forearm Flashcards
what is the radius
bone in forearm lies laterally and parallel to ulna
articulates at the elbow joint, Proximal radioulnar join, wrist joint and Distal radioulnar joint
what is the Radial tuberosity
A bony projection, which serves as the place of attachment of the biceps brachii muscle
what can be found in the proximal region of the radius
head, neck, radial tuberosity
what can be found in the distal region of the radius
styloid process, ulna notch which articulates with the head of the ulna forming the radioulnar joint
what makes up the wrist joint
radius - 2 facets with the scaphoid and lunate carpal bones
main role of the ulna
ulna acts as the stabilising bone, with the radius pivoting to produce movement.
important landmarks of the proximal ulna
olecronon, coranoid process,trochlear notch, radial notch, tuberosity of ulna
recall the movement of the hands
Flexion of digits – can be performed at each MCPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ and brings the hand into a fist.
Extension of digits – can be performed at each MCPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ and stretches the hand out straight.
Abduction of digits – moving the digits away from the midline (middle of 3rd digit).
Adduction of digits – moving the digits back toward the midline (middle of 3rd digit).
Opposition of thumb and little finger – bringing the thumb and little finger together.
Reposition of thumb and little finger – moving the thumb and little finger away from each other.
what are the 2 types of joints in the hand
Metacarpophalangeal Joint (MCPJ) – knuckles
Interphalangeal Joints – These are the hinge joints between the phalanges The thumb is an exception. there are distal and proximal
what are the 2 types of joints in the fingers
Metacarpophalangeal Joint (MCPJ) – knuckles
Interphalangeal Joints – These are the hinge joints between the phalanges The thumb is an exception. there are distal and proximal
3 main bones of the hand
carpa bones, metacarpals, phalanges
what are the 8 carpal bones of the hand
Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cant Handle
scaphoid Lunate triquetrum pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate
name the muscles in the anterior superior compartment of the forearm
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Palmaris Longus
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Pronator Teres
name the muscles in the intermediate superior compartment of the forearm
flexor digitorum superficialis
name all the flexor muscles in the anterior forearm
superficial - flexor carpi radialis, pronator teres, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
Intermediate - flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep- flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, pronator quadratus
name all extensor muscles
superficial - extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minime, extensor carpi ulnaris,
deep - extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, extrensor indicis
major nerves that supply the hand (palmar surface)
median - thumb, thenar eminence and index and middle finger
ulnar - little finger, ring finger and hypothenar eminence and interosseous muscles
blood vessels that supply the hand
branches of 2 palmar arches superficial and deep fed by the radial and ulna arteries.
Deep arch = radial
Superficial arch - ulna
they anastomose
what is the carpal tunnel and its contents
space between the flexor retinaculum of the wrist and the carpal bones of the wrist
flexor superficialis/profundus tendons, flexor pollicus longus tendon, flexor carpi radialis tendon and median nerve
which nerve runs over the retinaculum and which goes under
over - ulna
under - median