hbs Flashcards
cholangio dx
can be clinical; no tissuee needed
replace RHA
SMA > celiac or aorta.
posterior and lateral to the CBD and pancreas
palpation of a distinct pulse at this location should raise suspicion for this anatomical variant.
Milan criteria for HCC
1 tumor < 5 cm or 3 tumors < 3 cm each
txp = survival benefit has been demonstrated for these patients
also eligible:
hilar cholangiocarcinomas a
epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
large hepatic adenomas
UCSF criteria for liver txp in HCC
1 lesion < 6.5 cm or up to 3 lesions < 4.5 cm each and total < 8 cm
less restrictive
contraindication to liver txp
INTRAhepatic cholangiocarcinoma
arterial enhancement and delayed washouthepatic
strong arterial enhancement with central scar persistent in delayed phase
peripheral enhancing lesion in arterial phase
intrahpeatic cholangio
peripehral nodular enhancement in arterial phase with central fillin centripetal in delayed
adenoma resection lsize?
early washout on portal phase; no stellate scar; peripheral enhancement centripetla
hyper T1
adenoma, FNH
hypo T1
dx bile leak after hepatectomy?
3x serum bili after POD 3
manage with drainage first
normal liver functional remnant?
childs a cirrhotic functional remnant?
for HCC presumed off CT scan, what additional imaging recommended?
MRI with contrast if 1-2 cm (smal)… to determine FLR
otherwise, <5cm (milan), wack it out.
RCC met to liver tx
resection or perc radiofrequency or microwave ablation
FNH mgmt
left trisectionectomy = extended left
2, 3, 4, 5, 8
rigth trisectionectomy = extended right
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
umbo vein remnant (extends to ligamentum teres) separates med/lat LEFT LOBE
middle of fossa to IVC separates R and L lobes
portal triad oritentation
CBD lateral
portal posterior
hepatic medial
composition of perfusion to liver
66% portal
33% hepatic aa
middle hepatic aa origin
from LHA
LHV and MHV also join before cava
veins draining into IVC near top of liver
M/L, R, inferior phrenic, poss accessory RHV (medial R lobe), caudate vein (received R/L portal and arterial flow)
vits stored in liver
bile salts
cholic and chenodeoxycholic
deoxycholic and lithocholic
conjugated to turine and glycine for water solubility
bilirubin clinically evident
> 2.5 (under tongue first)
Gilbert disease
abnormal conjugation
glucuronyl transferasel
Crigler Najjar disease
can’t conjugte. severe gluruonyl transferase def; life tthreatning
newborn. jaundice normal
immautre glucuronyl transferase (high iBili)
Rotors syndrome
def in storange abililty; high Dbil
Dubin Johnson
def in secretion abiliyt; high DBil
fulminant hepatic failure 2/2 to what hepatitis viruses
chronic hepatitis/hepatoma 2/2 to what hepatitis viruses
B C D.
MC hepatitis worldwide