Hip Flashcards
3 bones that make up the hip
• ilium, ischium and pubis.
when do the bones of the hip fuss e
age 25-30
what are the extensors of the hip
- hamstring muscles are powerful extensors of the hip.
- gluteus maximus which becomes particularly important when walking up hill or when rising from the sitting position.
- Extension is limited beyond the vertical to about 15o, mainly due to the tightening of the ilio-femoral ligament anterior to the hip joint.
What a re the flexor muscles of the hip
mainly by iliopsoas assisted by the tensor fascia lata
Adductors of the hip
adductors muscles arise from the pubis and insert via the linea aspera into the back of the femur.
abductors of the hip
• Mainly the gluteal muscles, especially gluteus medius, bring about this movement.
name the 3 glutei muscles and the main role
the three glutei: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
and the tensor fascia lata.
They mainly act to abduct and extend the lower limb at the hip joint.
Attatchements of the gluteus maximus
Originates - from the gluteal (posterior) surface of the ilium, sacrum and coccyx.
Inserts into the iliotibial tract and the gluteal tuberosity of the femur.
gluteus maximus action
• Actions: It is the main extensor of the thigh, and assists with lateral rotation. However, it is only used when force is required, such as running or climbing.
Innervation of gluteus maximus
Inferior gluteal nerve
Attatchments of the gluteus medius
Originates from the gluteal surface of the ilium and inserts into the lateral surface of the greater trochanter.
actions of the gluteus medius
• Abducts and medially rotates the lower limb. During locomotion, it secures the pelvis, preventing pelvic drop of the opposite limb.(Note: the posterior fibres of the gluteus medius are also thought to produce a small amount of lateral rotation).
Innervation of the gluteus medius
Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus attatchments
Originates from the ilium and converges to form a tendon, inserting to the anterior side of the greater trochanter.
Gluteus minimus actions
• :Abducts and medially rotates the lower limb. During locomotion, it secures the pelvis, preventing pelvic drop of the opposite limb.
Innervation of the gluteus minimus
• Superior gluteal nerve.
what is the Tensor fasciae lata
Tensor fasciae lata: is a small superficial muscle which lies towards the anterior edge of the iliac crest. It functions to tighten the fascia lata, and so abducts and medially rotates the lower limb.
Attachments of the tensor fasciae lata
• Originates fromtheanterior iliac crest, attaching to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). It inserts into the iliotibial tract, which itself attaches to the lateral condyle of the tibia.
actions of the tensor fasciae lata
• Assists the gluteus medius and minimus in abduction and medial rotation of the lower limb. It also plays a supportive role in the gait cycle.
Innervation of the tensor fasciae lata
• Superior gluteal nerve.
general action go the deep gluteal muscles
to laterally rotate the lower limb. They also stabilise the hip joint by ‘pulling’ the femoral head into the acetabulum of the pelvis.
Name the deep glottal muscles
The piriformis muscle
The obturator internus
Gemelli are two narrow and triangular muscles
The quadratus femoris
describe artificil hips
• Severely damaged hips are increasingly being replaced by prostheses.
• There are several different varieties but most consist of a metal head and neck (titanium) that is inserted into the proximal end of the shaft of the femur.
This articulates with a false acetabulum that is inserted into the original acetabular fossa