Health Promotion of Infant Flashcards
Primitive reflexes
-Step (baby is held upright and appears to step although unable to walk)
-Root (lips attempt) to latch onto something
-Suck (sucking on nipple)
-Moro (sudden loss of support, arms spread out and baby may cry)
-Asymmetric tonic neck (turns head, limbs on that side extend while opposite limbs flex)
-Palmar grasp
-Plantar grasp
Promoting optimum growth and development
-Biologic: posterior fontal closes by 2 months, anterior fontanel closes 12-18 m
-Proportional changes: weight gain 5-7 oz/week, double BW by 6 m, triple BW by 1 y, double length by 1 y
-Growth spurts rather than gradual pattern
Sensory changes
-Visual preference for human face
-Can distinguish between family and strangers at 6 m
-Vision (binocularity) begins at 6 weeks
-Depth perception (stereopsis) begins by 7-9 m
-Hearing is present at birth, turns head toward noise by 2-3 m
Fine motor development
-Grasps object (2 m)
-Transfer object between hands (7 m)
-Pincer grasp (10 m)
-Removes objects from container (11 m)
-Build tower of 2 blocks (12 m)
Gross motor development
-Head control
-Roll over (5 m)
-Sits alone (7 m)
-Moves from prone to sitting position (10 m)
Psychosocial development
-Erikson’s phase 1: developing sense of trust
-Trust vs mistrust
-Caregiver-parent relationship is important
-Importance of consistency of care
-Needs must be met: feeding, comfort, stimulation, caring needs
Cognitive development
-Sensorimotor phase
-Reflex stage: birth - 1 m
-Primary circular rxns: 1 - 4 m
-Secondary circular rxns: 4 - 8 m, imitation, play, affect
-Coordination of secondary schema: 8 - 12 m, beginning of intellectual reasoning such as object permanence
Head control
-Head lag (grab arms, can’t pull head up, don’t have C curve in spine)
-No head lag at 4 m
-Risk of aspiration w/o head lag
-Lifts head, chest, upper abdomen, and can bear weight on hands at 6 m (tummy time helps w/ head control)
Sitting control
-Back is only rounded in lumbar area t 4 m
-Can sit alone at 7 m, but need support of hands
-Sits w/o support at 8 m
Parachute reflex
-Appears at 6-9 m and persists thereafter
-Holding child in ventro suspension and lowering them to the floor
-Arms extended and fingers fan out
-In children w/ cerebral palsy, reflex may be absent or abnormal, it would be symmetrical in spastic hemiplegia
-Cephalocaudal direction (head to tail)
-Increased coordination of extremities at 4 m
-Crawling at 6 m (usually backwards)
-Creeping at 9 m (moving along surfaces)
-Walk w/ assistance at 11 m
-Walk alone at 1 y
Development of body image
-Object permanence: peek-a-boo, container play, stacking play, sensorimotor activites
-By end of 1st year, child recognizes they are distinct from parents
-Increased interest in image
-Child learns body is useful
Social development
-Separation anxiety: 8 m, babies scared when meeting new people, feel safe with parents
-Stranger anxiety: manifesting by crying when unfamiliar person approaches, usually abates by age 2, linked w/ developmental task of distinguishing familiar from unfamiliar
-Play as a major socializing agent
Language development
-Crying is 1st
-Vocalization: 6 weeks
-Coo, gurgle, laughing: 3 m
-Imitate sounds: 8 m
-Comprehend “no” and follows commands: 9 m
-Ascribe meaning to word: 10 m
-3 to 5 words w/ meaning: 1 y
Promoting optimum health during infancy
-Breastfeeding for 1st 6 m
-No additional fluids in 1st 4 m
-No honey in 1st year
-Introduction of solid foods after 6 m (introduce at intervals of 1 week to allow for ID for allergies)
-Finger foods at 9 m
-Weaning from breast or bottle to cup after 1 y (risk for attachment issues)
-Avoid large quantities of fruit juice
Sleep and activity
-Nocturnal pattern of 9-11 hours by 3 m
-Total daily sleep: 15 m
-Back to Sleep campaign (prevent SIDS)
-Sleeping arrangements (discourage cosleeping and objects in crib for safety)
-Firm mattress to prevent SIDS
States of sleep and activity
-Deep sleep
-Light sleep
-Quiet alert state: infant’s eyes are open wide and body is calm (best time to breastfeed)
-Active alert state
Oral care
-Importance of sucking in infancy
-Safety considerations of pacifiers
-Teething during 1st 2 years
-Age of child in months - 6 = # of teeth
-8 m/o should have 2 teeth
-Pacifiers for older infants are firmer
Dental health
-Avoidance of early childhood caries
-Cleaning begins w/ primary teeth eruption
-1st dental visit at 6 m (1st tooth)
-Water is preferred to toothpaste until age 2 y
-Consider need for fluoride supplements
Injury prevention
-Aspiration of foreign objects
-MVA: car seat expires after 7 y
Anticipatory guidance
-1/3 of injuries occur at home
-Feeding habits
-Sleep pattern
-Cannot spoil infant too much the 1st 6 m
-Stress importance of immunization