Herzberg's Two Factor Theory Flashcards
According to Herzberg’s Two Factor theory, which are the two different facets of Motivation?
- Hygiene factors / Job CONTEXT
i.e. Extrinsic qualities of the job
symbolize Physiological needs - Satisfiers / Motivators / Job CONTENT
i.e. Intrinsic qualities of the job
symbolize Psychological needs
What are Hygiene factors / Job CONTEXT?
- extrincsic to work. are not instrinctic part of the job but are related to conditions under which job is performed.
- also called maintenance factors, as required to avoid dissatisfaction.
- when adequate/reasonable in a job, they pacify the employees and do not make them dissatisfied, but do not motivate them. if absent at workplace, they lead to dissatisfaction.
- these factors describe the Job Environment/Scenario.
- symbolize the Physiological needs which the individuals wanted and expected to be fulfilled.
What are Motivators / Job CONTENT?
- inherent to work. yeild +ve satisfaction.
- also called satisfiers as they motivate the employees for a superior performance
- These factors are involved in performing the job. Employees find these factors intrinsically rewarding.
- symbolize Psychological needs that were perceived as an additional benefit.
According to Herzberg, other than Motivation & Hygiene factor, which additional factor is important?
Personality of the Individual
According to Herzberg, which are the two types of individuals?
- Motivation seekers
primarily motivated by the Satisfiers / Motivation factors - Maintenance seekers
more concerned about Dissatisfiers / Hygiene factors
According to Herzberg, today’s motivators, would be tomorrow’s _________.
Because once they get any particular thing, it does not motivate them any longer.
Which theory was designed for the purpose of
Job Enrichment?
Herzberg’s Two Factor theory
Examples of Herzberg’s Maintenance Factors
1) Company Policy
2) Administrative Policies
5) Interpersonal Relations
6) Working Conditions
7) Job Security
Examples of Herzberg’s Motivation Factors
1) Achievement
2) Recognition
3) Work itself
4) Responsibility
5) Advancement
6) Growth & Promotion
In the field of motivation, which of the following is not a hygiene factor as per Two Factor Theory?
A. Supervision
B. Recognition
C. Salary
D. Job Security
E. None of the above
Recognition is not a hygiene factor.
Hygiene factors (Extrinsic factors) :
1) Company Policy
2) Administrative Policies
4) Salary
5) Interpersonal Relations
As per the two-factor theory, which of the following can be seen as the reason behind the employees not being satisfied
A. Lack of workplace’s cleanliness
B. Lack of good company policies
C. Lack of Salary
D. Lack of Challenging Tasks
E. Lack of a good working station
Lack of Challenging Tasks
Challenging Tasks is a Satisfaction/Motivation factor.
Rest of the options are Hygiene factors.
Figure: Herzberg’s view of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
MOTIVATORS spectrum from
(good) Satisfaction to (bad) No Satisfaction
HYGIENE FACTORS spectrum from
(good) No Dissatisfaction to (bad) Dissatisfaction
According to Herzberg, the opposite of Satisfaction is _________
No Satisfaction
According to Herzberg, the opposite of Dissatisfaction is _________
No Dissatisfaction
Figure: Change in state of employee on introduction of first HYGIENE FACTORS, then MOTIVATORS
- Staff is 👎dissatisfied and 😓unmotivated.
- ➡️Introduction of
- Staff is 😐
not dissatisfied
but 😓unmovtivated. - ➡️Introduction of MOTIVATORS
- Staff is 👍satisfied and 🤩motivated.
4 Situations as per Herzberg’s Two Factor theory
High → H, Low → L
Hygiene + Motivation → Few/Many Complaints + Motivated/NOT Motivated Employees
H Hygiene + H Motivation → Few Complaints + Highly Motivated Employees
H Hygiene + L Motivation → Few Complaints + NOT Motivated Employees.
Job is viewed as a PAYCHECK.
L Hygiene + H Motivation → Many Complaints + Motivated Employees.
Job is Exciting & Challenging but Salaries and Work Conditions are not at par.
L Hygiene + L Motivation → Many Complaints + NOT Motivated Employees
Herzberg drew conclusions from a limited experiment coverings Engineers & Accountants.
As a result, he puts too much importance on
A. Job _____________
B. ___________ Factors
Job Enrichment
Motivation Factors
Which factors are also known as KITA factors?
Hygiene factors (Kick in the ass)
Herzberg referred to Hygiene factors as KITA (Kick in the ass) factors, the process of providing Incentives or Threat of Punishment to make someone do something.
3 Types of KITA
giving just promotion or status without recognition -
threatening the employee to do work -
playing emotional games to get the work done
Which of the following statements is correct concerning Herzberg’s Motivation theory?
- Motivators encourage employees to work harder.
- Hygiene factors too encourage employees to work harder but they will make them unmotivated if they are not present.
- This theory is also known as the Dual Structure theory
1 & 3
Hygiene factors won’t encourage employees to work harder but they will cause them to become unmotivated if they are not present.
Movement and Motivation concept is invoked in which theory?
Herzberg’s theory
If you perform a work-related action because you want to, what’s it called?
Movement or Motivation?
If you perform a work-related action because you must, what’s it called?
Movement or Motivation?
Interpretation of Herzberg’s theory
In Short
4 Points In Short:
1) Satisfaction ❌ Dissatisfaction
2) Managers eliminating Job Dissatisfaction Factors may bring about peace, but may not necessarily Motivate their employees.
3) Thus Hygiene factors were characterized by Herzberg. These when adequate, people will not be dissatisfied, neither will they be satisfied.
4) If want to motivate, emphasize on factors associated with work itself. People find these intrinsically rewarding.
Interpretation of Herzberg’s theory
In Detail
In Detail:
1. According to Herzberg, the factors leading to Job Satisfaction are separate and distinct from those that lead to Job Dissatisfaction.
2. Therefore managers who seek to eliminate factors that can create job dissatisfaction may bring about PEACE but NOT NECESSARILY MOTIVATION. They will be placating their workforce rather than motivating them.
3. Thus conditions surrounding the job, like quality of supervison, pay, company policies, physical working conditions, relations with others, job security, were characterized by Herzberg as Hygiene factors. When they are adequate, people will NOT BE DISSATISFIED, NEITHER WILL THEY BE SATISFIED.
4. If we want to MOTIVATE people on their jobs, Herzberg suggested emphasizing factors associated with the WORK ITSELF or to outcomes directly derived from it, such as promotional opportunities, opportunities for personal growth, recognition, responsibility and achievement. These are characteristics that people find intrinsically rewarding.