Heart Anatomy And Conduction Flashcards
Septa the two types
Interatrial - separates atria into the left atrium and the right atrium
Interventricular- sprayed the ventricles
Four heart valves
aorta and pulmonary
Two atrioventricular valves
Tricuspid and mitral
Heart sound lib dub
Sound of blood hitting SL and AV valve as they close
Related to ventricles contracting and relaxing
Semilunar valves location number of flaps and action of SL valve
Located at opening of arteries
Consisting of 3 moon shaped flaps
Pushed against artery wall during ventricular contraction
As ventricle relax SL prevent back flow of blood into ventricules
Atrioventricular valves and function
Right AV valve tricuspid
Left AV valve mitral
Valves passively as builds ventricle during systole and prevents back full of blood into the atria
Associated structures with atrioventricular valves
Chordae tendinae chords prevent AV valve inversion
Papillary muscle the chordae tendinae
Lub dub sounds of a heartbeat
Lub closure of the AV valves at the start of ventricular systole
Dub closure of the SL valves at the end of ventricular systole
Tissues around the heart
Pericardium is double walled sac
What makes up the pericardium?
Starting from the top is the fibrous outer wall
Then is the parietal layer and then visceral layer, which are both the inner wall
What does the heart wall consist of from top to bottom?
Visceral pericardium layer aka epicardium
Epicardium, a.k.a. visceral pericardium
The outermost layer of the heart wall
Middle layer made of cardiac muscle and has connective tissue to support cardiac muscle fibers and heart valves
Innermost layer, composed of simple squamous epithelium
Systemic circulation
Carries blood to all tissues and transports the deoxygenated blood back to the heart
Order of the systemic circulation
Left ventricle
Aorta semilunar valve
Other arteries
Capillaries bed
Vena cava
Right atrium
Pulmonary circulation
Carries the deoxygenated blood back to the lungs for gas exchange and brings oxygenated blood to the heart
Order of pulmonary circulation
Right ventricle
Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary arteries
Capillaries within lungs
Left atrium
What type of conduction is the heart?
The intrinsic conduction of the heart is made of what cells…
Composed of noncontract, I’ll cardiac pacemaker cells that generate