5 groups of technical publication intended for operators
operating documents, maintenance documents, identification documents, special documents, vendors documents
4 types of Operating Documents
Master Servicing Manual
Airworthiness Limitations Section
Flight Manual
Master Minimum Equipment List
It specifies maintenance limits
Master Servicing Manual (MSM)
It defines the mandatory limits and checks
Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS)
- Intended for Flight crews.
- Specifies the limits, standard and emergency
procedures and aircraft performance data.
Flight Manual
Specifies the minimum list of equipment
necessary for flight.
Master Minimum Equipment List
6 Types of Maintenance Documents
Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Systems Description Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Standard Practices Manual
Wiring Diagram Manual
Special Index Modification
Specifies the maintenance procedures
necessary to service the aircraft.
Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM)
- Comprises part 1 of the AMM.
- Explains how the system operates.
Systems Description Manual (SDS)
- Used to identify and protect materials.
- Used to repair or replace structural
components and mechanical components.
Structural Repair Manual (SRM)
Combines all the general know-how and
knowledge necessary regarding
implementation, maintenance, checks,
standard repairs and technical and safety
instructions and storage conditions.
Standard Practices Manual
Combines all the aircraft wiring diagram.
Wiring Diagram Manual (WDM)
Lists the applicable modifications and their
corresponding SBs where applicable.
Special Index Modification (SIM)
2 types of Identification Documents
Illustrated Parts Catalog
Tool Catalog
Contains all the spare parts necessary to
ensure continued serviceability of the aircraft.
Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC)
Contains all the tools necessary to ensure
continued serviceability of the aircraft.
Tools Catalog
3 types of Special Documents
Service Bulletin (SB) - Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) - Emergency Alert Service Bulletin (EASB)
Airworthiness Directives
Information Notices (IN)
Intended to inform the operators of
instructions introduced following new events
(incidents, modifications, etc.). These
documents supplemented the aircraft
documents and are incorporated in the latter
by updates if necessary.
Service Bulletin (SB) - Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) - Emergency Alert Service Bulletin (EASB)
- Issued by the civil aviation regulatory body of
the country of origin of the aircraft. - It is intended to correct an unsafe condition in
a product. A product is an aircraft, engine,
propeller, or appliance.
Airworthiness Directives
- Issued for information.
- Their purpose is to remind operators of
existing maintenance procedures, or to inform
them of changes validated by the
Information Notices (IN)