Heart Flashcards
Describe the position of the heart in the thoracic cavity.
What space in the thoracic cavity does it occupy?
It is on the ___ surface of diaphrgam. 2/3 of heart is to the R/L of midsternal line. It is ___ to the vertebral column, ___ to the sternum.
Base leans toward ___. Apex points to ___. Apical impulse palpatated between the __ and __ ribs, just below the ___.
-In mediastinum between second rib and fifth intercostal space
- On superior surface of diaphragm
- Two-thirds of heart to left of midsternal line
- Anterior to vertebral column, posterior to sternum
- Base (posterior surface) leans toward right shoulder
- Apex points toward left hip
- Apical impulse palpated between fifth and sixth ribs, just below left nipple
What does AV valve stand for and what do they do? What are the 2 types? Are they L or R?
- atrioventricular valve
- Prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contract
- Tricuspid valve (right AV valve)
- Mitral valve (left AV valve, bicuspid valve)
What is the function of the chordae tendinee? (2)
anchor cusps to papillary muscles & Hold valve flaps in closed position
___ carries blood away from the heart and ___ carries blood to the heart
arteries = away veins = towards
What are the 2 transport systems of the heart?
Where do the two receiving chambers from the heart receive blood from?
Where do the two Pumping chambers of heart pump blood to?
right = pulmonary circuit left = systemic
receiving chamber
right = systemic circuit
left = pulmonary circuit
pumping chamber
right = pulmonary
left = systemic
What are the coverings of the heart called? What are its layers?
Where is the pericardial cavity located? What is the function of the pericardial cavity?
-between the visceral and parietal layer -decreases friction
What is the function of the fibrous pericardium? (3)
Protects, anchors to surrounding structures, and prevents overfilling
What are the 3 layers of the heart wall and what are their functions?
epicardium - Visceral layer of serous pericardium
myocardium = spiral budles of cardiac muscle cells that make the cardiac skeleton
endocardium = endothelial lining of blood vessels
Discuss the structure and significance of the endocardium.
- continuous with endothelial lining of blood vessels
- Lines heart chambers
- covers cardiac skeleton of valves
___ separates the atria and the ___ separates the ventricles
atria = interatrial septum ventricles = interventricular septum
___ is the remnant of foramen ovale of fetal heart. What did it used to do?
- fossa ovalis
- connected the two atria together when they were babies
What are the 3 sulcus? Where are they?
- coronary sulcus: Encircles junction of atria and ventricle
- Anterior interventricular sulcus in the front and Posterior interventricular sulcus in the back, both separate the ventricles
What are auricles?
Appendages that increase atrial volume
Where are pectinate muscles located? Where are they not located?
located in R atrium, abscent in L atrium (only in auricles)
Are atria wall thin or thick? Do they contribute to the propulsion of blood?
What veins empty into the right atrium? the left?
-Small, thin-walled
-Contribute little to propulsion of blood
-Three veins empty into right atrium:
Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, coronary sinus
-Four pulmonary veins empty into left atrium
The ___ ventricle is most of the anterior, and the ___ ventricle is most of the posteroinferior surface.
- Right ventricle - most of anterior surface
- Left ventricle – posteroinferior surface
Where are Trabeculae carneae located? What are they?
irregular ridges of muscle on walls
What muscles anchor the chordae tendinae?
papillary muscles
Are ventricles walls thick or thin? Its function is to ___. R ventricle pumps blood into ___ and the L ventricle into the ___.
R ventricle into pulmonary trunk
L ventricle into aorta
Describe blood flow in the heart. What is the pulmonary circuit? Systemic?
vena cava > R atrium > tricuspid valve > R ventricle > pulmonary semilunar valve > pulmonary trunk > pulmonary arteries > lungs > pulmonary veins > L atrium > mitral valve > L ventricle > aortic semilunar valve > aorta > body/systemic circulation
pulmonary circuit from R atrium to L atrium
L atrium to the vena cava is systemic
The thicker side of the heart is always the ___ side because it pushes de/oxygenated blood to the ___.
left because pushes oxygenated blood to the body
What is the function of heart valves? What do AV valves do? What is the R AV valve called? The Left? WHat holds valve flaps in closed position?
What do semilulmar (SL) valves do? What are the 2?
- Ensure unidirectional blood flow through heart
- atrioventricular (AV) valves Prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contrats
- R AV valve = tricuspid
- L AV valve = mitral
- Chordae tendineae anchored to papillary muscles
- Prevent backflow into ventricles when ventricles relax
- Aortic semilunar valve
- Pulmonary semilunar valve
What are the steps to the closing and openings of AV valves?
What are the steps to opening and closing of the SL valves?