Childhood (11.1 Lecture) Flashcards
cognitive development
change in our thinking, reasoning, etc.
who was Jean Piaget?
A childhood “prodigy” of scientific curiosity, he got his Ph.D. at 11 and became a developmental psychologist, he changed how we viewed children.
He worked a Binet’s school wth the IQ test and he used the errors and gather insight on childhood psychology
knowledge is constructed through an interaction of what already know and what we experience
how do we interpret and categorize knowledge of the world?
carry it in our schemes to interpret experiences (assimilation). we simultaneously use experiences to revise schemas (accommodation). through these processes, knowledge is constructed over time
how does play impact our schemas?
we actively seek info to test and revise schemes, according to piaget this progresses through 4 stages
sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)
- sensory & motor schemas (physical interactions with objects)
- still developing: symbolic representation (ex. language, object permanence - understanding objects continue to exist even if they are out of sight [hide & seek video ex.])
giraffe study of sensorimotor stage
a giraffe is hidden in front of a baby under a towel. but when this happens the baby acts as if the giraffe is gone
preoperational stage (2-6 years)
- symbolic schemas (language, imagination)
- still developing: the ability to manage multiple schemas simultaneously (conservation - certain physical properties [volume, mass, number, etc.] stay consistent despite physical transformations)
conservation task
two cups of water (some cup) then one cup of water is poured into a taller, more narrow cup. The kids almost always say the taller cup has more water even thourhg its equal
why does conservation task work (according to piaget)?
ego-centrism: tendency to perceive the world from one’s own POV.
ego-centrism task
(cartoon demonstration) Sally leaves her ball in a basket and when she leaves someone moves it to another basket. When she returns it prompts the participant to answer where she would look for her ball. Most say she would look in the basket where it is, not the one she thought she left it in. By around age 5, start passing the test
concrete operational (6-11 years)
- ability to flexibly manage and manipulate schema
- ability to categorize in many different ways using rules, logic
- still developing: abstract, hypothetical, system reasoning
formal operational (12 + years)
use of abstract, hypothetical, systematic thought (complex play, ex. D&D)
what is Piaget’s legacy?
constructivism - scientific, cultural, and practical significance
- kids aren’t just mimes, they are scientific mavericks
- kids need opportunities to explore and play
questions about the nature of children’s thinking (shaped research today)
neural maturation in the brain
- synaptogenesis - creation of new synapses
- pruning - reduction of synaptic connections “use it or lose it” (Hebbian principle)
- myelinization - creation of myelin (white matter) which speeds up neural communication
what part of the brain develops last?
the prefontal cortex (executive functions)
- planning
- working memory
- control of attention, behavior (inhibitions)
what happens when your PFC is damaged?
tests that show damage:
- stroop test (aren’t able to override system 1)
- Wisconsin card-sort task (aren’t able to sort it a different way
dimensional change card sort (in kids) (perseveration)
sort by kids sort cards in two ways. after asked to do the second rule, they find they are unable to do the new way even though they know the new rule (video from class, boat and rabbit vs. colors)
how can not functioning PFC explain Piaget’s studies?
babies don’t have system 2 thinking, so aren’t able to override their automatic processes and think more critically
hidden search task (systems explanation)
system 1 - pay attention to what you can see
system 2 - hold object in working memory, play a reaching response, inhibit attention to distractions
NIRS (Near info-red spectroscopy) for hidden search task
found once they mastered the task that the white matter in the brain increased
conservation task (systems explanation)
system 1 - use height to estimate volume
system 2 - override automatic processing of height to reason about the previous state of the liquid
false belief task (systems explanation)
system 1 - your own perspective
system 2 - hold original hiding place in working memory, override own perspective (to use Sally’s)
habituation method
lower response with repeated exposure to stimulus (getting bored)
how can the habituation method show a different picture of children’s thinking than Piaget’s ideas?
it can be used to see what babies understand based on what they habituate to
violation of expectation method (VOE)
explore what babies understand based on what they find surprising.
- when observing events, we predict what will happen
- unexpected outcomes require more attention to process
how does VOE contradict Piaget?
- evidence of a perception of object permanence
- evidence of understanding of addition and subtraction
(puppet show study, where did addition and subtraction wrong and babies reacted, showed that when the puppet was out of view still had an understanding it was there and that when the puppet disappeared and didn’t add up, they understood that to be wrong)