Health and Safety Flashcards
Explain your understanding of the term HSE?
HSE stands for the Health & Safety Executive.
The HSE is the UK national authority for managing work related health, safety and illness issues.
They act in the public interest to reduce work related injuries and incidents.
What kinds of incident are the causation of most deaths within the construction industry?
Falls from height.
What is the biggest cause of long term health issues in the construction industry?
Breathing in Hazardous Dust and Fumes.
What does the Beaufort Scale measure?
This is used to measure windspeed which is important when working on site.
When are visitors most likely to have an accident on a construction site?
When they first start on a new site.
What should you do first if you find an injured person on site?
Assess the situation first without putting yourself in immediate danger.
Call the emergency services if serious.
Raise the alarm and call for help.
Tell me about the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
The H&S at Work Act 1974 requires employers to ensure employee’s H&S and welfare at work.
This includes staff training, welfare provisions, safe working environments and provision of information.
A breach of this Act is a criminal offence.
Tell me about the control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
Although it was banned in 1999, Asbestos may still be present in any house or building built before 2000.
So we must be mindful of the risks and advise our clients diligently.
Regulation 4, Imposes a legal duty to manage asbestos, if it is present or presumed to be present.
When was asbestos used?
From the late 1800’s to 1999, when it was banned.
What happens of you breach Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
A breach comes with an unlimited fine and up to two years imprisonment.
Where can common ACM’s be found?
Acoustic plaster, adhesives, ceiling tiles, cement pipes, decorative plaster, ducting, fire curtains and doors, fire proofing, pipe insulation, roof felt, textured paint, vinyl floor tiles and wall boards.
What would you do if you suspected a property contained asbestos?
I would commission an asbestos survey and report, which is a legal requirement.
If asbestos is present, an asbestos register should then produced and updated at least once a year.
A management plan should also be produced to state how the ACM’s will be managed, and reviewed at least every 6 months.
What are the types of asbestos surveys?
Management Survey - This records the location, amount, condition and type of ACM’s within a proerty.
Refurbishment/Demolition Survey - A more detailed survey that is fully intrusive, and usually requires the building to be vacated so that samples can be taken. This is required if any works are planned to the property.
What is the purpose of an Asbestos Refurbishment or demolition survey?
A refurbishment or demolition survey aims to ensure:
ACMs are removed, where required, before the work starts.
Nobody will be harmed by work on ACMs in the premises or equipment.
Such work will be done safely by an appropriate contractor
What is the purpose of an Asbestos Management survey?
The main aim of a management survey is to allow the dutyholder, to produce an asbestos register and an asbestos management plan.
It will help manage ACMs during normal occupation and use of a premises.
What is an asbestos management plan and what does it include?
An asbestos management plan sets out the procedures and arrangements to manage the risk from asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a premises.
A plan should include:
Who is responsible for managing asbestos including deputies.
An asbestos register, including the site plan showing the location of ACMs and areas not inspected.
The schedule for monitoring the condition of ACMs.
How you will share your asbestos register with workers or contractors doing maintenance work.
Control arrangements to ensure that ACMs are not disturbed.
Emergency procedures if ACMs are disturbed.
What is an Asbestos register and what does it include?
The asbestos register is a live document which must always contain current information on the presence and condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).
It should include:
All known and presumed ACMs in a building.
The type of ACM.
How much asbestos there is and its condition, including dates of the original and last inspection.
The potential of each ACM to release fibres and likelihood of disturbance during the day-to-day running of the building.
Where asbestos is presumed to be located if unable to access areas.
How can Asbestos be removed?
When removal of Asbestos is required, it is catagorised as either, Licensable or Non-Licensable.
Licensed work
Involves high risk materials and must be carried out by a licensed contractor. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) issues the specialist license.
Non-licensed work
Has lower risks and doesn’t require a license, but still requires training
Tell me about your understanding of Drones and the requirements for operation.
Anyone operating a small unmanned aircraft for commercial operation (i.e. for which he/she is receiving remuneration) requires permission to operate from the CAA.
Never fly more than 120m (400ft) above the surface.
Always keep your drone or model aircraft in sight.
Never fly in flight restriction zone unless you have permission.
Anyone flying a drone weighing 250g or more needs to pass a test and get a flyer ID from the CAA.
If you’re flying a drone or model aircraft that’s lighter than 250g, you can fly closer to people than 50m and you can fly over them, but you must not fly over crowds.
What is CDM 2015?
CDM stands for Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, a set of UK rules that aim to improve health and safety standards, management and coordination in the construction industry.
CDM applies to all building and construction work.
When is work notifiable under CDM?
A construction project is notifiable to the HSE via an F10 notification if: It’s scheduled to last longer than 30 working days AND has more than 20 workers working simultaneously; OR. The project exceeds 500 person days.
Who are the duty holders under CDM?
Client, Principal designer, Principal Contractor, Designer and Contractor.
What is the role of the Principal designer?
The principal designer is appointed by the client. This role may be appointed automatically on domestic projects.
The principal designer is required on any project with more than one contractor at any time (including subcontractors).
The principal designer is the designer in overall control of the pre-construction phase.
They make sure designers comply with designer duties and take charge of health and safety matters when planning the project.
What are the Principal designers responsibilities?
Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase of a project.
Identify, eliminate or control foreseeable risks.
Ensuring designers carry out their duties.
Prepare and provide relevant information to other duty holders.
Assist the client in the provision of the pre-construction information
Liaise with the principal contractor to help in the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of the construction phase.
Prepare the health and safety file.
Who are designers under CDM?
Anyone who prepares or modifies a design for any part of a construction project is a designer under CDM.
What are the designers CDM responsibilities?
Must only accept an appointment on a project if they have the skills, knowledge, experience and capacity to fulfil the role.
Must only appoint someone on a project if they have the skills, knowledge, experience and capacity to fulfil the role.
Must cooperate with others involved in the project.
Report anything you are aware of on the project that is likely to endanger health or safety.
Provide information and instruction as required.
Tell us about the Work at Heights Regulations 2005, what are they for?
Working at height is any work that involves a risk of falling and causing personal injury.
The purpose of The Work at Height Regulations 2005 is to prevent death and injury caused by a fall from height.
Essentially, Duty holders must:
Avoid work at height where they can.
Use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where they cannot avoid working at height.
Where they cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other measures to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall if one should occur.
Are you aware of any RICS Guidance on Health and Safety?
Yes, The RICS Guidance note, Surveying Safely: Health and Safety for property professionals.
This provides guiadance for survyeors on managing health and safety risks, and advises that:
Surveyors owe a duty of care to themselves, clients, colleague and third parties impacted by their works, and should understand their legal obligations.
Survyeors are required to conduct thorough risk assessments in all professional activities to identify, assess and mitigate risks.
Surveyors should plan and prepare adequately for site visits, and adopt safe working practicies, which include having the correct PPE and consider site specific hazards and emergency procedures.
Surveyors should be aware of lone working and have systems to make this safe.
Surveyors should communicate with contractors and keep a record of any RAMS.
What are the domestic client duties ?(CDM)
Though in scope of CDM 2015, their client duties are normally transferred to:
The contractor for single contractor projects
The principal contractor for projects with more than one contractor.
However, the domestic client can instead choose to have a written agreement with the principal designer to carry out the client duties.
What is a construction phase plan
in CDM?
The construction phase plan (CPP) records arrangements for managing significant health and safety risks associated with the construction of the project and is the basis for communicating those arrangements to those involved in the construction phase.
It outlines the health and safety arrangements and site rules taking into account any industrial activities taking place on site, and, where applicable, must include specific measures concerning any work involving the particular risks.
What is a Health and Safety file?
The health and safety file must be appropriate to the characteristics of the project and include a level of detail proportionate to the risks. It should only include relevant information that will be of help when planning future construction work and must be in a convenient form, clear, concise and easily understandable.
The principal designer prepares the health and safety file during the pre-construction phase. They must then ensure it is appropriately reviewed, updated and revised to take account of the construction works and any changes that have occurred.
What is a risk assessment?
Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you:
Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm
Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated (risk control)
What are the 5 steps for a risk assessment ? IDERR
The 5 Steps to Risk Assessment Explained
1: Identify the Hazards.
2: Decide Who Might Be Harmed and How.
3: Evaluate the Risks and Take Action to Prevent Them.
4: Record Your Findings.
5: Review the Risk Assessment.
What are the general principles of CDM ?
Avoid risks where possible, Evaluate those risks that cannot be avoided, put in place measures that control them at source.
What is an F10 form?
Used for notifiable projects under CDM Regs 2015 when a project lasts longer than 30 days & has more than 20 workers at the same time OR exceeds 500 person days.
What items would you find within an F10 form?
It should contain address of construction site
Name of local authority where the site is located
Give a brief description of the project and the construction work it entails
Provide contact details for client, principle designer and Principal Contractor
Give an indication of the time allowed by the client for the PC to plan and prepare for the construction work
Give planned date for start of work, duration of construction phase
Give number of people at work on site at any one time and be signed by the Client.
What are the Principal Contractors Duties under CDM?
Plan, manage and monitor the construction phase
Coordinate health and safety during the construction phase
Organise cooperation between contractors
Ensure contractors comply with legal requirements for
health and safety
Prepare the construction phase plan
Apply and ensure others apply the principles of prevention
Enforce compliance with the construction phase plan
Provide a suitable site induction
Prevent unauthorised access
Ensure welfare facilities are provided
Liaise with the principal designer and share information
Can you give me the key components of RICS Surveying Safely, 2nd edition?
‘Safe Person’ concept introduced within the 2nd edition.
Assessing hazards and risks (risk management, assessing risk, risk assessments)
Places of works (risks relating to building age, location, use etc.)
Occupation hygiene (hazardous substances e.g. asbestos, working environment e.g. Lighting)
Visiting premises of sites (lone working, condition of the property being visited)
What is Surveying safely guide about?
How to assess hazards and risks as well as the concept of managing the risk. It covers general activities associated with places of work, occupational health and safety, what to do when visiting jobs, fire safety, residential surveys and procurement of contractors.
What is the safe working concept?
Each individual assumes individual responsibility for themselves and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
What is a method statement ?
Method statements are documents that detail exactly how to carry out work safely. When it comes to ensuring building site health and safety, method statements are key.
The purpose of method statements is to describe the safety precautions to put in place to control risks identified in the risk assessment.
They detail the equipment to use during projects, and the control equipment and PPE required to keep workers and site visitors safe while tasks are ongoing.
What are the main types of asbestos ?
Chrysotile – white
Crocidolite - blue
Amosite - brown
What is Asbestos ?
A term used to refer to six naturally occurring silicate minerals.
What Regulations are in force in relation to asbestos ?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
When must a Licensed Contractor be used to remove asbestos?
When there is high exposure to asbestos.
When there are asbestos coated materials, such as when removing asbestos sprayed coatings and works that will disturb asbestos pipe lagging.
What is COSHH ?
COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. You can prevent or reduce workers exposure to hazardous substances
Can you give me an example of a substance hazardous to health ?
Brick Acid
Where should hazardous substances be stored ?
Within a suitable COSHH cupboard.
When handling chemicals what should you consider ?
Read the labels
Keep well ventilate
Use PPE as required
Under the General Principles of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, an Employee should specifically do what?
Take responsible care for their own safety and the safety of others.
Follow training received regarding health and safety.
Cooperate with their employer regarding Health and Safety
Tell someone a Health and Safety risk is identified
How frequently would you expect a scaffold to be inspected?
Every 7 days
What is a O&M file ?
An operation and maintenance manual.
Is a file that contains all the information required for the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and demolition of a building or structure.
What is the safe2torch campaign ?
Safe2Torch is a campaign that seeks to significantly reduce the risk of roof fires when using gas torches, either to dry out roofs or when used to install torch-on membranes.
How do you define competence ?
* Skills
* Knowledge
* Attitude
* Training
* Experience
What is a Risk/Hazard?
A Hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm.
A Risk is the chance of something happening.
Can you expand on the Working at height regulations 2005 ?
Aims to eliminate or reduce accidents associated with working at height
Ensure staff are trained to use ladders, scaffolding and how to be safe at height
Requirement for Risk Assessment and Method Statement
Keep ladders and scaffolding secure
What is Licensed Work (Asbestos) ?
Work can only be carried out by a licensed contractor. Usually for high risk asbestos products. Must notify the HSE/LA 14 days prior to removal.
What is Non Licensed Work (Asbestos) ?
Low intensity and short duration with asbestos in reasonable condition. Work cannot exceed limit of 0.1fibres/cm3 in the air..
What would you find in the Health and Safety File?
Description of works
Hazards that have not been eliminated through design and construction
Key structural principles and safe working loads for floors and roofs
Hazardous materials
Information regarding the removal or dismantling of plant and equipment.
Health and safety info about equipment provided for maintenance
Nature, location and markings of significant services.
As built drawings including plant and equipment.
Health and safety file should always be updated
What is a Re-occupation Test ?
Series of tests carried out after Licensed Asbestos Removals. Before the area is handed back to the Client. It is a legal requirement of Regulation 17 of CAR 2012.
What is a Pre-Constrcution Information pack?
PCI is a document required under CDM
It is required on all construction projects
It is produced by the Principal Designer
It is used to provide relevant information about the health and safety hazards associated with a construction project.
Should be given to the Principal Contractor to allow preparation of the Construction Phase Plan.
What is Construction Phase Plan ?
A CPP is a document required under CDM
It is required on all construction projects
It is produced by the Principal Contractor
It is used to plan and manage construction work safely
Can you please expand on your knowledge of RIDDOR 2013 ?
RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, a law that requires employers to report certain work-related incidents to the relevant authorities.
Such as:
Deaths, Injuries, diseases and dancerous occurances.
What is a deleterious material ?
The term ‘deleterious materials’ is a broad one, encompassing not only materials that are dangerous to health or which are the causes of failures in buildings, but increasingly, materials which are environmentally damaging.
How do you make you clients aware of their responsibilities under the CDM regulations?
During the initial meetings.
However as a company we normal take on the responsibilities from the domestic client
Give some examples of the H&S checks you undertake when carrying out a site inspection. For example, on the project used for your case study.
Adequate and condition of welfare
PPE checks
Incident book check
site attendance check
H&S file on site
First Aid
What items would you expect to find in the Pre-construction information?
A project description.
The clients considerations and management requirements for hoarding, welfare facilities, traffic restrictions and permits to work.
Environmental restrictions and existing on-site risks such as site restrictions, previous H&S files, ground conditions, existing services, asbestos surveys, contamination and unsafe structures.
Significant design and construction hazards such as design risk assessments, suggested method statements, arrangement for coordination post contract design work and changes.
Health and safety file requirements.
What would you find in the Construction Phase Plan?
A project description.
Processes for management of the works including site inductions, training, communication, welfare facilities, design coordination, site rules and emergency procedures.
Arrangements for controlling significant site risks, such as, working at heights removal of asbestos and reducing noise and vibrations.
What would you find in the H&S file?
H&S information that is useful for the planning of future works or maintenance.
A brief description of the works that were carried out.
Any residual hazards that remain and how they have been dealt with.
Key structural principles.
Hazardous materials
The nature and location of significant services, including underground cables, gas supply equipment and fire fighting services.
What H&S precautions do you take when going on site?
I ensure that I have PPE and that I have had a site induction.
Who do you inform when you are attending a site?
I ensure my company know where I am.
Once I arrive, I report to the site office and sign in.
What PPE would you wear when attending site?
Hard hat.
Steel toe cap boots.
Hi-Vis vest.
If required I would also wear:
Goggles, gloves ear defenders and a face mask.
How did you adhere to H&S standards when undertaking work or delivering …. project?
Preparing work risk assessments.
Wearing PPE
Adhering to site rules
Attending site inductions
Discuss H&S at meetings
What are the powers of the HSE
Inspectors can visit without notice, talk to workers, take pictures and samples.
Issue written or verbal information and advice.
Impose sanctions including stop and improvement orders.
What is your company’s H&S policy?
Take responsibility for safety and comply with safe systems of work.
Act responsively, report incidents and near misses.
Regular training refresher courses.
Risk assessments are compulsory for all projects.
What are the clients responsibilites under CDM?
Appoint the principal designer
Appoint the principal contractor
Make suitable arrangements for managing the project
Allocate sufficient time and resources
Ensure welfare facilities are provided
Provide pre-construction information
Notify the HSE (if required)
Make sure the principal designer and principal contractor comply with their CDM duties
Ensure the construction phase plan is provided
Ensure the health and safety file is prepared
Keep the health and safety file, and pass it on to any future owner of the building
What is the contractors responsibilites under CDM?
Be satisfied that the client is aware of their client duties
Plan, manage, and monitor, construction work carried out either by the contractor or by workers under the contractor’s control, to ensure it is carried out without risks to health and safety
Comply with any directions given by the principal designer or the principal contractor
Comply with the construction phase plan
If there is only one contractor, prepare the construction phase plan
Only employ or appoint people with the necessary skills, knowledge, training and experience to carry out the work
Provide each worker under their control with appropriate supervision, instructions and information
Provide a suitable site induction, where not already provided by the principal contractor
Provide information on risks to health and safety
Provide emergency procedures
Ensure reasonable steps have been taken to prevent unauthorised access
Ensure welfare facilities have been provided