Gynae Flashcards
How long after COCP should periods return?
3-6 months
Options for emergency contraception
Levonorgestral (Levonelle)
Up to 72h (effectiveness reduces the longer you wait)
If vomit within 3h, take another dose
can take multiple times within 1 cycle
Ulipristal (EllaOne)
Up to 5 days (effectiveness reduces the longer you wait)
If vomit within 3h, take another dose
can NOT take multiple times within 1 cycle - condoms/ abstinence until next cycle
Copper IUD
Up to 5 days, or 5 days after ovulation
offer chlamydia testing first
Age for cervical screening
3-yearly 25-49 years
5-yearly 50-64 years
65+ if previously abnormal, or not had one since 50
When should a smear not be taken?
Within 12 weeks of labour, TOP, miscarriage
Ongoing vaginal discharge/ pelvic infection
Menstruation requires which functioning 5 components
Hypothalamus Pituitary Ovaries Endometrium Patent cervix/ vagina
What proportion of women with menorrhagia will have iron-deficiency anaemia?
Systemic causes of menorrhagia
Thyroid disease
Local causes of menorrhagia
Fibroids Endometriosis (associated with, but not caused by, ditto PID) Endometrial polyps Endometrial carcinoma (vascular areas, polyps) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Iatrogenic causes of menorrhagia
Oral anticoags
Blood tests for menorrhagia
maybe TFTs, clotting
Mx menorrhagia
first-line: IUCD
second-line: tranexamic acid, mefanamic acid (and other NSAIDs)
Cervical causes of IMB/ PCB
Cervical polyps
Intra-uterine causes of IMB/ PCB
Polyps Fibroids (submucuous) Endometrial hyperplasia Endometrial malignancy Endometritis
Hormonal cause of IMB/ PCB
Breakthrough bleeding
Causes of PCB (by organ)
Ovary (rare): malignancy
Uterus: submucuous fibroid, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, atrophic changes
Cervix: atrophic changes, malignancy
Vagina: atrophic changes
Urethra: haematuria
Vulva: vulvitis, malignancies, atrophic changes
at what age, is it considered primary amenorrhea
What is Asherman’s syndrome?
a condition characterized by adhesions and/or fibrosis of the endometrium particularly but can also affect the myometrium
caused during Top curretage
Meds causing amenorrhoea (hyperprolacinaemia)
Antipsychotics Phenothiazines Haloperidol Antidepressants TCAs Antihypertensives Methyldopa Reserpine Oestrogens COCP H2-receptor Antagonists Cimetidine Ranitidine Metoclopramide Domperidone
What may be cause of:
breasts without pubic/axillary hair
androgen insensitivity
What may be cause of:
- poor breast development with normal hair or hirsutism
high circulating androgens
how does haematocolpos appear
blue-coloured bulge at the introitus
how to tell ovarian failure from LH/ FSH
will be v high
how to tell hypothalamic amenorrhea or hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism from LH/ FSH
v low
how to detect PCOS from LH/FSH
LH:FSH ratio is >2.5
ie high LH
if androgen levels v v high, what should be suspected
androgen-secreting tumour
why is haematocolpos associated with endometriosis
retrograde menstruation
physiological causes of amenorrhoea
bloods for amenorrhoea
what are the health risks to those with amenorrhoea due to low oestrogen states
osteoporosis and IHD
may need COCP or HRT
excluding physiological cysts, what are the most common benign ovarian cysts
a germ cell tumour is most common in women under 40
epithelial cell tumour is most common in older women
suspicious signs on US re: ovarian cysts
multilocular cysts – presence of solid areas – evidence of mets – presence of ascites – bilateral lesions
what is adenomyosis?
endometrial tissue within myometrium
most common sites of endometriosis
ovaries, pouch of Douglas, uterosacral ligaments
Quarter of symptoms in endometriosis
secondary dysmenorrhea – deep dyspareunia – pelvic pain – infertility
Fibroids in pregnancy - grow or shrink?
How many women with fibroids are asymptomatic?
Fibroids ix
- FBC (exclude anaemia from menorrhagia)
- U&Es (exclude problems from large fibroids which may be compressing bladder or ureters)
- Pelvic USS: identify location of individual fibroids and measure them – may be difficult to distinguish fibroids from ovarian masses, particularly those located in the broad ligament – MRI has become gold standard for differentiating fibroids from other pelvic masses
- In some cases, laparotomy only way to be sure
- For submucous fibroids, hysteroscopy will be the most accurate method
Definition prolapse
protrusion of an organ or a structure beyond its normal anatomical site
risk factors ovarian ca
- Increasing age
- Nulliparity – late age of first conception – early menarche – late menopause
- HRT – treatment with ovulation-induction drugs
- Smoking
- Obesity
- White Caucasian – blood group A – higher socioeconomic status
Risk factors for endometrial ca
- Obesity (BMI >29 has three-fold increase) – PCOS – nulliparity – unopposed oestrogen use
- Tamoxifen
- Genetic syndromes (HNPCC)
how can endometrial hyperplasia be managed?
Can be treated with progesterone to encourage regression
If complex hyperplasia: should consider hysterectomy
Ix endometrial ca
gold standard is hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy (LA or GA)
(pipelle biopsy can miss)
incidence cervical ca
• Two peaks in incidence: between 30-34 years – and between 80-84 years
risk factors cervical ca
- Early age first intercourse
- Higher number of sexual partners
- HPV infection
- Lower socioeconomic group
- Smoking
- Partner with prostatic or penile cancer
risk factors vulval ca
- History of CIN, VIN or HPV
- Immunosuppression
- Lichen sclerosus (benign skin condition with white plaques and atrophy seen in a figure-8 pattern around the vulva and anus – extragenital plaques may be seen (trunk and back) – associated with autoimmune disorders, eg vitiligo – can be classed as pre-malignant as 4% go on to have vulval squamous cell carcinoma)
hirsutism vs virilism
• Virilism is always pathological and is due to increased circulated androgens – diagnosed by: clitoral hypertrophy – breast atrophy – deep voice – male-pattern balding – often accompanied by hirsutism
age of menopause
45-55 (average age is 51)
why can menopause present with urinary sx?
urethral atrophy
HRT for women with womb
oestrogen + progesterone (to avoid endometrial hyperplasia - can come from IUS)
Symptoms of PID
may include:
- Pelvic pain/ lower abdominal pain (usually bilateral and sometimes radiating to legs)
- Deep dyspareunia
- Dysmenorrhea
- Abnormal or increased discharge
- Fever
which swabs
- Vulval/ high vaginal swab (HVS): candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis
- Endocervical/ urethral swab: chlamydia trachomatis, neiserria gonorrhoea
moa cocp
- Thinning the endometrium
* Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm reaching the egg
advantages cocp
- Also has a role in managing: dysmenorrhea – menorrhagia – PMS – controls functional ovarian cysts
- Associated with reduced incidence of carcinoma of the ovary and endometrium
contraindications cocp
• Absolute: - Breastfeeding - Arterial or venous thrombosis - Liver disease - Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding - History of oestrogen-dependent tumour - Recent hydatidiform mole • Relative: - Family history of thrombosis - Hypertension - Migraine - Varicose veins - Over 35 / smokers
moa pop
- Thinning of endometrium
- Thickened cervical mucus
- Reduced tubal motility
disadvantages pop
- Efficacy is reduced if time of pill-taking delayed by more than 3 hours
- Spotting or breakthrough bleeding may not settle
- Small increased risk of ectopics
disadvantages injection
- Side-effects cannot be removed: headaches – spotty skin – mood changes – breast tenderness
- Most women become amenorrhoeic, but heavy unpredictable bleeding patterns can occur
- May be a delay in return to fertility by 12-18 months
- Prolonged use is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis
Moa iud
- Likely to prevent blastocyst implantation
- Also a foreign body reaction in the endometrium, affecting gamete viability
- Changes in cervical mucus, resisting sperm motility – especially with progestogen-releasing MIRENA
- MIRENA also thins endometrium
iud disadvantages
- Infection – advisable to do chlamydia test and/or give prophylactic abx – not recommended in nulliparous ladies with multiple partners due to risk of PID
- Uterine perforation
- Expulsion of IUCD/ IUS – if can’t feel threads can check with xray, US or laparoscopy
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Menorrhagia with IUCD
contraindications iud
- Undiagnosed uterine bleeding
- Active/ past history PID
- Previous ectopic pregnancy
- Previous tubal surgery