Happiness (12.1 Lecture) Flashcards
hedonic perspective
happiness as an emotion
- happiness is a state of subjective well-being that involves frequent positive emotion and infrequent negative emotion
cultural difference in experience under hedonic perspective
cultural differences in idea affect (preferences for high arousal positive states are higher in Western culture than East Asian culture)
emotional activation
happy is at high pleasure and neutral activation, culture impacts whether you prefer high or low arousal states
Tsai cross-cultural study of preferred happiness state
asked college students about their preference for high/ low arousal states. Hong Kong students preferred low arousal more than European American students. Chinese-American students preferred same level of high arousal state as European Americans but lower than all three for low arousal positive state.
how are cultures similar in their happy emotions?
can all recognize was happiness looks like, one of the highest shared part across cultures (can recognize a smile)
nucleus accumbens
reward in the brain
- turned to what matters to us personally
- active even in anticipation of good things
- especially active when good things exceed our expectations
The Eudaemonic Perspective
(Aristotle rejected that happiness is to pursue pleasure)
happiness is meaning
- happiness is an overall sense of one’s life as satisfying and meaningful
*think Erikson’s 8 psychological states (asking about meaning) & Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (self-actualization is eudaemonia)
components of eudaemonia
- self-acceptance
- liking who you are - personal growth
- growing new experiences - purpose in life
- having goals - autonomy
- self-determination - environmental mastery
- competently managing life (ex. paying bills) - positive relationship with others
- close relationships with other people
Eudaemonia in PSY 101
least amount occurring in autonomy and environmental mastery
state of subjective well-being that involves frequent positive emotion and infrequent negative emotion and an overall sense of one’s life as satisfying and meaningful
determinants of happiness
50% genetics
- setpoint of happiness
*similar to how personality is heritable
- extraversion (excitable states, social relationships) & neuroticisim (having more negative emotions) are effective predictors of happiness
10% life circumstances ($, location, etc.)
40% intentional activity
*Remember socioemotional selectivity theory (old pppl happy) and FB posts (emotional stability/ instability)
Connection between Big Five and Happiness (PSY 101 data)
conscientiousness is mostly closed with happiness
- bc ?: means organized and need to do that to plan and succeed
relationship between income and happiness
money can buy happiness if they meet your basic needs, but after that it does not predict higher levels of happiness
make meaning
(happiness hack)
- way to cope with negative emotions and protect well-being in the face of challenge – Victor Frankl
Wzesniewski’s study on different ways of thinking about work
a job, a career, a calling?
RESULTS: finds that those who consider it a calling are also more satisfied with their life
- job crafting: physical and cognitive change people make to the tasks/ relationship boundaries of their work to change/ enhance their meaning