Hepatitis A Flashcards
How many genotypes of HAV?
Three (I, II, III with subgenotypes IA, IB, IC, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB)
When is the highest risk of trasnmission of HAV?
In the prodromal phase prior to symtom onset, which lasts about one week
Why is HAV so stable in the environmnet?
It can withstand, drying, low pH, detergents
How long do symptoms persist in HAV infection?
2-8 weeks
What percentage of adults and children have symptomatic HAV?
Adults >70%, children <30%
What percetage of patients with HAV have relapsing hepatitis?
12% have relapsing hepatitis, 7% have prolonged cholestatis with pruritis and fatigue
What are the 5 presentations of HAV?
1) Asymptomatic 2) Hepatitis (jaundice etc) 3) Cholestatic hepatitis 4) Relapsing hepatitis 5) Fulminant hepatitis
What are symptoms of acute liver failure in HAV?
Rapid deterioration in liver function, hepatitic encephalopahty, loss of cognitiive brain fucntion, motor dysfunction
What % of patients with acute liver failure from HAV recover?
70% recover spontaneously with conservative therapty (fluids treating hypoglycaemia and electrolyte imbalacne, Abx and rest) 30% require liver transplant
What are the signs of severe acute liver failure?
Deterioration of hepatic systemic function - coagulopathy, reduced INR, rising creatinine, drop in serum albumin, rising blood ammonia and hepatitic encepahlopahty
What are extra-hepatitic manifestations of HAV?
Acute kidney injury, cryoglobulinaemia, cholecysisits, pancreatitis, pleural effusion, pneumonitiis, haemolysis, rash, reactive arthrititis, neurological (mononeuritis, GBS, transverse myeltitis, neuritis)
Who is at risk of severe disease with HAV?
1) Patients with chronic liver disease 2) Severely immunosuppressed 3) Elderly (>50 y!!)
How long does viraemia and feacal shedding last in HAV infection?
Viraemia can last several months, faecel shedding can last for 6 months, and RNA detected in liver for up to 12 m
Is HAV IgM likely to be positive at onset of symptoms?
Can be falsely negative if collected <5 days post symptom onset
What region of the HAV genome is used for RT-PCR and what is used for genotyping?
PCR = 5’ NCR and genotyping = VP1-pX
What type of HAV vaccines are available in the UK?
Inactivated, either monovalent or combined with HBV or typhoid
Vaccine schedule for HAV vaccine
Primary dose gives 1 years protection, 2 doses 6-12 m apart >25 y immunity