gross motor skills 0 - 12 months pt 2. Flashcards
ability to sit with appropriate spinal curves, erect posture, adequate BOS and effective postural adjustments to maintain position with movement
- underlying contributions = vestib., visual, prop. and auditory stimuli
- need adequate motor planning, muscle strength and edurance and protective reactions
sitting performance
pre-emergence = supported sitting 'C" curve of spine Emerges = typically from 4 months. Able to maintain ring sitting 6 - 9 months. progression = attains sit by 10 - 12 months. Able to adopt side sit by 12 months
Atypical sitting responses
Sit with c curve spine - asymmetircal tone (hypotonia/hyper.) - neck or trunk hyperextended - unable to sit alone unsupported - large BOS 'W" sitting and propping required inhibiting interaction with environment
in prone, reciprocally alternate arm and opposite leg flexion and extension in order to move fwd on floor. Need diagonal weight shift to opposite pelvis.
Need visual, prop. and auditory stimuli
creeping performance
pre-emergence = prone-lying, unable to propel fwd. emerges = typically 6-8 months progession = to crawling by approximately 9 months
Atypical response of creeping
abnormal tone = a chold has increased or dec. tone in the upper and/or lower limbs hence unable to dissociate limbs/creep
- ability to WB on hands and knees and use reciprical pattern across floors and stairs.
Requires visula, prop. and auditory stimuli
adequate MP, MS and endurance to propel
crawling performance
pre-emergence = approx. 8 months start with 4 point weight shifting
emerges = by 10 - 12 months most infants demonstrate reciprical ceawl
progression - crawling up and down stairs by 18months
atypical crawling
bunny hop or bottom shuffle - no weight shift or reciprical pattern, irregular rhythm, influence of immature patterns, poor shoulder girlde or pelvic stability.
Pull to stand
ability to position legs and WS from sitting through half kneel position into standing. Uses UL to offer support
requires visual, prop., tactile and vestibular input
pull to stand performance
pre-emergence = <8 months child is still developing protective reactions and control emerges = typically 10 - 12 months, using support to pull up progression = tpically 18months child uses squat to stand
Atypical squat response
at correct age and can’t pull up, consider whether child
- lacks awareness of leg position,
- or upper limb strenght/power - has difficulity with WS to achieve standing,
- fear/tentativeness with mvmt
ability to adopt and maintain low kneel, high kneel and half kneel positions without hand support and with good postural control
factors = muscle strength and endurance of glutes, quads and plantar flexors to attain and maintain kneeling. Trunk and lateral hip muscles critical.
Vis. prop and vestivular imput for balance
+ adequate motor planning
kneeling progression
pre-emergence < 18months child adopts a high kneel position with support (holding or leaning)
high kneel: 18 months = child obtains high kneel without supprt
progression: by 2 years can progress from kneel > half kneel> stand without assist and maintain throughout life
atypical kneeling response
hips remain flexed, unable to maintain high kneel (momentarily adopts due to weak muscles o poor endurance
- poor distribution of weight (asymetrical)
- poor postural control (especially in half kneel)
- unable to maintain unsupported (>18motnhs)