Gregorian Chant Flashcards
unaccompanied songs used in the Roman Catholic Church
Gregorian chant
the language used by the Roman Catholic Church
named after Pope ______
Is the Gregorian chant monophonic?
is one of the eight systems of pitch organization used in Gregorian chant
Gregorian mode
Which gender usually sang Gregorian chants?
Who sang Gregorian chant?
The pitches are represented by _______ which can be put on top of each other which stands for the sequence upon which they are sung.
_______ chants will usually have one neume assigned to a syllable
________ chants will predominantly have about 2-3 notes per syllable.
_________ chants will range from five to up to thirty or more neumes per syllable.
Gregorian staff has _ less line and space than modern staff
A _____ is the basic element of Western and Eastern systems of musical notation prior to the invention of five-line staff notation
inflective marks that indicated the general shape but not necessarily the exact notes or rhythms to be sung
earliest neumes
is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several different notes in succession
informal term for melisma
vocal run
music sung in melisma is reffered to as?
Themelodyapproximates speech by using only a few pitches
recitative melodies
has stricter rhythm and more involved, often orchestral accompaniment
recitativostromentato, or accompaniedrecitative
other term for accompanied recitative
recitativo stromentato
Used at dramatically important moments, it is more emotional in character
recitative stromentato
Have one pitch that is dominant in the chant
recitative stromentato
What is usually the musically boring section?
recitational psalm tone
{introit, offertory and communion} What are these?
antiphonal chants of the mass
Are chants that are usually sung by two choirs
antiphonal chants
common response to a psalm verse
style ofsingingin which a leader alternates with a chorus, especially in liturgicalchant
Responsorial singing
were sung in alternation by a soloist and a choir, with the psalm verses being read by the soloist and the response called the responses sung by the choir
Responsorial singing