Chapter 27: child w/ cardiovascular dysfxn Flashcards
Birth changes
-Foramen ovale: closes w/ exposure fo O2
-Ductus arteriosus: starts to close w/ increased O2
-Murmur: normal, will be outgrown
-Tachy, brady, BP
Cardiac catheterization
-Severe cases
-Very invasive
-Post op bleeding
-Keep legs straight for 4-6 hrs
-Sedation may be needed to keep the child still
Cardiac catheterization: Nursing mgmt
-NPO (risk of hypoglycemia)
-Sedation (risk of respiratory arrest)
-Monitor pulses, temp, colors of extremity
-VS q15m
-Prevent immobility
s/s of cardiac disorder
-Cyanosis (bluish tints of lips)
-Clubbing (not common in child unless w/ CF)
-Retractions (hard to eat, risk of being underweight)
-Prominence of precordial chest wall (seen in cardiomegaly)
-Engorged or abnormal pulsations
-Abdominal distention (usually liver)
-Hypoxemia: low arterial O2 tension (give prostaglandin E1)
-Hypoxia: low O2 in tissue
-Cyanosis: low O2 in blood
-s/s: polycythemia, clubbing, hypercyanotic (TET) spells (sudden episode of profound cyanosis and hypoxia)
Indicators of cardiac dysfxn
-Poor feeding
-Development delays
-Diaphoresis (babies don’t sweat, child shouldn’t be dripping sweat)
Types of cardiac defects
-Anatomic, abnormal fxn, majority of birth defects
-After birth, disease process, can be complication of CHD
Hx indicators of cardiac dysfxn
-s/s occur 4-12 weeks after birth (FTT, diaphoresis, cyanosis)
-Developmental delays: not meeting milestones
-Prenatal hx: exposure, autoimmune disorders, med use
-Family hx: 1st degree genetic link
-Chronic illness –> DM or PKU, alc consumption, teratogen exposure
-Genetic –> family hx
-Chromosomal abnormalities
-Altered hemodynamics
-Most sympotamic in 1st yr of life
-Major cause of death in 1st year of life (failure to identify issue)
-Most common anomaly is VSD (ventricular septal defect)
Causes of CHD
-Maternal drug use (FAS)
-Maternal illness: rubella in 1st 7 weeks –> PDA, pulmonary branch stenosis; CMV, toxoplasmosis, virus –> cardiac defect; diabetic mothers –> cardiomyopathy, TGA
CHF and CF
-Volume overload
-Pressure overload
-Decreased contractility
-High output demands
-Right side failure: hepatomegaly and edema in extremities
-Left side failure: pulmonary edema
Compensatory mechanisms
-Cardiac reserve: hypertrophy of cardiac muscle
-CO: stimulation of SNS to maintain
-Renal response: decreased output
CHD and HF in children s/s
-Impaired myocardial fxn: tachy, fatigue, pale, cool extremities, decrease output., decreased BP, gallop rhythm (S3 and S4)
-Pulmonary congestion: tachypnea, dyspnea, exercise intolerance, cyanosis
-Systemic venous congestion: peripheral and periorbital edema, weight gain, scite, neck vein distention, hepatomegaly
CHD and HF nursing mgmt
-Big adjustment
-Education and emotional support
-Encourage bonding
-Cardiac glycosides and ACE inhibitors
-Diuretics (fluid/Na restriction)
-Neutral thermal environment, treat infections, position for comfort, med for sedation, decrease environmental stimuli, supplemental O22
CHD and HF dx evaluation
-Tachypnea and tachy, activity intolerance, weight gain
-Chest x-ray: cardiomegaly
-EKG: ventricular hypertrophy
CHD classifications
1) defects w/ increased pulmonary blood flow: PDA, ASD, VSD
2) defects w/ decreased pulmonary blood flow: TOF, tricuspid atresia
3) obstructive defects: coarctation of aorta, aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis
4) mixed defects: mixing of O2 blood w/ unO2 blood: transdisposition of great arteries, TAPVR, truncus arteriosus, hypoplastic L heart syndrome
Defects w/ increased pulmonary blood flow: PDA
-Connection btwn aorta and pulmonary artery is open d/t failure of ductus arteriosus to close
-If mild, can close on own
-Surgical closure
Defects w/ increased pulmonary blood flow: ASD
-Hole in septum btwn R and L atria
-L to R shunt
-If mild, closes on own
-Surgical closure
Defects w/ increased pulmonary blood flow: VSD
-Hole in septum btwn R and L ventricle
-L to R shunt
-May cause fluid buildup in lungs
-Surgical closure
Defects w/ decreased pulmonary blood flow: TOF
-Pulmonary stenosis or atresia (pink vs blue), VSD, overriding aorta, RV hypertrophy
-Pink TET spells: mild, normal O2 levels, loud cardiac murmur
-Blue TET spells: cyanotic very quickly during feeding or crying (rapid drop in O2), pass out, characteristic of TOF
-Child squats during TET spells
-TET spell mgmt: immediately put in knee to chest position