Health And Medicine MEDIEVAL PERIOD - History Flashcards
400bc. hippocratic oath.
Recorded and observed symptoms, said it would help diagnose patients.
Told doctors to look for natural treatments for illness rather than praying.
4 humours, Black bile, phlegm, blood and yellow bile, unbalanced meant become ill.
131ad. Clinical observation, like Hippocrates
First to use dissection to understand body
Worked on animals
spread through university textbooks
Types of doctors in medieval period
Wise woman - (mother Shipton) made remedies for illnesses like cold
Barber Surgeons - Hairdressers, dentists, had training
How did Medieval Doctors check observe?
Clinically observed their patients.
Took a pulse, and noted smell, colour and taste of urine
Prescribed natural cures from plants, animal products, spices, oils, wine and rocks.
How did medieval Doctors cure patients?
Blood letting - purged blood using leeches
Vomiting - Realign the 4 humours
Prayers, charms and astrology
Blood Letting, eating and drinking meat or red wine
Yellow Bile
Made to vomit, change diet (cheese)
Black Bile
Given Laxatives, eating more vegetables
Breathe in steam, eat fleshy vegetables (cucumber)
Types of Hospitals that existed in Medieval Britain
Monasteries had infirmaries
Asylums for mentally ill
Christian Ideas on Health and Medicine
Believed following the example of Jesus
Belief that illnesses came from God as a punishment, and curing an illness would be a challenge to him
“miraculous healings” took place, shrines filled with relics of bones, hair and body parts of a holy person, people made pilgrimages here to help with illness
Islamic ideas on Health and Medicine
Compassionate hospitals for mentally ill. Opposite of Christianity
Medical schools intended to treat patients not simply care for them
Doctors were permanently present and students trained alongside them
Bimaristans were built to care for everyone, men, women, Muslims, non-Muslims
Bubonic Plague Germ
Yersinia Pestis (Fleas)
The black death Period, deaths and where did it come from?
1346 – 1352. Over 20 million
Central Asia
How was the black death carried?
And where and how did it travel?
In the bloodstream of black rats and the fleas that fed on them. Travelled to Europe via trade and in the blood of infected rats
What did people at the time caused it?
Punishment from God
Bad air
Alignments of the planets
How where Black Death victims buried?
Hundreds at a time in Plague-pits (mass graves)
Attempts to prevent the Black death
Soaked coins in vinegar
Carried flowers, herbs to smell nice
prayed and asked for forgiveness
Killed pigs, cats, dogs and birds in case they caused the plague