H8 dom pol + society Flashcards
1513 replaced fifteenths and tenths
based on acc vals of taxpayers wealth, prop + ability to pay
1 shilling in every £
1513-16 sub raised £170,000 comp w/ £90k from 15 + 10
Wol as Lord Councillor
star chamber cent to his work
1515 parl
Wol involved but did not call
inability to manage parl in early 1520s due to combo of Wol’s temp & near impossibility of winning tax for wars that had already happened
1515 parl dismissed b4 granted tax bc Wol wanted to stop it criticising the church
V anticlerical due to murder of Richard Hunnne
1515 Wol ask for ext of Benefit of the Clergy- parl ref wanted to abolish it
A of Resumption
Take back crown lands
Wol enclosure enquiry
concluded enclosure = a social evil
Court of requests
open because SC cases rose from 12 pa to 120
Court of requests opened 1519
Wol use of benevolences
1522 raised forced loans… £250k from nobs for war in 1522- opposed but paid
1523 parl
wol had been given taxes in 1522 + spend on war
1523 called parl again for subsidy due to 3-pronged attack
asked for £800k 4 shilling in £
kept sitting over summer
eventually agreed but only half + pay in instalments#had to give up anti-enclosure policy
Wol only parl as LC
caused resentment lead to AG
Amicable Grant
H8 wanted to invade France needed £ (aft B of Pavia 1525)
Parl wouldn’t agree so wol bypassed & collected directly from laity + clergy
Rebellion in E Anglia & ref to pay
Eltham Ordinances
Wol red size of PC from 12-6 said it was to save money but really to remove opp
1529 Parl
Met after fall of Wol
T More put forward a pet signed by H8 to never have Wol back in power
This parl v anticlerical & criticises C corruption bc of fall of Wol + failure to get div
H8 happy to accept to get div
Opening of ‘Reformation’ Parl
Wolsey’s enclosure policy
Tackled enclosure- used legal system to deal with/ it
Sheep required less people- villagers unemployed
Anti-enclosure pol under H7 didn’t help
1517 wol enquiry
Failed to see enclosure as a result of inflation
Landowner greed- Wol acted against landowners
264 cases ago enclosure w/ 222 that came to court bc of legal proceedings
Little prac effect- cont
More opposition- Nobs hated him even more
Dropped 1523- parl forced
Who wol appoints
Wol appointed own men to serve him in local government
E.g Ralph Pexsall served as clerk then local council in Surrey, Berkshire and Devon
1st Act of Union
1536 in Wales
24 MPs from Welsh shires to Westminster
English legal system est in Wales
Council of wales est + given authority to govern in the absence of a prince of wales
2nd A of Union
English became the language of gov in Wales
Divided into counties + Shires
JPs + Sherifs intro
C of Wales re-org to include border areas eg Gloucester
Acts as a judicial court, publishes prods, transmits orders
Council in the North
Dacre + Percy family v powerful, H reduces their power
In charge of land N of River Trent, including former Percy land
Legal and administrative role
Responsible for electing + overseeing JPs
Dealing w/ treason
1541 Wakefield Plot- gentry plan to murder Archbishop of York (pres of CofN) failed, no further plots
Council of the West
Fear of invasion from France
Worried about loyalty of Dev + corn
Lord Russell in control
Lord lieutenants appointed in the West to raise local forces
Met in 1540
By 1540 FP improved so council lapses
Reason why 1549 w’ern Reb got so out of hand
What other policies could you include?
All religious ones…. Vv big effect on society
England tried to control the Irish through force, keeping a standing army there. The crown also kept a tight control over the Irish parliament and in 1541, Henry adopted the title King of Ireland.
The PoG
Largest uprising fighting force of 85,000
Began in Lincolnshire in early oct 1536 and spread first into E Riding of Yorkshire and then into W Riding
2nd more militant rising (the PoG) started in Yorkshire Dales and spread west into cumberland, westmorland, and N Lancashire, N into Durham and SW into Yorkshire’s W Riding of Yorkshire. The rebs there were more hostile towards the gentry bc of the strength of their grievances ag their landlords, sending out letters in the name of ‘Captain Poverty’
The PoG causes
Fears ab dissolving mons e.g Loss of charitable/ educational functions and the facilities/ services which monastries offered
Loss of parish churches were monastic props
Fear that the N wld be impoverished if monastic land was transferred to the southerners
Cromwell’s injunction of 1536
Discouragement of locally imp saints and of pilgrimage
Rumours that church plates and jewels, bequeathed by parishioners, would be confiscated and that parishes might be amalgamated.
Econ grievances- resentment of taxation, tenants grievances (especially relevant for the extension of the Reb into Cumberland and Westmorland)
A court conspiracy by former supporters of cath of Aragon who wanted to restore Mary as heir + exploit northerners religious and financial concerns to pressurise the K.
Rebels demands
Outlined in the pontefract articles. Incorporated a range of grievances:
Relig incl concerns from both common ppl and the clergy, and attempts to restore some of the relig houses which had been suppressed
Regional: incl a call for parl to meet at York
Specific: such as resentment for Cromwell
The social impact of religious upheavals
ST, resentment at the dissolution of the monasteries and attacks on the trad cath practices was exacerbated by fears of an attack on parish churches. Led to major rebellion.. PoG 1536
A huge amount of land was transferred from the church to the crown. Temporarily incr the crown’s wealth. However by 1547 nearly 2/3 of the confiscated church and monastic prop had been sold off, often cheaply, to fund H’s expensive for pol. Greatly incr both size and wealth of the landholding gentry
Education suffered w/ the loss of monastery schools
Many monks and nuns became unemployed
Many monasteries had played a key role in their communities e.g offering jobs, welfare services, education + hospitals… this was all lost
Other rebellions
Complaints in Yorkshire in 1513 ab the raising of subsidy for H’s campaigns and some demands had to be written off.
1525 widespread opposition to the amicable grant e.g 1000 people on the Essex-Suffolk border refused payment. 4000 refusals and the K was forced to back down. Wolsey sought pardon for the protestors and the leaders were treated leniently… up to 10000 marched on Lavenham
Most imp export was woollen cloth, almost doubled during reign
Broadcloths and cheaper fabrics were exported through London, although foreign merchants controlled a lot of this until the 1550s
Eng company of the merchant adventurers flourished.
Traded in finished cloth which was sent to their base in Antwerp for dyeing and finishing.
Enjoyed spec privy, and in return provided the crown w/ much-needed loans
Other exports incl Cornish tin, hides and furs
Wine incr imported from the continent, reflecting changing tastes and wealth of social elites
Henry made no attempts to build on this
Tudor England = relatively prosperous
The woollen Ind, partic in the W Riding of Yorkshire, EA and parts of the WC, grew to keep pace with/ incr trade and demand.
Tin mining in Cornwall, lead mining in the Pennines and coal mining in NE eng also prospered, new blast furnaces prod an incr amount of iron ore in the Weald of Sussex and Kent.
Growth of pop from 1525 aided prosperity… surplus labour
Debasement of the coinage first attempted 1526 more freq in 1540s, created a short-term artificial boom in 1544-46 by putting more coinage in circulation
Ag prices incr from 1520s, incr farmers income. Enclosure, new ag techniques and engrossing benefitted agriculture
Bad harvests (1520-21, 1527-29) raised food prices. Food prices almost doubled across H8 reign. Brought urban poverty
In the countryside, some were made homeless on account of enclosure and engrossing. Leg to limit practice in 1515; wol est enclosure com 1517, leading to some prosecutions; further leg in 1534 attempted to limit sheep ownership and engrossing. None = partic effective
Debasement brought inflation and fall in real wages by the end of reign as prices and rents rose.
Rising pop- strain on food supply, plentiful supply of labour- wages stagnated, some peasants moved from rural to urban coms suffered precarious existence.