H8 Relig Pol Flashcards
The conditional A of Restraints of Annates
1532 Banned payments of Annates to Rome
1 of the Pope’s main sources of income
Money instead went to H8
Act condition would not give ahead if pope gave divorce- still wants to go through pope not BWR
A of Restraint of Annates 1534
=repeat of earlier act but no longer cond as pope not agree to divorce
Money now went to H8
A of Dispensation
Ended payments of Peters Pence to Rome which the laity paid- instead went to crown
Trans the granting of clerical licenses to SC instead of the Pope- cut out another source of income- pay for license
Crown given power to cond visitations of mons
Clergy= not allowed to hold more than one pos in church
Dispensation could only be granted by ENg auth & not the pope
H prof act, clauses to be rev if div agreed
A of the Submission of the Clergy
Prevented the church from making any regs w/out K’s consent
All churchmen required to submit to the K
This intro the fine of imprisonment at the K’s pleasure against those which opposed, by either speaking or acting against the pos of the monarchy
Incr H’s powers even more, church control by mon
A of Succession
Decl the marriage w/ AB valid
Decl mar w/ CofA invalid and Mary illegitimate
Failure to acknowledge A’s kids as heirs= treason
subjects has to take oath to agree to this- had to renounce the power of any other auth
Refusal to take oath lead More + Fisher to be arrested 1534, went against cath beliefs. Beheaded 1535
A of Supremacy
H8 given title sup head of church of eng
Caveat ‘as far as the law of Christ allows’ had disappeared
now church of eng , not cath church in eng
Sep from papal jurisdiction
Beginning of eng ref
Oath of sup had to be taken by anyone in pub office or pos in church
A of Treason 1534
High treason to threaten H8, AB or heirs in words, writing or deeds
Also treason to deny H8 wasn’t rightful K, deny his titles/ accuse him of being a tyrant, heretic or usurper
Treason to rebelliously keep or withhold from the Khis cast, forts, ships or artillery & to fail to surrender w/in 6 day
A of first fruits and tenths
First years wages of a priest given to pope
1/10 wages thereafter
Now to crown
Raised ab £14,000 for crown
A extinguishing the authority of the bishop of Rome
Removed all papal auth in eng + conf all other acts
Anyone sup pope could lose prop
A of ten articles 1536
Drawn up by Cranmer
Leaning towards prot
From 1533 H8 been in talks w/ the L of Schmalkalden ab an alliance- feared c5… who wanted some sort of prot commitment from H8
Based on Wittenberg articles of Luther
Prot but emphasised com ground w/ RCs
Sacraments from 7-3
The Royal Injunctions 1536
Issued by Cromwell
Orders to the clergy
E.g defend royal sup in sermons
Abandon pilgrimages
Teach children the lords payer + 10 commandments in Eng
All clergy had to agree to these rules
First A of Dissolution
Dissolved smaller mons on an income of less than £200
Bishops Book
Published in aftermath of PoG- compromise
Re-est the lost 4 sacraments of lesser importance- more conservative than 10 articles
No discussion of transubstantiation
Special status of priests understated
Purgatory present only by implication
Issued in H’s name- written by bish, never had approval of parl
Matthew’s Bible
Pub by Thomas Matthew
Distinctly prot
Had H’s permission
Combined new test of Tyndale + as much of old test as he had been able to b4 being put to death, Coverdale trans the rest
First eng bible
The Royal Injunctions 1538
Issued by Cromwell
Eng bible to be placed in all parishes w/in 2 yrs
All births, marriages + deaths to be reg in every parish
People discouraged from going on pilgrimages
Relics removed from churches- rej of purgatory
The Burning of John Lambert
Bc of rejection of transubstantiation
clear symbol of H’s personal beliefs
H personally presided at trial
Proclamation against those who had denied transubstantiation
RCs executed at the same time for denying royal sup
Trying to avoid excommunication
The Papal Bull of Excommunication
H was excom by Pope Paul 3
Heightens fear of c5
The Great Bible 1539
First auth edition of eng bible
Prep by Coverdale
Paid for out of Cromwell’s own money
All parish churches ordered to have a copy
Many churches didn’t have a copy until threatened 1541
The A of Six Articles
1539 Answer to Norfolk’s 6 qs
‘The bloody whip w/ six strings’
Penalties enforced for those who did not follow (e.g burnt at stake if denied transubstantiation)
Other articles incurred the penalty of imprisonment
Latiner + SHaxton (prot bish) resigned in protest
Cranmer stayed- sent wife back to Germany
Most prots accepted- not strictly enforced whilst crom was alive
2nd A of Dissolution
Dissolved the larger mons e.g Glastonbury Abbey
When did H marry A of Cleves and when was Cromwell executed
The King’s book 1543
Book defining doctrine of Eng church
RC rewrite of the Bishops book 1537
H behind its publication
H asserted presence of 7 sacraments as he has done against Luther in his publication
A of the Advancement of the true religion
Restricted the reading of the bible to clerics, noblemen, the gentry & richer merchants
Women below gentry rank, servants,apprentices were forbidden to read it. Women of the gentry + nobility only allowed to read in priv
A repealed under Ed 6- brought up as prot
H’s last wife cath parr= prot
H trusted Cranmer more than any of the others- held hand when died
Hunne Affair
Hunne challenged the church through law courts over high rate mortuary fees he was forced to pay after his son’s death
He ref to hand over his dead child’s gown as a burial fee
Said church couldn’t do this- breaking statute of Praemunire
church charged Hunne w/ heresy & imprisoned him whilst awaiting trial
Hunne murdered whilst in custody- got away w/ it benefit of clergy
Wol strengthened church
organised pub burnings of heretical/ prot books
encouraged monastic ref (didn’t follow up)
1528 Wol risked K’s anger, didn’t appoint a friend of AB to the post of Abbess of Witton
Wol very pious & heard mass most days despite hectic schedule
1521 Wol told a magistrate to stump out heresy/ lollardy (oft didn’t pros prots)
planned to reduce no of Bishoprics in Ire from 30 to 9 to imp the church
Wol weakened church
Did little to reform the church despite being papal legate from 1518
Took cases from normal church courts & bishop courts to his own legatine court as he could make much more money out of the church through legal fees
everytime a priest took up a post they pay an ‘entry’ fee which went straight to wol
Wol oft appointed foreigners bc they would pay, Campeggio absent B of Salisbury
Wol = corrupt, 2 kids, pluralism, absenteeism, simony, nepotism
1524-27 closed 30 mons to fund estab of grammar schools
used ch to make £, bishoprics and abbacies left vacant so he could collect rev
ref to let others initiate refs
used his legatine powers to close convocation and trans the meeting to the legatine court