functions do hepatocytes have
synthesize and secrete very low density lipoproteins