Heart Flashcards
Normal Weight
280 - 340 grams male
230 - 280 grams female
Sternocostal/ Anterior Surface
Right Ventricle
Base of the heart
Left atrium
Apex of the heart
Left ventricle
Diaphragmaticc/Inferior Surface
both Ventricles
Pulmonary/Left surface
Left Ventricle
Borders of the Heart
Right - right atrium
Inferior - right ventricle
Left - Left ventricle
Superior - right/left auricle
Auscultation of Tricuspid Valve
Lower end of sternum
Auscultation of Aortic Valve
2nd RICS
Auscultation of Pumonic Valve
2nd LICS
Auscultation of Mitral Valve
Right Coronary Artery
- Right acute marginal branch
- Small Cardiac Vein
- Posterior Interventricular Branch
- Middle Cardiac Vein
Left Coronary Artery
- Anterior Interventricular Branch (LAD)
- Great Cardiac Vein
- Circumflex Branch
- Posterior vein of left ventricle
Venous Drainage of Right Atrium
- Coronary Sinus
- Anterior Cardiac Vein
- Venae Cordis Minimae
Venous Drainage of Coronary Sinus
- Great Cardiac Vein
- Small Cardiac Vein
- Middle Cardiac Vein
blood supply of left atrium and ventricle
circumflex branch of the left coronary
blood supply of interventricuar septum and apex
anterior interventricular branch of left coronary
blood supply of right ventricle
anterior interventricular artery and marginal branch of right coronary
blood supply of right atrium
right coronary artery
SA node
- pacemaker
2. within the atrial wall on the right side of its junction with SVC
AV node
interatrial septum superior to the opening of coronary sinus
AV bundle
Bundle of His
membranous part of interventricular septum
Right/Left Bundle Branches
muscluar part of intervetricular septum
Purkinjie fibers
subendocardial layer
Large anterior wall MI
- Proximal LAD
2. I, avL, V1 - V6
- Distal LAD
2. V2 - V4
Inferior wall
- Distal LAD
2. II, III, avF
- Distal LAD
2. V1 - V3
- Circumflex
2. V4 - V6
Remnant of Foramen Ovale
Fossa Ovalis
Location of Moderator Band
Right Ventricle
Modified trabeculae carnae that crosses the interventricular septum
moderator band
Most posterior of the 4 chambers
Left Atrium
Primitive Atrium
Left Atrium
Right horn of Sinus Venosus
Right Atrium
Left horn of Sinus Venosus
Coronary Sinus
Primitive Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Bubus Cordis
Right Ventricle
Truncus Arteriosus
Root of the aorta and pulmonary trunk
Ligamentum Teres
Umbilical vein
ligamentum venosum
ductus venosus
medial umbilical ligametn
umbilical artery
fossa ovalis
foramen ovale
ligamentum arteriosum
ductus arteriosus
1st pair of aortic arch
maxillary arteries
2nd pair of aortic arch
stapedial arteries
3rd pair of aortic arch
proximal - common carotid artery
distal - internal carotid artery
4th pair of aortic arch
left - arch of aorta
right - right subclavian artery
6th pair of aortic arch
- proximal - left pulmonary artery
- distal - ductus arteriosus
- proximal - right pulmonary artery
- distal - degenerates
Umbilical/Allantoic/Placental Veins
returns blood from the placenta
involutes after birth
Vitelline/Omphalomesenteric Veins
returns blood from the splanchopleura
becomes portal system
Cardinal Veins
returns blood from the somatopleura of the embryo
becomes the CAVAL system
Umbilical Veins
Carry well oxygenated blood from the placenta to the sinus venosus
Right disappears at the end of embryonic period