HIS strengthening requires an enabling environment and robust collaboration betw een health and other sectors, including information and communication technology (ICT), across public and private spheres.
A multisectoral coordination mechanism should coordinate and oversee activities and investments for HIS and eHealth.
improved governance
This can help build national institutional and human capacities through peer-to-peer netw orking and know ledge exchange.
improved governance
strengthen governance of HIS by national authorities, eHealth architecture, and data standards
invest in data sources and capacities
Allow ing interoperability and improving health information w orkforce skills and capabilities for using health statistics and data.
invest in data sources and capacities
Development partners and national institutions should align their investments.
align stakeholder in support of HIS
Data, monitoring, and accountability should be integrated into the one plan, one budget, and one monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framew ork
align stakeholders in support of helath information system
The pow er of ICT innovation can help improve the availability, completeness, timeliness, quality, and use of data for decision-making in health.
use of digital revolution
Minimizing the burden of data collection, analysis, and reporting through eHealth strategies can improve health service delivery and management as w ell as facilitate the generation of accurate and timely data.
use the digital revolution
Data should be secure and shared more freely, allow ing rigorous comparison, learning and building of the evidence base for scaling up interventions.
use digital revolution
P romote the use of scalable, affordable, open-access softw are systems
strengthen the capacity for system and applications to be reusable
w ork w ith collaborations to develop and use typical health information architecture, standards, guides, tools, and solutions.
Strengthen the capacity for systems and applications to be reusable:
W ith a focus on equity, disaggregated data, and access to need-based, excellent quality services, health information should be used by and provided to decision-makers at all levels for improving health policy, system, and services.
Use data to improve policy and service delivery
There should be national oversight mechanisms for key indicators of national health targets and goals (including all the follow ing aspects: population coverage, service coverage, and financial protection),
Strengthen accountability and reporting of results
Mechanisms of regular review s and analyses to assess progress and performance against national health sector-related priorities.
Strengthen accountability and reporting of results
These review s should be transparent w ith mechanisms to share the analysis, discuss the implications, and identify remedial actions.These review s should be transparent w ith mechanisms to share the analysis, discuss the implications, and identify remedial actions.
Strengthen accountability and reporting of results
Strengthening health information systems is critical to establishing a more resilient and sustainable health system.
strengthen accountability and reporting of results
• Having quality data, on time, is necessary for countries to respond to needs promptly, especially in times of public health crises.
strengthen accoountability and reporting of results
The strength of the HIS ensures that w hen an emergency health situation arises, such as Ebola, health leaders are aw are of it early and can divert the necessary resources to prevent epidemics.
stregthen accountability . . .
It also ensures that in countries w ith areas that are difficult to reach; for example, in rainy seasons, sufficient data are collected and shared to ensure their needs are know n on time.
strengthen accountability . . .