Growth Flashcards
what is the Z score on a growth chart?
number of SD away from the mean an individual is
what percent are within 1SD?
what percent are within 2SD
how far apart are centile lines?
2/3rd of a SD apart
why are bottle-fed babies bigger than breastfed babies?
lack of signalling to tell the baby to stop suckling that comes from hindmilk
what three things do growth charts look at?
when is further assessment required into growth?
<0.4th centile
height more than 3 centiles below mid-parental centile
drop in height centile of >2
what is the relation of the child’s height to the mid-parental centile?
most are within 2 centile spaces of mid-parental centile
what does a BMI >91st centile indicate?
what does a BMI >98th centile indicate?
genetic cause of being overweight?
Prader-Willi syndrome
presentation at birth of babies with Prader-Willi syndrome
ability to suck is absent
childhood developments in Prader-Willi syndrome
reduced BMR due to low muscle tone
what is Prader-Willi syndrome associated with?
learning difficulties
short stature
Tanner 1 / pre-puberty in boys
high voices
no signs of development
tanner 2-3 / in puberty in boys
slight deepening of voice
hair growth
enlargement of penis/testes
Tanner 4-5 / completing puberty
voice broken
hair growth
adult sized penis
when is puberty precocious in boys?
before 9
why is there increased risk of precocious puberty if obese?
leptin increases GnRH
what age is puberty considered delayed?
if no signs of puberty by 14
what age have boys completed puberty?
Tanner 1 /pre-puberty in girls
no signs of development
Tanner 2-3/ in puberty in girls
breast enlargement
pubic or armpit hair
Tanner 4-5 / completing puberty
periods with signs of development
when is puberty considered precocious in girls?
before 8
when is puberty considered delayed in girls
if no signs of pubertal development by 13
what age have most girls completed puberty?