Health and Safety Flashcards
What statutory regulations governs asbestos?
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What are the three main types of asbestos?
Chrysotile (White)
Amosite (Brown)
Crocidolite (Blue)
Other types include:
What do the The Control of Asbestos Regs 2012 do?
Outline the responsibilities of duty holders such as employers and building owners, to manage asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in non-domestic properties.
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
-Refurb and demolition
- Management
What is an asbestos register?
Is a log of the asbestos and its location.
When was asbestos banned?
November 1999 & 1985
What are the PPE at Work Regulations 1992 and what does it do?
PPE at Work Regs 1992 places a duty on employers to provide suitable PPE to all employees that may be exposed to a risk.
As well as:
- Ensuring it is properly assessed before use
- maintained a stored properly
- provided with instructions on how to use
- used correctly by employees
What does Surveying Safely Set out to achieve?
Sets out good practice principles for the managemnet of health and safety for RICS regulated firms.
Can you tell me about the professional standard on surveying safely?
It includes information on:
- Hierachy of Risk Control
- Dynamic risk assessments
- Example risk assessments and risk matrix’s
- Proccess for visiting premises
What would you include in a risk assessment?
What are the hazards
Who might be harmed and how?
What are you already doing?
Do you need to do anything else to control the risk?
Action by whom?
Action by when?
What is the recommended protocol for visiting premises under Surveying Safely?
- Before visitng - collect information on building and risks, and undertake a full risk assessment. what PPE may be required?
- Checklist of matters to consider - Lone working, travelling to and from, occupation, condiiton of property, WFH,.
- Undertake a dynamic risk assessment on site
- Securing site and leaving
- Review on completion of visit: any learning outcomes/close calls that need to be entered into firms accident book
What do the CDM Regs 2015 aim to achieve?
prevent construction accidents and fatalities.
Ensuring work is carefully planned so riska are managed from start to finish.
What are the key dutyholders under the CDM Regs 2015
What happens to the duties of domestic clients?
Pass to the principal designer or principal contractor
What is the role of the PD under CDM 2015?
- plan, manage and monitor and coordinate H&S in pre-con phase.
- Coordinat the Pre-construction information pack
- Eliminate foreseable H&S risks and take steps to mitigate
- Ensure good communication and cooperation and liaise with the other duty holder.
What is an F10 form?
An F10 is comoleted if the project is notifiable under the CDM Regs?
What is notifiable under the CDM Regs?
last longer than 30 day and have more than 20 workers or exceed 500 person days.
What are the 8 levels to control working at height?
- Avoid working at height
- Ensure all workers are properly trained
- Select work equipment that prevents falls
- Ensure equipment is suitable, stable and strong
- Rgularly check and maintain equipment
- provide neccassary PPE
- Ensure working environment is safe
- Plan for emergencies and rescues
What is the hierarchy of fall protection?
-Avoid work at height /eliminate hazard
- Collective fall protection i.e. rooftop guardrail
- PPE - Work Restraint i.e. user cannot reach roof edge
- PPE - Fall Arrest - interupts and stops fall impact from fall.
Name 5 deleterious materials?
- Asbestos
- Wood wool slabs
- Lead paint
- Brick Slips
- HAC (High Alumina Cement)
What are the minimum scaffold handrail heights?
HSE guidance states a 950mm.
What is the role of the client under the CDM Regs 2015?
Make suitable arrangement for managing a project including:
- appointing dutyholders
- ensure sufficient time and resource allocated
Make sure:
- relevant information is prepared and provided to other dutyholders
- the PD and PC carry out their duties
- welfare facilites are provided
What is the role of the PC under the CDM REGS 2015?
Plan, manage and monitor H&S in the construction phase of a project, including:
- liaising with the client and PD
- Preparing a CPP
- organise and cooperate with contractors and coordinating
Make sure:
- suitable site inspections are provided
- reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access
- workers are consulted and engged in securing their health and safety
- welfare facilities are provided
Did you consider the risk of asbestos on your inspection within at the industrial units in Barking?
Yes, we requested all asbestos information including managment plans and registers. There was one vacant and derilect office block