Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974?
The act defines the duties for employers, employees and contractors regarding occupational H&S. Places responsibility on both employers and employees.
What are some employer’s duties?
Provide and maintain safe plant and safe work systems
Ensure there is no risk in material / substance use, handling, storage and transport
Provide information, instruction, training and supervision
Provide and maintain a safe place of work and safe access / egress
Provide and maintain a safe working environment and welfare
What are some employee’s duties?
Cooperating with their employers
Take reasonable care of themselves and others
Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse work equipment
To use work equipment in accordance with instruction
What is the RICS publication referring to Safety?
Surveying Safely - 2nd Edition 2019
What is a hazard?
Something with the likelihood to cause harm
What is included in Surveying Safely
A guidance note of health and safety
Personal and corporate responsibility for property professionals
Legal considerations and duties
Assessing hazards and risks
Property professionals places of work
Occupational health – noise/manual handling/asbestos/diseases
Visiting premises and sites
What is a risk?
The likelihood of the harm being realised.
What are the steps for reducing risk?
Identify the Hazards
Decide who may be harmed and how
Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
Record your findings and implement them
Review your assessment and update as required
What is included in a site induction?
Evacuation procedures Fire exits Smoking requirements PPE requirements Scaffolding House keeping Site specific rules Site rules
What is the HSE?
National independent regulator for work related health and safety aiming to reduce death and serious injury in the work place
What is asbestos?
Naturally occurring rock mineral with heat and fire resistant properties
Used as insulation until being banned in 1985
Blue, White and Brown
What Risk Assessment is required for hazardous substances?
COSHH assessment (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, 2002)
What regulations are there regarding working at height?
Working at height regulations 2005
What does CDM 2015 mean?
Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015
Places a duty on virtually everyone involved within the project
What advise does the RICS surveying safely guidance note give to members and firms?
Intended to represent best practice it covers: Personal and corporate responsibility Legal considerations and duties Assessing hazards and risks Property professional’s places of work Occupational health Visiting premises and sites Procurement and management of contractors and construction work
What is the role of the HSE?
Shaping, reviewing and enforcing regulations, producing research and statistics
How did the CDM Regulations change from 2007 to 2015?
CDM Co-ordinator is replaced by the Principle Designer
Principle designer and Principle contractor appointed on all projects involving more than one trade contractor
Construction phase plan is required for all projects
Client needs to notify the HSE should the project become notifiable
When does a project become notifiable?
Project lasting more than 30 days with more than 20 workers or over 500 person days
What are QS’ under the CDM regulations?
Why architects are typically the principle designers?
Involved from the beginning of the design
Can influence the design
What is a site waste management plan?
A planning document created prior to construction and submitted to the council
Applies to all jobs over £300k
Details the amount and type of waste that will be produced on a construction site and how it will be reused, recycled or disposed of
What does the principle designer produce?
Pre-Construction Information Pack for tender
What does the principle contractor produce?
Construction phase H&S plan before construction
H&S file at PC
What is included in a pre-construction information pack?
Project description
Client considerations and management requirements (welfare, hoarding etc)
Environmental restrictions and existing on site risks
Significant design and construction hazards
What is included within a H&S pack?
As built information Residual risks Waste transfer notes Marked up drawings of incoming services T&C certifications Drawing register
How would you tell if a hard hat was safe?
Check expiry date, visually inspect it
What should be included in a risk assessment form?
Project information Dates Work activity Foreseeable significant hazard People who may be harmed Risk level Mitigation measure Revised risk level Acceptable risk (Y/N) Signature
What power does the HSE give its employees?
The right to enter any construction site, no warrant needed.
How do you report an accident on site?
Report the accident to the site manager
Record accident in the accident book along with treatment
Employer to report accident to HSE
Accident report much be completed and returned to the HSE
What is the Joint Fire Code?
Provides guidance on fire safety and protection on site
Applies to all contracts over £2.5m and lower value high risk projects
Required by most insurers
What is covered by the Joint Fire Code?
Provision of smoking areas
Storage of combustible materials
Fire Risk assessments
Provision of fire extinguishers
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
What is an F10?
The form which is submitted to the HSE to notify a project by the employer
What is the role of the principle designer?
Plan, monitor and coordinate H&S in the pre-construction phase
Preparing and providing relevant information for other duty holders
Liaise with principle contractor to help plan and monitor H&S during construction.
Can be an organisation or individual with sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out the role. No requirement to be directly involved in any physical Design work.
How did the CDM regs change from 2007 to 2015?
CDM co-ordinator role is replaced by the principle designer
Principle designer and principle contractor appointed for all project with more than one trade contractor onsite
Construction phase plan is required for all projects
Client need to notify HSE if project exceed 30 construction days with 20 or more workers working simultaneously or if the project exceeds 500 person days
How often should scaffolding be inspected?
should be daily but as a minimum every 7 days
What is included in a Construction phase plan?
-The health and safety aims for the project.
The site rules.
-Arrangements to ensure cooperation between project team members and coordination of their work, eg regular site meetings.
-Arrangements for involving workers.
-Site induction.
-Welfare facilities.
-Fire and emergency procedures.
What are the headings on a risk register?
Title Owner Risk / Impact Mitigation Probability Impact Rating Cost - ID Risk / Contingency