Health behavior, and program planning Flashcards
A set of interrelated concepts and propositions that presents a systematic view of events or situations to explain and predict events or situations. In other word, it is a guess. To identify reasons why people are are not following public health advice, help pinpoint what you need to know before developing programs, provide insight into how you shape program strategies to reach people, and finally to identify what should be monitored and measured.
Explanation theory
Why? And what can be changed?
Change theory
Which strategies? Which messages? And assumptions about how a program should work
Transtheoretical model of change (Ttm)
Concept: when, what, and how people change
Stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
Heath belief model (HBM)
Concept: behaviour is influenced by Personal beliefs
Stages: perceived stability, perceive, severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self efficiency, cues to action
Theory of reasoned action
Focusses on the influenced attitudes, intentions, and a person’s intent to engage in a behaviour
Stages: behavioural controls, attitude towards behavior, subjective norms
Social cognitive theory
Health behaviour is the result of a back-and-forth relationship between personal factors the environment and health behaviour
Stages: self efficiency, expectations, self regulation, observational, learning, reinforcement
Need assessment and data
Process of identifying what health problems need to be addressed and solving the problems
Primary data
Data collected by you!
Secondary data
Data gathered by someone else, example could be reports or surveys
Quantitative data
Information that can be counted or expressed numerically
Qualitative data
Observe data