CALR RA 9497, 776 Flashcards
What is the title of RA 9497
Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008
How many chapters and sections are there in RA 9497
12 chapters, 94 sections
Chapter 1
General Provisions
Chapter 2
Organization of Authority
Chapter 3
General Policies
Chapter 4
Powers of the Authority
Chapter 5
Powers and Functions of the Board
Chapter 6
Authority Proper
Chapter 7
The Director General
Chapter 8
Nationality and Ownership of Aircraft
Chapter 9
Aviation Safety Powers and Functions
Chapter 10
Other Powers
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Transitory Provisions
“This Act shall be known as the Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008”
Section 1
“It is hereby declared the policy of the State to provide safe and efficient air transport and regulatory services in the Philippines by providing for the creation of a civil aviation authority with jurisdiction over the restructuring of the civil aviation system, the promotion, development and regulation of the technical, operational, safety, and aviation security functions under the civil aviation authority.”
Declaration of Policy, Section 2
It refers to an airport, a defined area on land or water (including any building, installation and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft
It refers to a person who undertakes, whether directly or indirectly, or by a lease or any other arrangements, to engage in air transportation services or air commerce
Air carrier or operator
It refers to a certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations
Air Operator Certificate
refers to any individual who engages, as the person in command or as pilot, mechanic, aeronautical engineer, flight radio operator or member of the crew, in the navigation of aircraft while under way and any individual who is directly in charge of inspection, maintenance, overhauling, or repair of aircraft, aircraft engine, propellers, or appliances; and individual who serves in the capacity of aircraft dispatcher or air traffic control operator.
refers to an aircraft used exclusively in the service of any government or of any political jurisdiction thereof, including the Government of the Philippines, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in operations which meet the definition of commercial air transport operations.
Public Aircraft
refers to any aircraft other than a State or public aircraft.
Civil Aircraft
refers to the operation of any civil aircraft for the purpose of general aviation operations, aerial work or commercial air transport operations.
Civil Aviation
refers to an aircraft operation of a civil aircraft for other than a commercial air transport operation or aerial work operation.
General Aviation Operation
The __________ shall be responsible for the exercise of all powers and the discharge of all duties of the Authority and shall have control over all personnel and activities of the Authority.
Director General (Section 4 - Creation of the Authority)
The Director General shall be appointed based on the qualifications herein provided and shall have a tenure of office for a period of _________ His appointment may be extended for another non-extendible term of __________ and shall only be removed for cause in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.
4 years, 4 years (Section 4 - Creation of the Authority)
The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines has how many Members
7 members of the board in CAAP
The Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Communications
The Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
The Secretary of Finance;
The Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
The Secretary of Justice;
The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government; and
The Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment.
No member of the Board or any employee of the Authority shall accept employment or enter into a contract of service with an entity regulated by the Authority until the expiry of _________ from the termination of his appointment, whether by resignation or revocation or otherwise.
one (1) year (Section 7 - Limitation of Subsequent Employement)
The presence of at least ____ members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and the majority vote of ______ members in a meeting where a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any rule, ruling, order, resolution, decision or other act of the Board in the exercise of its functions.
4, 3 (Section 8 - Quorum)
Qualifications of a DG
a Filipino citizen, at least thirty-five (35) years of age, of good moral character, unquestionable integrity, recognized competence and a degree holder with at least five (5) years supervisory or management experience in the field of aviation.
The Board shall meet regularly _________ and may hold special meetings to consider urgent matters upon call of the Chairman or upon the initiative of four (4) members. Internal rules of procedure in the conduct of Board meetings shall be as prescribed by the Board.
once a month
The Authority shall have its principal office in _______ and may hold hearings on any proceedings at such time and places within the Philippines, as it may provide by order in writing.
Metro Manila
The Authority shall have an authorized capital stock of _______ which shall be fully subscribed by the Republic of the Philippines
Fifty billion pesos (Php50,000,000,000.00)
The Authority shall adopt and publish its schedule of fees and charges. The Authority shall hold such public hearings or consultative meetings with stakeholders in the industry before adopting its schedule of fees and charges. The Authority shall not revise its schedule of fees and fines more often than once every ________.
three (3) years
In no case that the Director General shall participate in the hearing and adjudication of an appealed case before the Board where the subject of appeal is a judgment or decision rendered by his office. In such case, it requires __________ concurring votes of the members of the Board who actively participated in the deliberation of the appealed case before the judgment or decision of the Director General can be modified or reversed.
four (4)
Within fifteen (15) days from the appointment of and acceptance by all members of the Board and the Director General of their respective appointments, the Board, in consultation with the Director General, shall meet to draw up the Authority’s organizational structure. The Board shall agree on the Authority’s final organizational structure not later than __________ from the date of the effectivity of this Act.
six (6) months
Current CAAP DG
Capt. Manuel Antonio Tamayo
Powers & Functions DG
- To designate and establish civil airways
- To issue airman’s certificate
- To issue airworthiness certificate for aircraft
- To issue air carrier operating certificate
- To issue type certificate for aircraft, aircraft engine, propellers and appliances;
- To inspect, classify and rate any air navigation facilities and aerodromes
Except in emergency situations, all orders, rules and regulations of the Director General shall take effect within such reasonable times as the Director General may prescribe, and shall continue in force until a further order, rule or regulation, or for a specified period of time, as shall be prescribed in the order, rule or regulation.
Effectiveness of Orders
The Director General is authorized to direct the operator or airman of a civil aircraft that the aircraft is not to be operated in situations where:
(1) The aircraft may not be airworthy; or
(2) The airman may not be qualified or physically or mentally capable for the flight; or
(3) The operation would cause imminent danger to persons or property on the ground.
________________ will assist the Director General in carrying out the responsibilities of his office for certification and ongoing inspections of aircraft, airmen and air operators.
Flight Standards Inspectorate Service (FSIS)
function of FSIS
(1) Airworthiness inspection;
(2) Flight operations inspection and evaluation; and
(3) Personnel licensing.
What section is the AAIIB
Section 42
The application for Aircraft Registration must state:
(a) the date and place of filing;
(b) the specification, construction and technical description of the aircraft or aircraft engine; and
(c) such other information as may be required by the Authority in such manner and form as the Authority may prescribe by regulation.
An aircraft shall acquire ____________ when registered pursuant to this Act.
Philippine nationality
Air Operator Certificate
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
The Director General shall adjust the monetary level of the penalties, as may be authorized by the Board to impose, at least once every _________
four (4) years
Any officer/employee who availed the benefits of the foregoing provisions shall not qualify for reemployment to the Authority within ________ from the date of retirement/resignation.
seven (7) years
Title of RA 776
Civil Aeronautics Act of the Philippines
means and includes air transportation for pay or hire, the
navigation of aircraft in furtherance of a business, or the navigation of aircraft from one
place to another for operation in the conduct of a business.
Air Commerce
PD 1570
Philippine Aeronautical Engineering Decree (PAED)
The first licensure exam was on
July 1983
The Composition of the Board of Aeronautical Engineering under the PRC is composed of how many members
The CAB is composed of how many members
Minimum number of quorum in CAB
There is hereby created under the Professional Regulation Commission a Board of
Aeronautical Engineering, hereinafter referred to as the _______
who shall be composed of the board
Chairman and two members
The chairman and the two members of the board are appointed by?
the President of the Philippines
Professional Regulation Commission
The Members of the Board shall hold office for a term of _______
three years
Who shall conduct the written examinations
The commission and the board
The Board
shall, within ______ following the end of each fiscal
year, submit to the Commission an annual report on
its activities during the fiscal year just ended.
sixty days
Written examinations of candidates desiring to practice aeronautical engineering in the Philippines shall be given by the _____ once a year at a date and place to be fixed by the _______.
Board, Commission
Section for Qualification for Examinations
Section 14 of PD 1570
That in case of increase in the number of
subjects, the corresponding relative weight credited for every subject shall be reduced accordingly and the
relative weights that may be deducted therefrom shall
be credited to the additional subject or subjects;
Provided, further, That the relative weights that will be
deducted shall always be ___________.
divisible exactly by five
Within ____________ after the last day of the examinations
or on such date as may be determined by the
Commission, the Board shall submit its report on the
ratings obtained by each candidate to the Commissioner
of the Commission for approval or other appropriate
ninety days
action. All ratings shall be released at least __________
before the next examination period.
seventy days
Before commencing the practice of aeronautical engineering, all
registrants under this Decree shall be required to take professional
_______ before the Board or before any person authorized to
administer the same.
After the expiration of __________ from the date of revocation or suspension
of a certificate of registration, the Board may, in its discretion and for
reason it may deem meritorious, reinstate the validity of a revoked or
suspended certificate, or issue a new one in lieu of the one previously
revoked upon payment of the required fee.
two years
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from _____________
six months to six years
When was PD 1570 sgd?
June 11, 1978
This seal which shall be circular in shape with maximum diameter of___________
48 millimeters (1-7/8 inches)
What does the airplane wing section represent
what does the shockwaves in the leading and trailing edge of the seal represent?
Aero Eng is a dynamic and progressive profession
What is the meaning of the atom in the seal
Engineering Activity
4 electrons orbiting the atom
Four major activity / areas in the practice of aeronautical engineering
Between the two (2) concentric circles along the circumference of the
seal shall be inscribed the words “___________” and _____________” at the upper
and the lower portion of the circumference respectively.
Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Aeronautical Engineering
4 AE Practice
Research and Development
Manufacture of Aircraft
Aircraft Operation and Maintenance
Education and Training
Within ___________ following the end of each
calendar year, the Board shall submit to the
Commission Annual Report on its activities including
appropriate recommendations.
sixty (60) days
refers to an aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc.
Aerial Work
refers to the science and art of flight
Aeronautics or Aviation
refers to and includes any telegraph or telephone communication signs, signals, writings, images and sounds of any nature, by wire, radio or other systems or processes of signaling, used in the aeronautical service
Aeronautical Telecommunication
refers to any station operated to provide telecommunications for aeronautical purposes
Aeronautical Telecommunication Station
refers to any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface. The term “_______”, when used in this Act or in regulations issued under this Act, shall refer to civil aircraft only, and will not include State or public aircraft.
refers to an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked in which:
(1) Any person suffers death or serious injury as a result of being in or upon the aircraft or by direct contact with the aircraft of anything attached thereto; or
(2) The aircraft receives substantial damage.
Aircraft accident
refers to a radio station on board any aircraft.
Aircraft Radio Station
refers to any engine use, or intended to be used, for propulsion of aircraft and includes all parts, appurtenances, and accessories thereof other than propellers.
Aircraft Engine
refers to the occurrence, other than an accident, which is associated with the operation of an aircraft when the safety of the aircraft has been endangered, or is a situation which could endanger an aircraft and if it occurred again in other circumstances.
Aircraft Incident
refers to any actual or attempted seizure or exercise of control, by force or violence, or by any other form of intimidation, with wrongful intent, of an aircraft within the jurisdiction of the Philippines.
Aircraft Piracy
refers to a written authorization or permission issued to any person for the exercise of the privileges of flying, maintaining, controlling, directing, dispatching, instructing or any other civil aviation activity which is regulated and supervised by the Authority.
Airman License
refers to the practice of controlling, guiding and operating aircraft from airport of departure to predetermined airport of destination, including alternate airports. To ensure safety, regularity and efficiency of civil aviation operations, standardization and common understanding among all parties involved are essential in all matters affecting the operation of aircraft and the numerous facilities and services required in their support, such as airports, telecommunications, navigation aids, meteorology, air traffic services, search and rescue, aeronautical information services and aeronautical charts, in accordance with the procedures, rules and regulations contained in the appropriate Annexes to the Chicago Convention.
Air Navigation
refers to any facility used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including airports, landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signaling, for radio directional finding, or for radio or other electromagnetic communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and take-off of aircraft.
Air Navigation Facility
refers to and includes information, directions and other facilities furnished, issued or provided in connection with the navigation or movement of aircraft, and the control of movement of vehicles in any part of an airport used for the movement of aircraft.
Air Navigation Services