Gross Anatomy Flashcards
Fetal Pig Anatomy
what does the digestive system do ?
digests food, absorbs nutrients, pass waste
proper order of food traveling through digestive system ?
1) oral cavity
2) esophagus
3) stomach
4) small intestine
5) large intestine (colon)
6) sigmoid colon
7) rectum
8) anus
organs involved w/ the digestive system ? (11)
- oral cavity
- esophagus
- stomach
- small / large intestine
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
- anus
- liver
- gallbladder
- pancreas
- spleen
what are sphincters and where are they ?
they open and close to allow passage of fluids / foods
- between esophagus / stomach
- between stomach / small intestine
where does mechanical digestion take place ?
in the mouth
- chewing
where does chemical digestion take place ?
in the stomach / mouth
- mouth’s saliva
- chemical digestive enzymes
connects the mouth to the stomach
- push food down via peristalsis
where is the esophagus in a fetal pig ?
to the right of the trachea
- on left side of body
holds food temporarily
- chemical digestion
small intestine
majority of food absorption
- site of hydrolysis
large intestine (colon)
reabsorbs most of water
- formation of feces
sigmoid colon
end of the large intestine
passage way of feces ?
1) form in large intestine
2) sigmoid colon
3) rectum
4) anus
filters blood & bile / cholesterol production
- contains gallbladder
stores bile made by liver
produce digestive / pancreatic juices / insulin
- aid in chemical digestion
helps regulate blood sugar
recycles RBC / stores WBC & platelets
- produces antibodies
what body systems is the spleen apart of ?
- technically only AIDS digestive; not actually apart of it
flap closes over trachea while eating
- prevents aspiration (choking)
produce WBC / immune cells
- fight infections
where is the thymus located ?
on either side of the thyroid gland
- around the middle of the neck
- below larynx
what system is the thymus apart of ?
immune system
thyroid gland
produce hormones for development / regulate metabolism
where it the thyroid located ?
in the middle of the thymus glands
- bean shaped
- below larynx
what system is the thyroid gland apart of ?
endocrine system
produce sound
- voice box
where is the larynx ?
connected to and above the trachea
carry air in / out of lungs
where is the trachea in a fetal pig ?
- connected to and below the larynx
- to the left of the esophagus
difference between the trachea and esophagus ?
trachea is bigger and has horizontal banding
separates pleural / pericardial cavity from abdominal cavity
- contraction forces air into the lungs
where is the diaphragm located ?
below the lungs
pleural / pericardial cavity
upper torso
- contains heart / lungs
abdominal cavity
lower torso
- contains stomach, liver, pancreas, etc.
- exchange of O2 / CO2
what part of the lungs physically does the exchange of O2 / CO2 ?
capillaries of the blood vessels
where are the lungs located ?
each side of the heart
left lung has how many lobes ?
2 lobes;
- superior lobe
- inferior lobe
right lung has how many lobes ?
3 lobes;
- superior lobe
- middle lobe
- inferior lobe
where does O2 / CO2 exchange occur ?
in the alveoli of the lungs
pumps blood throughout the body
- blood carries nutrients / O2 / CO2 / waste
four heart chambers of the heart ?
- right atrium
- right ventricle
- left atrium
- left ventricle
what separates the atria from the ventricles within the heart ?
atrioventricular valves
what parts of the heart accept blood coming back to the heart ?
right / left atria
what parts of the heart is the blood leaving the heart ?
right / left ventricles
what side of the heart contains deoxygenated blood ?
right side
what side of the heart contains oxygenated blood ?
left side
the right side of the heart contains which valve ?
tricuspid valve
the left side of the heart contains which valve ?
bicuspid / mitral valve
what separates the aorta / pulmonary trunk from the ventricles ?
aortic / pulmonary SEMILUNAR valves
right / left coronary arteries
most prominent right / left arteries on the heart
- deliver blood to heart
- originate from aorta
- oxygenated blood
connected to the left ventricle;
- flow of blood to the body tissue
- oxygenated blood
right / left pulmonary arteries
connected to right ventricle;
- flow of blood to the lungs
- deoxygenated blood
- contains pulmonary trunk
right / left pulmonary veins
connected to the left atrium;
- brings blood from lungs to heart
- oxygenated blood
right / left carotid arteries
on right / left side of neck
- provide blood to brain
- oxygenated blood
superior / cranial & inferior / caudal vena cavae
connects to right atrium;
- brings back blood from body
- deoxygenated blood
what parts of the circulatory system contain deoxygenated blood ?
- superior / cranial & inferior / caudal vena cavae
- right atrium
- tricuspid valve
- right ventricle
- pulmonary semilunar valve
- pulmonary arteries
what parts of the circulatory contain oxygenated blood ?
- pulmonary veins
- left atrium
- bicuspid / mitral valve
- left ventricle
- aortic semilunar valve
- aorta
right / left kidneys
filters blood / produces urine
- contains adrenal glands
right / left adrenal glands
help regulate metabolism, blood pressure, produce hormones
- on top portion of kidneys
right / left ureters
carries urine from kidneys to urinary bladder
urinary bladder
temporary storage of urine
where urine exits the urinary bladder
where is the urinary bladder in a fetal pig ?
between the two umbilical arteries
right / left testes
contain seminiferous tubules;
- produce sperm in seminiferous tubules
- produce testosterone
right / left epididymides
tightly coiled tubules surrounding testes
- store sperm before they enter the vas deferences
right / left vas deferences
tube that carries sperm to the urethra
- connects testes to ejaculatory ducts
right / left ejaculatory ducts
area where sperm is delivered to urethra
where is the ejaculatory duct located ?
in portion of urethra surrounded by prostate
prostate gland
add fluids to sperms (seminal fluids)
- muscles in prostate ensure forceful expelling of sperm out urethra
where is the prostate gland located ?
- right below the bladder
- encompassing the ejaculatory duct / urethra
right / left seminal vesicles
stores / produces majority of seminal fluids
where are the seminal vesicles located ?
- vertical bulb behind the prostate
- connected to the ejaculatory duct
seminal fluids vs. sperm
seminal fluids protect sperm
- sperm is male sex gamete for fertilization
bulbourethral / cowper’s gland
lubricate urethra before semen ejaculation
- urine is acidic, needed to ensure sperm in semen don’t die
where it the bulbourethral / cowper’s gland located ?
- under prostate gland
- behind urethra
urogenital opening where fluids are excreted
- contains erectile tissue
opening in the body leading to the uterus
- birth canal
where fertilized egg implants and grows
opening of the uterus into the vagina
- allows passing of fluids
catch eggs released by ovaries during ovulation
- pushes eggs into oviducts for fertilization
- finger like projections
right / left oviducts
(fallopian / uterine tubes) where fertilization happens;
- two of them connected to uterus on left / right
right / left ovaries
contain all developed eggs
- produce estrogen / progesterone