CH-Spent Fuel Pool Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Spent Fuel Pool?
A large body of borated water located in the fuel bldg for storing fuel after it was removed from reactor. Water shields radiation and removes heat generated from radioactive decay.
What does the SFP inventory provide?
Adequate shielding for plant personnel, decontamination of noble gases following an event, NPSH for Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps, and a reserve volume of borated water.
What is the design of the SFP Fuel Storage?
It is a reinforced seismic cat 1 concrete/stainless steel lined structure for new and spent fuel assemblies. Max storage of 1205 assemblies. Arranged so bulk boiling temp doesn’t exceed 650*.
Describe the SFP Water?
Holds 340,000 gal of borated water at 138’, Tech Specs requires 2150 PPM of boron, admin maintains 4000-4400 PPM, alt sour of borated water for RCS via CVCS. Designed to prevent inadvertent draining below 137.5’
How is the SFP monitored?
By a yard stick mounted on the inside of the pool TV monitor to CR, SFP Control Panel with hi and lo level alarms to alert the op, Miltronics Ultrasonic level system 2 detectors with a digital readout alarms: hi-138.17’ lo-137.5’ lo-lo-137’.
How is the spent fuel pool level maintained?
Manually by op action. Normal to lose level through evaporation which makes boron concentration increase. NORMAL Mkup in unborated LRS Recycle Monitor Tank, Condensate Storage Tank, RMWT, or DW. Borated source RWT.
What is used during a DBA to makeup the spent fuel pool level?
A FLEX modification to add either fire protection water or circulating water via hose, fire truck, or spray nozzles.
What is the purpose of the Spent Fuel Pool Gate Seals?
Stainless Steel gates that normally separate SFP, Cask Loading Pit, and Fuel Transfer Canal so we can drain the later without affecting the SFP.
What is the design of the Spent Fuel Pool Gate Seals?
All gate have 2 Q-Class bladder seals. Redundant, norm press by IA @42psig w bkup class nitrogen that will press to 38 psig.
What must be done prior to removing SFP Gate Seal?
YOu must match water level and boron concentration. No level indicator so you must count the ribs on each side.
What is the concern if the Transfer Canal or Refueling Pool rises above 138’ 2”?
Transfer Canal raises above 138’3” it could spill into the new-fuel elevator cable tray and damage the electric motor drive. If the refueling pool gets above 138’2” may get water in the In-core-Instrument tubing shield.
What is the LCO 3.7.14 Fuel Storage Pool Water Level?
Water level shall be >23’ over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the storage racks.
What is the LCO 3.7.15 Fuel Storage Pool Boron Concentration?
The fuel storage pool boron concentration shall be >2150 PPM.
What is the TLCO 3.1.104 Borate Sources-Shutdown?
As a minimum one of two borated water shall be FUNCTIONAL: SFP or RWT
(>60*, 4000-4400PPM, volume of borated water source is >33,500gals)
What is the TLCO 3.1.105 Borated Sources-Operating?
(SFP 60-180F, 4000-4400PPM, volume of borated water source 33,500gal)
What is the TLCO 3.1.100 Flow Paths-Shutdown?
As a minimum one boron injection flow paths shall be FUNCTIONAL. SFP via gravity & charging pump to RCS or RWT via charging, HPSI, or LPSI pump to RCS.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Transfer Tube?
36” stainless steel Tube extends from the SFP Transfer Canal through the containment wall to the refueling pool for fuel Transfer.
What is the design of the Fuel Transfer Tube?
Moves fuel between Containment and the Fuel Bldg. Moved in tube with a wheel and track system one at a time.
What is the TLCO 3.1.101 Flow Paths-Operating?
At least two of three boron injection flow paths shall be FUNCTIONAL. (Gravity via CH-536 or CH327 a charging pump to RCS, or RWT/SFP through CH-164 to charging pump to RCS.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Transfer Tube Canal Isolation Valve
Isolates the Transfer Canal from the Fuel Transfer Tube.
What is the design of the Fuel Transfer Tube Canal Isolation Valve?
36” gate valve at the bottom to the Xfer Canal with an extension shaft rising to connect to a square socket on the 140’. PCN-V118 700+ turns for open that takes 4 operators to open in about 30-45 mins
What is the purpose of the Fuel Transfer Tube Quick Operating Closure Device (QOCD)?
Reduces time and dose associated with opening and closing the FTT. Inside containment 66” pipe class press boundary.
What is the purpose of the Beyond Design Basis equipment relating to the Spent Fuel Pool?
We maintain FLEX equipment to help us mitigate DBA. PC system can makeup and cool SFP water inventory.
What other equipment to we use for DBA in the spent fuel pool?
Level Indication-1CR envelop 1 RCA entrance
Gate Seals-If loss of IA Nitrogen can be used for 18 days
SFP Makeup-A. FP&hoses 500gpm
B.External water 500gpm
C.250gpm using CW
Describe interface between SFP Electrical systems?
NN-pwr control panel
NK-pwr annunciator panel
QA-pwr under water lights
Describe the interface between SFP Mechanical systems?
CH-supply borated water
CT-supply nonborated water
IA-press air
LR-nonborated mkup water
SI-xfr water from RWT to SFP
SQ-monitor radiation
FLEX-assist in DBAs
HVAC-maint temp
Essential-treat fuel bldg airin the event of an accident
What are the concerns associated with SFP and Refueling Pool level variations when connected together?
The two pools becoming a manometer. Any change in pressure can result in undesired level transfers from on epool to the other.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Pool Cooling subsystem?
Removes decay heat generated from the fuel assemblies stored in the SFP.
What is the design of the Fuel Pool Cooling Subsystem?
Cools SFP during normal op. It is a Q class and seismic cat 1 system with 2 trains each with a cooling pump and HX. Limits SFP temp to 125* for pc cleanup IX resin.
What are the flow paths of the Fuel Pool Cooling Subsystems?
2 pumps in parallell, 2 HX in parallel, with a crosstie valve between pumps&HX. Suction takes from top of SFP (warmer water) and discharges to the bottom of the SFP to support natural convection.
What is the normal operation for the PC Cooling subsystem?
1 train op is desired to keep <125, next is 2 trains op to keep <125.
The PC cooling system is not designed for a DBA 100hrs post trip SDC is also aligned to keep SFP <145*.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps?
Circulate water from SFP through the PC cooling HX to remove decay heat from the stored fuel.
What is the design of the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps?
CP 2000gpm pump discharge is 45-55 psig by throttling the discharge valve to achieve correct flow to keep temp between 75-125. (start/stop/spring return to neutral) Powered byPG
What is the design of the Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps?
CP 2000gpm pump discharge is 45-55 psig by throttling the discharge valve to achieve correct flow to keep temp between 75-125. (start/stop/spring return to neutral) Powered by PG.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchangers?
Transfer heat from the fuel pool water to Nuclear cooling water (norm) and Essential cooling water (alt).
What is the design of the Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchangers?
2 PC cooling HX in parallel, cooling water on the shell side. 2500gpm each. in outage 1 HX cooled by NC which then cooled by Plant CW the other HX is cooled by EW which then cooled by Spray pond.
What is the purpose of the Shutdown cooling augment to the Fuel Pool Cooling subsystem?
PC Cooling not designed for full core off load (100+hrs). If the decay heat will be larger than PC cooling can handle we align SDC with PC cooling.
What is the design of the Shutdown cooling augment to the Fuel Pool Cooling subsytem?
If SFP temp is approaching 125* then one train of SDC either LPSI or CS pump is aligned. CS is perferred because LPSI could lead to runout and LPSI need temp flow instrumentation to be installed.
Describe the Interface between the Fuel Pool Cooling subsystem and its support systems.
PG-pwr fuel pool cooling pumps
NC-norm cooling HX
EW-bkup cooling HX & Use as norm in outage
SI-aid in cooling SDC & tfr btwn RWT&Refueling Pool
RD-receives pc Equip drains
How does the Fuel Pool Cooling subsystem repond to a loss of its support systems?
NC-SFP would heat up & EW would start to bkup
PG-If pwr lost AO must start the other PC cooling pump
PK-If lost hand swtchs would be lost
How would the loss of Fuel Pool Cooling subsystem impact the op of the plant?
If LOP signal starts DG PC cooling pumps load shed. AO manually restart w/i 8 hrs b4 167. Hi alarm @ 125, hi-hi 145, @180 non essential personnel evacuated.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Pool Cleanup subsystem (PC Cleanup).
Provides radioactive cleanup and maintains water clarity for SFP, Transfer Canal, Refueling Pool, and RWT. Keeps dose rate above pool <2.5 mrem/hr.
What is the design of the Fuel Pool Cleanup subsystem?
two non-class trains ach with strainer, pump, filter, and IX.
What are the flow paths of the PC Cleanup Subsystem?
Norm-both trains available. 1train run 2nd in standby
Outage-may be aligned to refuel pool if all fuel ass are in the RxVessel or he SFP w PCN-V-118 closed
RWT Circ- about 1 mo b4 refuel RWT.
What is the impact to Nuclear Safety associated with cross-connecting RWT to Spent Pool Cleanup?
The concern is crossing the RWT with seismic cat 1 to non-seismic Pc Cleanup system and keeping two FUNCTIONAL boration flow paths available.
What is the impact to Nuclear Safety associated with cross-connecting RWT to Spent Pool Cleanup?
The concern is crossing the RWT with seismic cat 1 to non-seismic Pc Cleanup system and keeping two FUNCTIONAL boration flow paths available.
What is the purpose of the PC Cleanup Pumps?
Circulate water through a filter and IX to provide radioactive cleeanup and maintian clarity
Transfer water between RWT and Cask Load Pit.
What is the design of the PC Cleanup Pumps?
2 CP 150gpm with discharge press 80-90 psig by throttling the pump discharge valve. (start/stop) Pwrd by NH, PC pump hand switches for PC cleanup pumps and pc cooling pump discharge press gauges are right next to each other.
What is the purpose, operation and location of the PC Cleanup Filters?
Replaceable cartridge filters in the discharge piping of the each pc cleanup pump, upstream of assoc IX to remove particulate 0.5 microns.
What is the design of the PC Cleanup Filters?
Alarms at 25psid or at 5rem/hr to be replaced AO isolates piping and maintenance removes.
What is the purpose of the PC Cleanup Ion Exchangers?
maintain water chemistry in support of providing radioactive cleanup and water clarity.
What is the design of the PC Cleanup Ion Exchangers?
Stainless steel tanks with mixed bed disposable resin removes dissolved ionic marterials from water flowing through. When decontamination factor drops below min resin needs replaced. Not effective >140*F.
Describe the interface between PC Cleanup subsystem and its supported systems.
NH-power pumps
CH-recirc&cleans RWT
BAMP xfr borated water between RWT and SFP or Transfer Canal.
SR-Spent IX resin goes to solid radwaste
RD-receives PC cleanup equipment drains.
How does a loss of support systems effect the PC Cleanup subsystem?
NH-Loss would stop pump
SR-Loss means we can’t xfr resin to the Hi Activity Spent Resin Tank (HSART) so we xfr to truck bay in a lined container.
How would a loss of the PC Cleanup subsystem impacts the op of the plant?
It is not required for safe shutdown. It is required for radioactive cleanup and minimizing dose rates. W/o ALARA would rise.
What is the purpose of the SFP siphon breakers?
To keep the SFP level from lowering in the event of a downstream line break.
Why do we need Conical Flange Watches during an outage?
To make sure we can manually line up a drain for the Refueling pool and UGS Pit to the Containment Recirculation (RAS) Sumps, provides NPSH for long term once-through-cooling.