Health And Medicine RENAISSANCE PERIOD - History Flashcards
Renaissance Inventions
Printing press (Gutenburg) - allowed new ideas to spread quickly around Europe, meant more education and communication
Gunpowder - New types of wounds, needed new ways to cure them.
New land discovery
Explorers, sailors and merchants used more accurate maps, new foods and medicines were brought back.
New learning
New methods of learning, observation, hypothesis and experimentation
Andreas Vesalius
1537 physician Improved Galen’s ideas. Performed dissections. Discovered many bones and muscles, and named them (Father of anatomy)
Ambrois Pare
1537 ran out of oil to treat soldier, improvised and healed better. Wrote surgical books. Promoted use of ligatures in amputation. Designed false limbs for wounded soldiers
William Harvey
1578-1657. Discovered that blood circulated, increased knowledge of heart through dissection, began to understand how muscles worked through observing animals. Proved Galen wrong. Transplants, transfusions and blood tests were later developed thanks to him
The Great Plague period, cause and where it began
1665-1666, caused by Yersinia Pestis (fleas) and Trade. Began in East Asia
What did people think caused the Great Plague
Punishment from God for their sins.
Bad air
Alignments of Planets
Ways of prevention of the Great Plague
Patients were bled with leeches
people smoked to stay away from ‘poisonous air’
smelled sponges soaked in vinegar
Remedies made with snakes and scorpions to ‘draw out poison’
Nurses in the 18th century
Florence Nightingale - Nurses needed to be better trained as people began to carry out more surgeries
She made important changes to hospitals in the 18th century
Nurse in Crimean War - 1854
Founded ‘Nightingale School Of Nursing’
John Hunter
1728-1793. Surgeon at St.George’s Hospital, London. Trained and taught surgeons, observed and carried out experiments. Collected specimens including stuffed animals, disease organs and human body parts
What did John Hunter deal with?
Gunshots. Developed ideas on ailments. Learnt Human Anatomy and dissection. He taught Edward Jenner and cured smallpox
Difference between anaesthetics and antispectics
anaesthetics - pain relief
antiseptics - cleanliness
Aseptic Surgery
Germs that are not let into surgical environments. Surgeons had to be well scrubbed, wearing gowns and new, thin flexible gloves and using well sterilised instruments.
Joseph Lister
1827-1912. Professor of surgery, realised operations went well as long as they were kept free from infection
Asked Thomas Anderson for a chemical that’ll kill bacteria – Carbolic acid
Reaction in Britain to Lister’s ideas
published results giving details of patients with compound, none of whom died of infection
Publicised Pasteur’s germ theory
Claimed that infection in wounds is caused by microbes in the air
Claimed that cause of Sepsis came from outside the body, not from Spontaneous Generation
Spontaneous Generation
The idea that disease could suddenly appear from nowhere - it just happened
Joseph Lister opposition
Unpleasant nature of Carbolic acid on skin
Other surgeons thought that their methods worked as just as well
By late 1860’s, antiseptic chemicals were widely used
Charlton Bastian - Championed Spontaneous Generation. Lectured against Listerism
Doctors didn’t like Pasteur’s germ theory and there weren’t many opinions about the role of microbes
Believed that epidemics, like Cholera, Typhoid and Plague were caused when infections interacted with the environment. Solution was to clean up the area, move hospitals and ventilated air. Florence Nightingale and William Farr
Believed infection spread by contact with an infected person or bacteria. Thought epidemics could be controlled by quarantine or preventing contact. John Simon believed this
Louis Pasteur
1822-95. Investigated why wine and beer went sour. He designed experiments to show that if air was kept out of the swan neck of a flask, the liquid would not go off. Concluded that bacteria was the real cause, biological process. Published his Germ Theory