GR-Gaseous Radwaste System Flashcards
What is the purpose of the gaseous radwaste system?
Collects and processes potentially radioactive gases generated in the plant to limit onsite and offsite personnel exposure.
What is the process for disposing of Gaseous Radwaste?
We filter, monitor, and release at a controlled rate in compliance with the code of federal regulations.
What components does the Gaseous Radwaste system consist of?
- Gas Surge Header
- Waste Gas Surge Tank
- Two Waste Gas Compressors
- Three Waste Gas Decay Tanks
- Associated piping, valves, and instrumentation
What is the flow path for the gaseous radwaste system?
waste gas > surge header > surge tank > filter > 1/2 compressors > 1/3 waste gas decay tanks > air op solenoid valves > discharge filter> flow element> radiation monitor> flow control valve >radwaste building exhaust system > plant vent
What powers the MOV GRA-UV-1 containment isolation valve?
PH-class 480 v
What powers solenoid operated valve GRB-UV-2?
What powers Waste Gas Compressors?
What components in the CH system input into the GR system?
o Reactor Drain Tank
o Gas Stripper
o Volume Control Tank
o Volume Control Tank Relief
What component from the Fuel handling system input into the GR system?
Containment Refueling Failed Fuel Detector Vent
Dry Sipping Auxiliary Pump
What is LP Nitrogen used for in the GR system?
o Initial system purge
o System purges to allow for maintenance
o Automatic purge from high oxygen sensed in the Surge header
What water cools the Waste Gas Compressors?
What ESFAS signal closes the Reactor Drain Tank vent header Containment Isolation Valves?
What feeds the Gas Surge Header?
- Reactor Drain Tank
- Containment Refueling Failed Fuel Detector Vent
- Dry Sipping Auxiliary Pump
- Gas Stripper
- Volume Control Tank
- Volume Control Tank Relief
- Oxygen Analyzers discharge
Where does the 20 gallon condensate pot collect moisture from?
Condensation in the line from the Reactor Drain Tank
The gas surge header will auto close valves GRA-UV-1 and GRB-UV-2 on which ESFAS?
What is the gas surge header continuously monitored for?
Oxygen Concentraion.
What is the purpose of the gas surge tank?
Absorbs fluctuations in the gas volume entering the system to minimize Waste Gas Compressor operating time.
What is the purpose of the Waste Gas Compressors?
Pumps low pressure gas from the Waste Gas Surge Tank to the Waste Gas Decay Tanks for holdup prior to release.
When will the Waste Gas compressor auto-start?
On Waste Gas Surge Tank hi press 3 psig. The second compressor will start on hi-hi at 5 psig. Both compressors will stop at 1.5 psig.
What will auto trip the Waste Gas compressor?
If a nitrogen auto-dilute occurs
How often does each compressor run?
At least once a week. AO’s swap “lead/stby” switch twice per week.
What is the purpose of the three Waste Decay Tanks?
To store waste gas prior to atmospheric discharge, while it undergoes radioactive decay.
What pressure are the Waste Gas surge tanks usually filled to?
about 340 psig
When will the pressure relief valve open on the waste gas surge tank? And where does it relief to?
380 psig
Relieves to the waste gas surge tank
How long after a decay tank is isolated will chemistry check for radioactive decay?
45 days
When we want to release the waste gas decay tanks where do they release to?
Radwaste Building ventilation exhaust header and the plant vent stack.
What do we purge the waste gas decay tank with if we need to do scheduled maintenance?
What is the purpose of the GR Discharge Isolation Valves?
Two valves in series in the waste gas discharge line for isolation of the Waste Gas Decay Tank discharge.
Where are the handswitches for the GR discharge isolation valves located?
HS-34A is in Radwaste Control Room
UV-34B is in the main Control Room
How do the valves UV-34A and UV-34B controlled by hand switches work?
UV-34B provides an open permissive from the main CR which allows Radwaste CR to operate both valves. The main CR may also close the valves only.
UV-34A is able to open and close both valves via a hand switch in the radwaste CR.
When will the GR Discharge Isolation Valves automatically close?
- Radwaste Building Exhaust fan A and B low differential pressure
- High waste gas discharge flow
- High waste gas discharge pressure in the Radiation Monitor supply line
- High radiation level
After the GR discharge isolation valves auto close how do they get placed back into service?
Require manual reopening after actuation or a loss and restoration of power.
What must be obtained before we can release waste gas to the atmosphere?
A release permit from the effluent group
What is the purpose of the discharge flow control valve?
Controls the rate of waste gas relief to the Radwaste Building exhaust ventilation header.
How do we operate the flow control valve?
Auto/Manual-we set the release rate to less than what the permit approved. Once that is achieved we can match the permit.
What is the purpose of the gaseous radwaste radiation monitor?
To monitor the waste gas being released to the environment.
Where does the radiation monitor line discharge?
Radwaste Building exhaust
What happens if the radiation dectects a high radiation level?
GR Discharge isolation valves and gaseous discharge flow control valve will close.
What components do the oxygen analyers connect to?
- Waste Gas Surge Header
- Waste Gas Surge Tank (WGST)
- In-service Waste Gas Decay Tank (WGDT)
*The 4th can be connected to other components that need ocasional monitoring
What can the 4th oxygen analyzer be aligned to?
Gas Stripper
CVCS HUTVolume Control Tank, Reactor drain Tank, Equipment Drain Tank, Gas Stripper, CVCS Holdup Tank
What can the 4th oxygen analyzer be aligned to?
Gas Stripper
What are the alarms associated with the oxygen analyzers?
Hi = >2%
HiHi = 3.75%
When the oxygen analyzer senses 3.75% HiHi alarm what happens?
The nitrogen auto-dilute begins. After alarm acuated for 5 min.
Valve GRN-AV-169 will auto open and will close when alarm clears.
When the nitrogen auto dilute occurs what component is affected and how?
The Waste Gas Compressors will trip and lockout.
When the alarm clears AO need to manually reset compressors by taking both hand switches to stop individually. (both must be in stop at the same time for the reset to be successful) Then they are returned to auto.
How will the loss of the gaseous radwaste system effect the plant?
No immediate effect but,
1. Immediately notify Unit Shift Manager
2. ASAP notify the system engineer
What is the TRM T3.3.107 Explosive Gas Monitoring System requiring?
Two Explosive Gas Monitoring instrumentation oxygen monitoring channels shall be FUNCTIONAL
a. oxygen monitor (surge tank)
b. oxygen monitor (waste gas header)
What does TRM T3.10.201 Explosive Gas Mixture require?
The concentration of oxygen in the waste gas holdup system shall be limited to <2% by volume.