Hallmarks of Effective Teaching in Nursing Flashcards
Characteristics of an Effective Teacher in Nursing
- Professional Competence
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal Characteristics
- Teaching Practices
- Evaluation Practices
Personal and professional standard of excellence and self-development through continuous education, skills enhancement and updating with trends and issues
Professional Competence
Teacher possesses mastery of subject matter in terms of knowledge, skills and values
Professional Competence
Ability to relate well with students and her personal
interest in the learners
Interpersonal Relationship
Sensitivity to feelings and problems, respect for rights, and
Interpersonal Relationship
Enthusiasm to teach the subject matter
Personal Characteristics
Personal discipline of complying with rules and standards of
Personal Characteristics
Ability and skill in utilizing appropriate methods and
Teaching Practices
Sustains students interest and desire to learn
Teaching Practices
Clear communication of expectancies, and timely
feedback on progress
Evaluation Practices
Corrects student’s errors tactfully, fairness in grading tests
and grades
Evaluation Practices
- Respects her student’s maturity and sense of responsibility
- Psychologically secure in her own abilities
- Sense of Humor
- Well-balanced personality
- Tolerant and fair to all students
- Shows no Partiality and is available to listen to student’s problems
- Approachable, kind and patient
- Sincere in efforts
- Leadership abilities
- Image of an ideal nurse
- Teaches lessons that stimulate students to think and learn
- Gives clear and concise assignments
- Encourage feedback
- Presents an organized subject matter
- Provides students with relevant clinical learning experience
- Possesses mastery of subject matter
- Speaks clearly, audibly and fluently
- Shows Professional decorum, wellgroomed, properly dressed and poised
- Objective Evaluation
- Shows broad interests aside from teaching
Instructional Roles
Faculty Roles
Individual Roles
Instructional Roles
- Planning and Organizing courses
- Creating desirable group climate
- Adapting teaching and preparation of instructional materials
- Motivating and challenging students
- Planning and Organizing courses
- Creating desirable group climate
- Adapting teaching and preparation of instructional materials
- Motivating and challenging students
Instructional Roles
Faculty Roles
- Member of a Committee
- Counselor
- Researcher
- Resource Person
- Representative to an organization
- Public relations agent
Individual Roles
- Member of a Family
- Church
- Community
- Country
Essential Teaching Skills
- Practice of Appropriate Authorit
- Creating a Positive Climate in the Classroom
- Organization and Management of Learning Activities
- Planning and Preparing Lessons
- Presenting the Lessons
- Organization and Management of Learning Activities
- Creating a Positive Climate in the Classroom
- Evaluating Student’s Performance
- Evaluating Teaching Performance
Principles of Good Teaching Practices
Facilitates student-teacher interaction
Encourage cooperation among students
Initiates Active Learning
Gives Prompt feedback
Emphasizes the use of time in each task
Communicates high expectations
Respects diverse talents and ways of learning
Teaching Principles
Hereditary Endowments
Teaching Process
Outcome Process Principles
Techniques used for goal accomplishment
Teaching Process
Means used in stimulating, directing and encouraging active participation among students
Teaching Process
- Nature of the child
- Psychological and physiological qualitie
Hereditary Endowments
Educational aims, goals, objectives or results of the learning
process to which teaching and learning are directed
Outcome Process Principles
Approaches to Teaching Skills
Independent Learning
Simulations or Exercises
- Teacher initiates an active self-regulated learning process
- Use of Laboratories
- Background Reading Materials
- Use of Syllabus
Independent Learning
Independent Learning
- Teacher initiates an active self-regulated learning process
- Use of Laboratories
- Background Reading Materials
- Use of Syllabus
- Makes a direct display of the skill to be taught
- Shows the student what they have to do, why they have to do it and how to do it
- Meant to duplicate the real situation that requires the use of skills laboratory
- Gives students a realistic feel of the situation without subjecting them to risks
Simulations or Exercises