Head and neck 2 Flashcards
What are the possible movements at the temperomandibular joint?
open, close, (Elevate and depress) side to side movement, protrude and retrude.
What is this muscle? What is it innervated by (be specific)
What is its function?
Anterior V3 branch of trigeminal.
Elevates and retrudes the mandible.
What are these areas of the jaw?
What is this muscle and what is it innervated by?
What is its function?
Masseter innervated by anterior branch of V1 division of trigeminal.
Elevates mandible.
What is this muscle and what is it innervated by?
What is its action?
What is this muscle and what is it innervated by?
What is its function?
Lateral pterygoid depresses the chin (is the only muscle to do so).
What are these muscles?
What are they innervated by?
What are their functions?
Digastric muscles (anterior and posterior).
Anterior belly: Mylohyoid nerve which is a branch of inferior alveoli (V3).
Posterior belly: Branch of facial nerve.
What is the name of this joint and what is A, B and C?
What are the possible movements at this joint?
A: Condyle of mandible, B: Articular tubercle C: Mandibular fossa of temporal bone.
Hinge and plane joint (there is a thickening of the lateral aspect).
What are the 3 main ligaments of the mandible?
The lateral ligament is a lateral thickening of the capsule.
Explain the possible gliding movements of the TMJ?
What is this muscle, what innervates it and what is its function?
What is this vein and the TWO veins which branch above it? Where does it terminate?
External jugular vein, posterior auricular vein and retromandibular vein. Terminates in the subclavian vein.
Superficial temporal coming from temporal area. Maxillary coming from maxilla area, goes behind the parotid gland and forms the retromandibular vein. Divides into two trunks, the anterior and posterior division. The posterior division meets up with the posterior auricular vein and makes the external jugular vein and drains into subclavian.
The anterior part meets up with the facial and drains in to the internal jugular vein.
The internal jugular vein and the subclavian then meet up to make the brachiocephalic vein. There are 2 brachiocephalic veins which then make the superior vena cava.
What are the two actions of the strap muscles?
What are they supplied by?