It is devoted to recognizing and controlling hazards in the workplace that
could cause death, disability, injury, sickness,
or significant discomfort and inefficiency
among the workers.
What is the meaning of OSH
Occupational Safety and Health
Under _____________, the
Occupational Safety and Health
Standard was declared to be the
guidance and compliance of the
involved parties
Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines
“Implementing Rules and Regulation of Republic Act No. 11058 Entitled “An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof””
Department Order No. 198 Series of 2018
“It shall apply to all establishments, projects and sites and all other places where work is being undertaken in all branches of economic activity”
Coverage of Department Order No. 198 Series of 2018
Philippine Economic Zone Authority
Clark Development Corporation
This refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard within the company may affect the safety and/or health of workers.
High Risk Establishment
any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program
Safety Officer (SO)
an employee who has completed the mandatory 8-hour OSH orientation course as prescribed in the OSH standards and 2-hour trainer’s training.
Safety Officer 1 (SO1)
an employee who has completed the mandatory 40-hour OSH training course applicable to the industry as prescribed in the OSH standards
Safety Officer 2 (SO2)
Completed 40-hour OSH training course applicable to the industry, it also has additional 48 hours of advanced/specialized OSH training course. It also has at least 2 years exp in OSH
Safety Officer 3 (SO3)
This program shall be communicated and be made readily available to all persons in the workplace. It shall be updated periodically whenever the DOLE, other regulatory or government agencies and institutions promulgate new rules, guidelines and other issuances related to workers’ safety and health.
OSH program
In OSH program, the ________ shall prescribe a format that should be accomplished fully by the employer, contractor or subcontractor, if any, in consultation with the workers and their representatives.
Work Stoppage Order
Who issues the WSO
Safety Officers
The engagement of the services of a certified OSH consultant (SO4) shall be allowed for a period____________ for establishments whose designated safety officer has to be trained or is in the process of completing the prescribed training courses and relevant experience
not longer than 1 year
Any willful failure or refusal of an employer, contractor or subcontractor to comply with the following OSH standards below or with a compliance order issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his/her authorized representative shall be ___________ of the administrative fines.
It is a potential for harm or an adverse effect
3 Accident Prevention Process
Hazard Identification
Risk Analysis/Evaluation
Risk Control
Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause
harm. It is part of the process used to evaluate if any situation,
item, thing, etc., may potentially cause harm.
The goal is to find and record possible hazards that are present in
the workplace. A team that includes both people familiar with the
work area and people who are not may be helpful as both have the
experience and fresh eye to conduct the inspection.
Hazard Identification
Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard
Risk Analysis/ Evaluation
Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard or control the risk when the threat cannot be stopped. It is the process of identifying proper approaches or measures to prevent an accident
Risk Control
Types of Risk Control
Control Measures
Hierarchy of Controls
__________ are applied by either eliminating or reducing the
exposure. It is the fundamental method of protecting the workers.
Control Measures
It is a list of control measures in priority order that shall be used to eliminate or minimize exposure to the hazard. It provides a sequence of options that offer several ways to approach the hazard.
Hierarchy of Controls
What are the Hierarchy of Controls
Engineering Control
Administrative Control
are strategies designed to protect workers from hazards and involve a physical change to the workplace itself.
It is considered the most effective in preventing or reducing hazards because it mainly controls the source’s hazardous condition.
Engineering Controls
Different approaches considered as Engineering Control
Isolation and Containment
the most effective approach means
physically removing the hazard or the
situation/material/process that causes a hazard.
a strategy in which a material or process
is replaced with another that is less hazardous.
refers to the physical
isolation of a process or a piece of equipment to prevent
the release of the hazard or to prevent exposure of the
worker to the hazard.
Isolation and Containment
to change the physical operating conditions.
The process of strategically supplying or
removing air in the work environment.
are training, procedure, policy, or shift designs
that lessen the threat of a hazard to an individual.
It requires the workers and employers to actively
think or comply with regulations and do not offer
permanent solutions to problems.
Administrative Controls
Different approaches considered in Administrative Controls
Work Practices
Education and Training
Job Rotation
Good Housekeeping
developing and implementing safe
work procedures or standard operating procedures.
Work Practices
inform workers on how to
conduct their work safely and ensure that they
understand the hazards and risks of the job.
Education and Training
__________ must provide information on how to protect themselves and others.
rotate employees between a hazardous
task and a non-hazardous ask to reduce the length of
Job Rotation
maintaining cleanliness and
orderliness. It is essential in preventing the
accumulation of hazardous or toxic materials.
Good Housekeeping
It is a control directed to the receiver (workers)
It is any device/equipment that is constructed or manufactured under OSH standards or law and used by individuals to reduce the injury potential of the hazard.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is used to:
Reduce Exposures
Provide Protection during activities
Provide Protection during emergencies and to supplement other controls.
Drawback of PPE
they do nothing to reduce or eliminate the hazard
A protective device may become ineffective when ___________.
the wearer lacks sufficient knowledge on how to use it
Types of PPE
- Eye and Face Protection
- Head Protection
- Hand and Arm Protection
- Foot and Leg Protection
- Hearing Protection
- Respiratory Protection
- Torso or Full Body Protection
- Fall Protection
When should hazard identification be made?
During design and implementation
Before tasks are done
While tasks are being done
During inspections
After incidents