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A - Musculoskeletal
> High Yield > Flashcards
High Yield Flashcards
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A - Musculoskeletal
(53 decks)
1.1.1 Upper and Lower Limb Bones
1.2.1 Shoulder and Axilla
1.2.2 Axilla Brachial Plexus
1.2.3 Review of Skeletal Muscle
1.3.1 Arm
1.3.2 Bone, Cartilage, and Joint Histology
1.3.3 Ventral Forearm
1.4.1 Posterior Forearm
1.4.2 Hand
1.4.3 Gluteal Region and Posterior Thigh
1.5.1 Joints of the Upper Extremity
1.5.2 Anterior Thigh, Femoral Triangle, and Medial Thigh
1.5.3 Popliteal Fossa and the Leg
2.1.1 Bone and Joint Pathology I
2.1.2 Bone and Joint Pathology II
2.1.3 Bone and Tumor Pathology I
2.2.1 Foot
2.2.2 Joints of Lower Limb
2.2.3 Neuromuscular and Myotendinous Junctions
2.3.1 Bone and Tumor Pathology II
2.3.2 Fracture Healing
2.3.3 Upper Extremity Injuries
2.4.1 Introduction to Examination of the Extremities - Upper Body
2.4.2 Musculoskeletal Exam - Lower Body
2.4.3 Skin Pathology I
2.5.1 Radiology of the Upper Extremity
2.5.2 Skin Pathology II
2.5.3 Week in Review
3.1.1 Back and Spinal Cord
3.1.3 Soft Tissue Pathology I
3.2.1 Soft Tissue Pathology II
3.2.2 Muscle Pathology I
3.2.3 Muscle Pathology II
3.3.1 Neurological Deficits of the Extremities
3.3.2 Injuries of the Lower Extremity
3.3.3 Surgical Approaches to Back Pain
3.4.1 Treatment of Arthritis
Pathology MEGA DECK
3.5.1 Calcium Metabolism
3.5.2 Non-Surgical Approaches to Low Back Pain
3.5.3 Review of Anatomy
4.1.1 Pharmaceuticals for Musculoskeletal Pain
4.1.2 Skin Pathology III
4.1.3 Musculoskeletal Development
4.2.1 Radiology of the Lower Extremity
4.2.2 Skin Pathology IV
4.3.1 Muscle Physiology, Exercise, and Physical Conditioning
4.3.2 Imaging of the Spine
High Yield
4.4.1 The Limping Child
4.4.2 Gait
Nerve Innervations