Eliz For Pol Flashcards
Prot ref in Scot
Started 1559 led by Knox
1559 Fr troops sent to Scot but resisted by Prots
Prot lords req help but eliz was reluctant, Cecil put pressure on eliz, even threatened to resign
1560 T of Berwick- agreed sup for Scotland
Eng soldiers def at Leith
MoG died + storms wrecked Fr fleet
1560 T of Edinburgh- Fr + Eng both agree to withdraw. MQS to give up eng coat of arms… she didnt agree
Auld alliance = gone
When was Moray assassinated
Eliz sent troops to help K Lords (1572)
1573 Kings Lords back in control Morton = regent.
When and why did the relationship w/ Scotland change
1579 when Esme Stuart arrives in Scot, infl J5
1581 ES got Morrison exec for role in Darnley’s murder
1583 Scot involved in Guise plot ICC- plan to invade eng w/ 20,000 to put MQS on throne
1583 Prot Lords overthrow Esme Stuart b4 plot gets going, kicked out of Scot
T of Berwick
1586 signed w/ J6- defensive alliance- won’t sup MQS as long as nothing is done to jeopardise his claim to eng throne
1587 MQS executed J6 did not react in defence of his mother
Religious toleration in France
1560 issued by Cath de Medici
1561 Guise left court bc v unhappy… massacre of basset, murdered/ burnt loads of prots
Started relig war… eliz agreed to intervene… wanted to swap Le Havre for Calais which annoyed Fr T of Hampton court 1562
T of Troyes 1564- Eng retreat, lost Calais permanently
T of Blois
1572 Eliz to marry Francis D of Alencon aka ‘Froggie’… defensive league against Sp- negative reliance brought together by fear of Sp
Renewed 1574 w/ H3
1572 (France)
Cologne (C9 father figure) Plans to go to Neths to help with/ prot army… eliz v worried doesn’t want fr in neths any more than Sp… guise worried plan to murder cologne turns into 1572 Massacre of St Bartholemew’s eve
When did the french civil war start
C9= dead
H3= new king
T of Plessis Les Tours + Anjou in Neths
Dutch offer Anjou Sov- eliz has to control even more
1581 Eliz gives ANjou £60,000 to intervene in Neth
1583 Anjou messed everything up in neths, fed up w/ restrictions placed on him so coup ag gov…. Dutch kicked him out
Froggy died 1584
T of Joinville
Fr + Sp finally ICC
War of 3 Henry’s
1589 H3 assassinated, H of Navarre next in line- war of suc conts…. P2 tried to push daughters claim
Eng volunteer to help H of Navarre
1598 P of Vervins= H4= K ‘Paris is worth a mass’ became cath
Trade embargo w/ Sp
P control of 17 indep neths provinces
1563 Dutch merchants resent high tariff eng are imposing
Granvelle initiates a trade war w/ eliz
Led to eng merchants to look for alternate markets (Hamburg) 3/4 of engs trading through Antwerp
Iconoclastic fury
P= burning prots… prots then attack cath churches
Alva in Neths
1567 arrived in Neths w/ a huge span army to crush Dutch Reb… ends up being 100k men
1568 MQA in Eng- fear Alva might invade from neths to back her
1569 revolt of n’ern earls- planned to get Alva to invade
Issues in 1568 w/ Spain
San Juan de Ulloa. John Hawkins fleet destroyed in Mexico
1568 the Bullion affair… rel w/ sp
The Sea Beggars
1572 Dutch pirates who harassed Sp shipping had been using eng ports, eliz evicted them… went back to Holland and sparked major rebellion
1572-73 w/ Sp
T of Blois annoyed sp
1572 St Bartholomew’s day massacre of Huguenots
1573 T of Nymegen- trade deal w/ Alva
1574- 80 indirect action
Allowed privateers to attack sp shipping in channel, but declare ignorance as they are pirates e.g through Drake and circumnavigation
1576 ‘Sp Fury’ sack of Antwerp- as soldiers aren’t being payed
1576 pacification of Ghent- all 17 provinces want sp out
1578- P2 beat Dutch at B of Gembloux- eliz needs to help but doesn’t want to commit as means war… sends in German mercaneries… achieves nothing but annoy p2
1580-85 why did war come closer?
1579 D of Parma makes sig gains + s’ern Neths make peace
1580- p = king of Portugal now 2 fleets
1580- papal pronouncement okay to assassinate eliz
1583 Throckmorton plot, MQS- ICC
1584 Parry Plot
1584 Mendoza, sp amb, expelled for his role in the Throckmortion plot
1585 T of Joinville… eng + Dutch
Leicester I’m neths 85-87… did not work… eliz neg w/ Parma behind hid bacl
Armada 1588
1587 Drake attacked Cadiz ‘singeing of the K of Sp beard’
May 1588 Armada sets sail- plan = go to Dunkirk, meet Parma’s army
Sp = 130 ships, 8000 sailors + Parma’s 20-30k
C shaped formation… v strong cannot be broken
Eng used fire ships… caused confusion from Sp.. cut their anchors, no longer in formation
B of Gravelines 29th July 1588 Eng won
For pol 1589-1603
1589-96 HoN fighting in Fr to become K… out of span Reb if he losses. Eliz sent 20k men, £300k
W of O’s son now leader of Dutch rev against sp.. spent £750k
1589 Portuguese expedition = unsuccessful, Drake aimed to destroy remains of Armada + capture treasure… 1100 eng dead
1591 P building new Armada
1596 Cadiz exped- Essex set fire to ships in Cadiz and destroyed 4 ships
1596 and 97 Sp sent further Armadas but these were wrecked in storms before they became a threat to eng
War w/ sp was v expensive.. some offset from privateers + selling of monopolies
Incr engs reputations