Arterial diastole
Blood delivered into atria via veins
80% of blood passively into ventricles
Atrial systole
Last 20% of blood left in each had delivered to ventricles by atrial systole
Ventricular systole
Begins shortly after atrial systole
ventricular contraction, begin pressure rises , closing the AV valve
Ejection phase ventricular systole
As pressure begins to rise in the ventricles, blood is pumped into the great arteries
Ventricular diastole
Cycle repeats
Cardiac cycle steps
Ventricular filling, isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric relaxation
Ventricular filling
Atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure AV valves are open, and blood flows into atria and into the ventricles SL valve closed
The atria contract to complete the filling of ventricles and ventricular diastole ends
Isovolmetric contraction
Contraction of ventricles begin and ventricle pressure increases closing the AV valves and SL still closed
Ventricular ejection
Ventricular pressure rises when pressure is exceeded the SL valves open and blood is ejected
Iso volumetric relaxation
Ventricles, relax, decreasing pressure, ventricles and SL valves close AV valve already closed
Dicrotic notch
Results of a pressure fluctuation that occurs when the aortic valve snaps shut
A statoscope is used to ask ausculate what heart sounds
first # heart zone lub closure of the AV valves
Second heart sound dub closure of the SL valves
Heart murmur and what can it indicate?
Abnormal heart sound can indicate a defect in one of the valves
Surges of pressure and arteries equivalent to the heart rate
It’s heart pushing out blood during cardiac cycle
Heart rate
Number of beats per minute
Normal is 60 to 100
Average is 70 to 76
How long does average heartbeat last?
Point eight seconds
How to calculate heart rate from heartbeat length
60 seconds / by heartbeat duration
Blood pressure
Pressure exerted against walls of arteries what drugs
Systolic blood pressure
Pressure exerted against walls of arteries during ventricular systole
Diastolic blood pressure
Pressure exerted against arterial wall during ventricular diastole
Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer in what unit
In MMHG expressed S / D
Hypertension, stage 2 blood pressure example
Systolic over 140 or diastolic over 90
Hypertensive crisis, blood pressure example
Systolic higher than 180 and or diastolic higher than 120
High blood pressure stage one example
Systolic 130 to 139 or diastolic 80 to 89
How to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Play blood pressure cuff on upper left arm
Stethoscope on brachial artery
Inflate pressure cuff until circulation is cut off
Use knob to slowly release pressure
The first knocking sound is the systolic pressure
When that sound disappears, that is the reading for the diastolic pressure