Aerodynamicists use _______ to test models of proposed aircraft.
In the tunnel, the engineer can carefully control the flow conditions which affect forces on the aircraft.
By making careful measurements of the forces on the model, the engineer can ___________ on the full-scale aircraft.
And by using special diagnostic techniques, the engineer can better understand and improve the performance of the aircraft.
wind tunnels ; predict the forces
In this type of Wind Tunnel,
Air density remains nearly constant
Decreasing the cross-sectional area causes the
flow to increase velocity and decrease
pressure, vice versa.
Test section is placed at the end of the
contraction section and upstream of the
In this type of Wind Tunnel,
Air density changes in the tunnel because of
Decreasing the cross-sectional area causes the
flow to decrease in velocity and increase
pressure, vice versa.
Test section is placed at the end of the
In a subsonic tunnel the area is
_________ into the test section; in
a supersonic tunnel the area is
contracting ; increasing
These are devices which provide an airstream flowing under controlled conditions so that items of interest to
aeronautical engineers can be tested.
Wind Tunnels
These types of tunnels are those whose usual operating speeds require the inclusion of compressible flow effects.
High-Speed Tunnels
High-speed wind tunnels are often of the “____________” type
Designs of Wind Tunnels
Intermittent, Continuous ; Return, Direct flow and Induced flow
Wind tunnels for intermittent operation may be of the ______________________.
blow-through or suction type
In a _________________, air is compressed to a very high pressure in a reservoir.
It is subsequently released through a valve into the nozzle and is eventually discharged into the
No great power is required, since the reservoir can be
charged up relatively slowly by means of a compressor, which does not have to be especially highly powered.
blow-through tunnel
Disadvantage of a Blow-through Wind Tunnel
Running time is short because of the limited compressed air in the reservoir
The stagnation Temperature and Pressure will vary during a run, due to the expansion of air in the reservoir, where the flow originates
In a typical _________, instead of the air flowing out of a compressed air reservoir, it is sucked into a previously evacuated chamber.
Throughout a run, the stagnation conditions
remain constant at the atmospheric value, since
the flow through the tunnel originates in the
atmosphere outside the tunnel.
Also, very high-pressure ratios are easily achieved, and
this implies that high Mach numbers can be
obtained, without the use of a chamber which
can withstand high pressurization.
suction type tunnel
Disadvantage of a Suction type wind tunnel
Running time is likely to be even
shorter than that of a blow-through
tunnel, especially at high Mach
In this type of tunnel, a high-speed jet
is forced through a narrow annular slot
downstream of the working section.
This jet induces the flow through the working
section which, if the blowing pressure is
high enough, will be supersonic.
Induced Flow Tunnels
Advantage of Induced Flow Tunnels
Their main advantage is that, while they
have the advantage of the blow-through
over the suction type tunnel in terms of
running time, they do not suffer from the
disadvantage of varying stagnation