HCHS Britain: A LEVEL UNIT 1 - industrialisation Flashcards
When was the Public Health Act passed?
By 1833, how much money was the cotton industry making and how many people were employed?
£300 million and 833,000
Which invention made work in the mines safer from 1815?
The Davy Lamp
When was the first outbreak of cholera, in which town and how many died?
1831, Sunderland and 32,000
How deep were back-to-back house foundations?
3 bricks deep
By 1800, what percentage of people lived in towns and what was it by 1880?
25% and 80%
What types of banks were created which spread the risk amongst investors?
Joint stock banks
By 1821, what percentage of the working population was under 20?
When was the Manchester-Liverpool railways built?
When did Arkwright die and how much was he worth?
1792 and £500,000
What fraction of workers lived in back-to-back houses in Birmingham?
When was the Sanitary Act passed?
What was the length of the average working day in a mine?
12 hours
How much was the rent for a back back-to-back house and a front one?
1s10d and 2s6d
In 1750, which two cities had populations over 50,000?
London and Edinburgh