Eliz Gov + Finance Flashcards
The Royal court and PC
Much smaller PC than Mary- intended to reduce opps for faction-fighting… around 10 membs attend regular meetings
Some of Mary’s membs… eliz also added her own choices… giving the PC a new dynamism
PC functions were;
Discuss + advise on state matters, helping to form policies
To manage crown finances
Manage parl
Oversee regional councils and local officials (e.g JPs and borough councils)
Oversee Nat defence
To enforce the 1559 relig settlement
To act as a court of law (when sitting as Star chamber)
Worked well w/ eliz over some articles over execution of MQS but overall pos
Royal ministers
Chief advisor= William Cecil (lord Burghley 1571 + Principal sec 1558-72 + Lord Treasurer 1572)
Other membs = sir Nicholas Bacon, Francis Russel and Knollys
More cons= D of Norfolk and the Marquis of Winchester, earls of Sussex + Shrewsbury… eliz fave = Dudley (E of Leicester)
Factional Rivalry
Factions between E of Leicester and Cecil… over Q’s marriage and frequently over pol matters
1570s infl of trad cons was reduced, bc of perceived disloyalty 1560s, Norfolk exec + WInchester died
More prot councillors emerged… Walshingham became principle sec 1573-90 acted as chief spy min… devised an effective spy network at the end of eliz reign… instrumental in MQS 1587
E of Leicester + E of Warwick + E of Bedford joined Walsingham and Burghley to form an ‘inner ring’ of strongly prot councillors
Worked well… not until the 1590s faction-fighting could be problematic as Robert Cecil clashed w/ E of Essex
Probs og govt in 1580s and 1590s
Sev key mins died in quick succession most notably E of Leicester 1588
Eliz was slow to replace deceased councillors and oft less capable men were promoted
The great noble families were no longer rep on the council
Clashes took place between Robert Cecil and E of Essex
Eliz wouldn’t allow Cecil to retire, despite ill-health; appointed his son Robert as PC, 1593 and as principal secretary 1596
Issues resulted in the Essex ‘rebellion’ tried to mount a coup against Cecil, failed… tried + executed
Used less than PC, 13 session in 44 years
Was called to: grant taxation; 11/13 parls asked to grant rev
Make statute laws; 438 acts were passed by eliz’s parls, A of Supremacy and Uniformity in 1559 and the poor laws of 1597/8 and 1601
HoL more imp than HoC… all bills first discussed there
Cecil = active in prep bills, assisted by the crown reps in HoC
PC wld begin sessions by outlining the crowns priorities
Hoc was not supposed to hinder leg w/ undue debs
Queens assent needed b4 any leg became law… did not grant assent to over 60 bills
Pressure over marriage
1559 Parl raised the issue of marriage, Eliz deflected
1566 Parl enc by Cecil and Leicester, pressed Eliz to marry, Leicester banished
Action over small pox
1563 when thought eliz might doe of smallpox… didn’t name successor
Parl w/ issues of state
1571 eliz stated don’t meddle w/ issues of the state… Strickland tried to intro rad relig reform bills… he was forced to leave chamber
1585 speaker John Puckering delivered a message from eliz banning relig debate
Issues w/ speech
1572 + 76 commons took action against its own members for speeches which were felt to have gone too far against MQS
1576 Peter Wentworth made an appeal for freedom of speech and was com to tower by order of the house, readmitted but imprisoned again in 1587 and again in 1593 for defying eliz on freedom of speech concerning both relig and succession
Why did relations between crown and parliament deteriorate
1593 one of Burghley’s associates criticised John Whitgift, A of C, for enc the passing of an act punishing Sectaries (membs of prots sects who had rejected the CoE and the royal sup)
Q took as personal criticism and barred the pols advancement
1593 Peter Wentworth imprisoned w/ 3 colleagues for arguing for a named successor to Eliz- Q saw as attack on royal prerogative
1601 rel between eliz and parl bore down on debate over monopolies… compromise was achieved and the parl session ended w/ the queen’s golden speech to a crowded gathering of MPs
Pol condition of England by 1603
Royal auth and quality of admin declined during the 1590s, because of;
Diminishing talent following the death of Elz’s long standing mins (Leicester 1588, Burghley 1598)
Incr factional rivalry in gov as younger courtiers sought power ; the conflict between Essex and Cecil faction- involving the Essex rebellion of 1601- illustrated the probs
Probs of an aging q who could no longer control her courtiers as effectively as in the past
Anxieties over the suc
Econ probs
Economic conditions by 1603
Eng enjoyed econ growth during the 16th century w/ the expansion of trade and industry
By 1603 some of the structures that would contribute to eng’s commercial dom w/in Europe in the 17th century had been established e.g trading companies to challenge span/ Portuguese/ Dutch dom, beginnings of interest in americas
Domestic demand thrived. Cottage industry’s such as nail making, hosiery, soap manufacturing and brewing flourished, and total prod rose sub during eliz’s reign
Although inflation was a problem, the stab of the eliz era did much to aid commercial prosperity
Internal trade
Foreign trade grew significantly but surpassed in value by internal trade.
Shipping of coal to France increased but shipping of coal from the river Tyne to Thames was even greater
External trade involved
Flourishing cloth trade w/ the Netherlands… however in the 5080s main markets for eng wool moved from s’ern to n’ern neths… Cecil enc trade w/ prot Amsterdam rather that cath Antwerp (under span control)
A broadening of overseas markets… incr in links w/ the Ottoman Empire… trade links were established w/ India and trading routes extended into Russia… wider range of luxury foreign imports in return
Three expeditions by John Hawkins
To Guinea in Africa, from 1562; acquired slaves to transport to S America in each for goods, backed by London merchants and prom courtiers including E of Leicester
Eliz gave support (selling ships)
3rd exped suffered a sp blockade in Mexico 1568 San Juan de Ulloa- Hawkin’s activities worsened rels w/ Sp, eliz saw pot gains in riches abroad.
Shipping companies
Formation of a no. of trading companies e.g the Levant Company… all had limited success/ or failed
By 1603- relatively modest orgs. However, sig change in that all except the Eastland company were joint-stock companies owned by their shareholders… this model would determine future capitalist developments.
Scholars contribution to exploration
Scholars at unis drafted maps and taught see capes the secret of celestial navigation after publication of the ‘Arte of Navigation’ 1561
Exploration and colonisation
1580, Drake returns from circumnavigation of the globe, this showed the potential of sail and opp to acquire new trading lands.
Explorer Humphrey Gilbert and Clergyman Richard Hakluyt , author of ‘A discourse of Western planting’ (1584) both highlighted the potential of N America
1584, Charter granted to Sir Walter Raleigh to establish Eng control in N America
Raleigh’s exploration
Gained success from Sir Francis Walsingham and others
1584 expedition to Roanoke island… foundation of colony named Virginia in honour of eliz
Further expeditions, 1585 and 1587, failed to establish a permanent settlement
Probs of native hostility and insufficient sup from eng which was embroiled in war w/ sp
Agricultural prod incr overall (bad harvests interrupted this)
Cloth-making in rural areas incr, but some old est cloth towns such as Stamford and Winchester decl
New urban settlements developed, thriving on a broad range of manufacture (e.g. Manchester and Plymouth)
London grew and prov a market for internal goods (e.g coal from Newcastle upon Tyne)
Shipbuilding and its associate port grew and prospered w/ the growth of trade
The SE flourished, followed closely by Norfolk, Suffolk and the ‘inner West Country’ counties of Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire
Poorest countries = the North and West Midlands
Legislation in the economy
To regulate trade and industry… sign of the govts awareness that the taxes and duties which could be levied on manufacturing brought wealth to the country as a whole
Acts to regulate trade in cloth, leather, coal, iron, grain and timber
Two navigation acts to promote the use of Eng ships… 1597 Hanseatic merchants expelled from eng
Statute of artificers
To fix prices, regulate wages, restrict workers freedom of movement and control apprenticeships (replaced a number of functions of the old guilds)
Depression… issues w/ harvest
Harvest failure= disastrous… successive bad harvests 1594-97 led to serious poverty.
1596-97 subsistence crisis… distress was widespread… partic bad in N where ppl died of starvation… both in rural areas and in Newcastle (where the poor and needy gravitated towards)
Depression… econ problems
1596 real wages had collapsed to less than half the level of 9 years earlier
Inflation rose by 75% whilst revenue from land only rose by 25%… Food prices rose dramatically
Value of subsidy fell from £140k to £80k due to inflation… eliz had to raise multiple subsidies
Depression… issues w/ the system
Didn’t reform the whole mechanism of finance, could have made more if collection was more efficient, assessments of tax was done by the taxpayer… oft underestimate the amount they should pay
Burghley was inefficient at extracting the max value of the crown’s assets… for example gave the responsibility for collecting duties to indivs who would pocket any prof after paying govt a fixed rent
Ordinary revenue increased from £200-300k PA… surplus used to pay off debts
1603, debt only raised to £350,000, £123,000 more than 1558… good to say for pol= expensive
Great concern for mins
Thought would marry European prince- enhancing engs status
Or eng gentry but could lead to factions
Whilst she remained w/out an her, Nat suc= MQS (cath… big issue for eng prots)
Eliz death w/out suc could lead to civil war… queen felt marriage and suc lay w/in royal prerogative… not areas of disc for parl or PC
If James did not object to MQS murdered, no one would stop his route to being king
Robert Dudley (E of Leicester from 1564) Eng nobleman, opposed by Cecil + marred by Scandal over death of 1st wife (poss murder); Prot
Prince Erik of Sweden… prot
Francis D of Anjou… bro of king H3 of Fr, proposed by Cecil, 1579… cath
The archdukes Ferdinand and Charles- sons of emperor Ferdinand: Catholic
Philip 2 of Sp- keen to maintain infl in Eng… prop at start of reign, devoutly cath