Hematology/Oncology Flashcards
Most common cause of anemia
Iron deficiency
Name 3 types of microcytic hypochromic anemias
Iron deficiency
X linked recessive disorder with bite cells and Heinz bodies found in peripheral smear
G6PD deficiency
What abn labs do you expect with hereditary spherocytosis?
RBC lack central pallor and have increased osmotic fragility
Electrophoresis reveals HbS
Sickle cell dz
Pancytopenia and bone marrow biopsy shows absence of precursors if hematopoesis
Aplastic anemia
To determine protest probability for DVT or PE use this
Well’s criteria
CXR findings for PE
Hampton’s hump and westemark sign
If pt is hemodynamically stable what test do you use to confirm PE?
CTPA or VQ scan
If pt is NOT hemodynamically stable what test do you use to confirm PE?
Echocardiogram to look for R ventricular collapse
Auer rods
Acute myeloid leukemia(AML)
Associated with abn BCR-ABL1 gene/Philadelphia chromosome
Chronic myeloid leukemia(CML)
Lymphoma seen in young adults associated with EBV and presenting with severe pain after alcohol
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Fatigue, bone pain, and neurological changes in a 66yr old African American should make you think of this
Multiple myeloma
Pathology of anemia of chronic dz/anemia of inflammation
Hepcidin induced alteration in iron metabolism
This type of thalassemia is more common in people of Mediterranean descent
Thalassemia B
This type of Thalassemia is more common in people of African and Asian descent
Thalassemia A
What 4 things might you see on peripheral smear in Sickle cell dz?
Sickle cells
Nucleated RCBs
Target cells
Howell-Jolly bodies
Most common acute leukemia in adults
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Rare EKG findings for PE
Reed-Sternberg cells (multinucleated popcorn cells)
Hodgkins Lymphoma
X rays show generalized osteoporosis with lytic lesions
Multiple myeloma
Iron studies for iron deficiency anemia
Low ferritin and iron
High TIBC and tranferrin
What does peripheral smear look like with iron deficiency?
Anisocytosis and poikilocytosis
MCV for microcytic anemia
MCV for macrocytic anemia
> 100
Immature RCB are called and indicate what in anemia?
Indicate anemia is due to blood loss or increased RBC destruction (not a synthesis or bone marrow issue)
Cooley’s anemia
AKA beta thalassemia major
Born with no problem but developed severe anemia over the first year of life as fetal Hgb is no longer available
Basophillic stippling
Associated with Beta thalassemia, lead poisonous and sideroblastic anemia
Type of anemia associated with chronic alcoholism
Heinz bodies
Associated with alpha thalassemia and G6 PD
Megaloblastic anemia with glossitis and vague GI symptoms that developed over months
Folate deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia with glossitis, jaundice, splenomegaly and neurological findings that developed over years
B12 deficiency
This medication will decrease incidence of painful sickle cell crises
Chronic lymphoid neoplasm caused by progressive accumulation of functionality incompetent B lymphocytes
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia(CLL)
Most common inherited clotting disorder
Von willebrand dz
Deficiency in factor VII
Hemophilia A
Deficiency in factor IX
Hemophillia B
Christmas disease
Hemophilia B
Reduction in synthesis of globin chains
Second most common cause of anemia
Chronic disease/inflammation
What do you expect to see in peripheral smear of sideroblastic anemia?
Siderocytes and pappenheimer bodies
Megaloblastic anemia with elevated homocysteine and normal methylmalonic acid levels
Folate deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia with elevated homocysteine and elevated methylmalonic acid levels
B12 deficiency
Positive shillings test
B12 deficiency
Spontaneous hemarthrosis should make you think
Rare deficiency in clotting factor XI seen more in Ashkenazi Jews
Hemophilia C
Pernicious anemia pathology
Autoimmune response to intrinsic factor that prevents absorption of dietary B12
Iron studies in anemia of chronic dz
Fe and TIBC low
Ferritin elevated
Episodic hemolytic anemia associated with sulfa drugs, favs beans, and infections
Rouleaux formation
RBC stack together like coins on peripheral smear
Suggestive of multiple myeloma
Coarse blue granules in RBCs
Basophillic stippling
Sideroblastic anemia, heavy metal poisioning, thalassemia
B12 deficiency etiologies
Pernicious anemia
Strict vegans
Malabsorption:ETOH, celiacs, crohns
Potential side effect of b12 therapy
Clinical presentation of Fe deficiency anemia
Pagophagia(ice craving), pics, angular checkouts, koilonychia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Dysphasia, esophageal webs, strophic glossitis and Fe deficiency anemia
What increases Fe absorption?
vit C
Iron chelation agents that can be used in thalassemia tx
IV Deferoxamine or PO Deferasirox
MC population to be affected by G6PD deficiency
African American males
Tx for sickle cell crisis
IV hydration, O2, and narcotic for pain control
Measures efficacy of intrinsic coagulation cascade
Measures efficacy of extrinsic coagulation cascade
Abs to ADAMTS13 leads to large vWF —> Sm vessel thrombosis and hemolytic anemia
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
TTP treatment of choice
*sometimes corticosteroids are used
Desmopressin has these 2 effects on the clotting cascade
Increases factor VIII and vWF
MC hereditary bleeding disorder
Von Willebrand Disease
Thrombocytopenia labs
PT and PTT unaffected
Bleeding time prolonged
Platelet count low
Hemophillia labs
PT, bleeding time, platelet count are unaffected
PTT prolonged
Von willibrand disease labs
PT and platelet count unaffected
Bleeding time and PTT prolonged
Warfarin/vit K deficiency labs
PT prolonged
PTT, bleeding time, and platelet count unaffected
Clinical manifestation of multiple myeloma
Bone pain Recurrent infections Elevated calcium Anemia Kidney failure
Tx for multiple myeloma
Autologous stem cell transplant
MC cause of inherited hypercoagulability
Factor V Leiden mutation
Warfarin induced skin necrosis is associated with this inherited hypercoagulability disorder
Protein C deficiency
Tx of choice for Hodgkin lymphoma
Dacarbazine, bleomycin, vinblastine, and doxrubicin (ABVD)
Variation in RBC size
RDW >15%
To diagnose anemia Hgb level must be:
<14 in men
<12 in women
Average lifespan of a RBC
Variation in RBC shape
Blue reticulocytes
Lots of blue means lots of new
Cold agglutinins
Warm agglutinins
What can precipitate a sickle cell crisis?
Dehydration, hypoxia,high altitude, or intense exercise
PTT rest is used to assess
Intrinsic and common coagulation pathways
Monitor heparin
PT test is used to asses
Extrinsic and common coagulation pathways
Monitor warfarin
Factor 8 deficiency
Hemophillia A
Factor 9 deficiency
Hemophillia B
INR goals
1.5-2 prophylaxis
2-3 VTE, afib, or aortic valve
2.5-3.5 mitral valve replacement
AKI in children after a O157:H7 E. coli infection
Ab against ADAMTS-13
Describe IgM
Large, first responder Ab
Lives up to 10d
When sound you screen babies for iron deficiency anemia?
G6PD deficiency is associated with which ethnicities?
African, Mediterranean, and Asian
MC bleeding disorder in peds
MC inherited bleeding disorder
vWF deficiency
This disorder is associated with warfarin induced skin necrosis
Protein C deficiency
Cofactor for protein C
Protein S
Activates protein C
Factor V Leiden
MC small vessel vasculitis
Palpable purpura should make you think of this
MC soiling tumor in childhood
Brain tumor
MC abdominal tumor in peds
- crosses midline
2nd MC abd tumor in peds
Nephroblastoma(Wilms tumor)
*rarely crosses midline
MC primary bone tumor in peds
2nd MC bone tumor in peds
Ewing’s sarcoma
Rhabdomyosarcomas are MC located
On head and neck
MC type of skin Ca
Describe BCC
*MC in head and neck
Describe SCC
AKs May develop into this type of skin Ca
MC type of malignant melanoma
Superficial spreading
Progressive dysphasia should make you concerned for this
Esophageal cancer
This type of esophageal cancer is associated with smoking, ETOH consumption, and is more common in African Americans
This type of esophageal cancer is associated with GERD and is more common in Caucasian males
> 90% of stomach cancers are
Enlarged left supraclavicular LN associated with GI Ca
Virchow’s node
Enlarged periumbilical LN associated with GI Ca
Sister Many Joseph’s node
Enlarged left axillary LN associated with GI Ca
Irish node
Blood marker used to monitor colon cancer recurrence
When do colonoscopies start for pt with FAP?
When do colonoscopies start for pts with Lynch syndrome/HNPCC?
How do you diagnose Lynch syndrome/HNPCC?
Amsterdam Criteria
3 family members
2 generations
1 under 50
What is the MC site for lung cancer to metastasize to?
Most metastatic brain cancer originated from the…
Identify the lung cancer type: originated in central airways, Hilar mass, very aggressive
Small cell carcinoma/oat cell
Identify the lung cancer type: Most common type, distal/peripheral mass
Identify the lung cancer type: central/main bronchus origin, cavitary masses, hemoptysis
Identify the lung cancer type: very aggressive, can be central or peripheral
Large cell carcinoma
What paraneoplastic syndrome(s) is small/oat cell lung cancer associated with?
SVC syndrome
What paraneoplastic syndrome(s) is Adenocarcinoma lung cancer associated with?
Usually none
What paraneoplastic syndrome(s) is squamous cell lung cancer associated with?
PTH secretion->bone destruction
Pancost syndrome (Horner’s + unilateral weakness)
What paraneoplastic syndrome(s) is Large cell lung cancer associated with?
HCG secretion-> gynecomastia
MC type of breast cancer
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
Compare: ductal carcinoma in situ with lobular carcinoma in situ
Ductal carcinoma in situ May become invasive so should be treated as malignancy
Lobular carcinoma in situ does NOT become invasive so it does not warrant treatment but women should have increased surveillance since they are at greater risk for invasive carcinoma
How does ductal carcinoma in situ appear on mammogram?
Cluster pleomorphic calcifications
This type of breast cancer is often bilateral and estrogen receptor positive.
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
How do you treat vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)?
If usual type associated with HPV in younger women: CO2 laser vaporization
If differentiated type not associated with HPV in older women: excision
MC symptom of vulvar cancer
Age distribution of vulvar cancer
Bimodal 20-40 and 60-70
Elderly women who develop vulvar cancer often have hx of these conditions(3)
Lichen sclerosis
Lichen simplex chronicus
Squamous cell hyperplasia
MC type of vaginal cancer
Vaginal cancer is MC caused by
Mets from endometrium, cervix, or ovaries
Concerning features of adenexal masses (3)
Thick >2mm septations
Modular or papillary solid component
Increased blood flow
4 subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer
Serous (MC 80%)
Clear cell
Epithelial ovarian cancer is associated with this blood marker
5 subtypes of ovarian germ cell tumors
Dysgerminoma (MC) Endodermis sinus Immature teratoma Embryonal carcinoma Choriocarcinoma
Who gets germ cell ovarian tumors?
Young women in 20-30s
Germ cell ovarian tumors are associated with this blood marker
2 subtypes of sex-cord stromal ovarian tumors
Granulosa (MC)
What hormone changes occur with sex-cord stromal ovarian tumors?
Granulosa: hyperestrogenism
What do you do if PAP comes back back ASCUS or LSIL (most CIN I)?
Repeat PAP in 12m
What do you do if your PAP comes back HSIL-CIN I?
PAP in 6m
What do you do if your PAP comes back HSIL or ASCH (usually CIN2 or >)?
MC type GYN cancer
2nd MC type of GYN cancer
Increased tranferrin
Increased TIBC
Decreased Ferritin
Iron deficiency anemia
*decreased serum Fe present in iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic dz
Decreased tranferrin
Decreased TIBC
Increased ferritin
Anemia of chronic dz
*decreased serum Fe present in iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic dz
G6PD episodic hemolysis is associated with(3)
Sulfa drugs
Favs beans
*states of increased oxidative stress
Rouleaux formation
RBCs stacked together
Suggest multiple myeloma
Where is B12 absorbed?
Terminal ileum (CD)
Ice craving
Polycythemia Vera
Overproduction of all 3 myeloid cell line
Bronze diabetes
Hereditary hemochromatosis
Howell-Jolly bodies should make you think of
B12 or folate deficient anemia, sickle cell anemia and celiac disease