Heating and cooling curves Flashcards
What do heating and cooling curves do?
Heating and cooling curves model changes of state like when a solid changes into a liquid (melting) or when a gas changes into a liquid (condensing).
solid—-> liquid=?
What is a heating and cooling curve?
A heating or cooling curve is a simple line graph that shows the phase changes a given substance undergoes with increasing or decreasing temperature.
What is the y axis?
temperature is measured on the vertical y-axis
What is the x-axis?
the amount of heat added over time is measured on
the horizontal x-axis.
In general what goes up the longer the heating continues
The temperature goes up the longer the heating continues
What occurs when there is a change of state? (in terms of the graph)
two horizontal flat parts of the graph
What happens when a substance melts? (temp)
The temperature stays the same while a substance melts (0 degrees celsius for water)
What happens when a substance boils?
The temperature stays the same for while a substance boils (100 degrees celsius for water)
What happens when a substance is heated?
When heated, the substance absorbs the energy. This, then, causes the system to change its state. For instance, a substance in a solid-state will change into another state, e.g. liquid state, as it absorbs heat energy.
When is a plateau reached?
A plateau is reached when the substance reaches the melting point, i.e. changing from solid to liquid.
When is a plateau reached, does the temperature change?
No, the temperature does not change. The heat supplied is being used up in changing the state of the substance by overcoming the forces of attraction between the particles.
What happens to the substance as it melts and boils
The temperature of a substance remains constant at its melting and boiling points until all the substance melts or boils.
What happens with a further increase of temperature in a substance that turned into a liquid?
With further increase in temperature, the substance that turned into liquid will turn into gas as it absorbs energy.
Pure substances have…?
Pure substances have specific melting, freezing and boiling points.
A substance (solid) containing impurities usually…
melts at a lower temperature than the pure compound. It can also melt over a wide range of temperatures.
What happens when an impurity is added to a liquid,
its boiling point is elevated i.e. its boiling point is increased.
What is the melting/ freezing point?
the melting point or freezing point is the temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of a substance can exist in equilibrium.
For pure substances the opposite of melting point is
the freezing point
For pure substances the opposite of boiling point is
The point of condensation
What is latent heat?
the energy absorbed or released by a substance
during a change in its physical state (phase) that occurs without changing its temperature.
The latent heat associated with melting a solid is called what?
the heat of fusion.
What is the heat of fusion?
It is the amount of heat required to change a substance at the temperature of its melting point from the solid to the liquid state without changing temperature.
That associated with vaporizing a liquid is called what?
the heat of vaporization.
What is the heat of vaporization?
It is the amount of heat required for the
transformation of a liquid at its boiling point to gas at a constant temperature.
Latent heat arises from what?
the energy required to overcome the forces that hold together atoms or molecules in a material.