Who will all serious work performance issues (Fitness for Duty Evaluations) will be routed through before going on to EAP?
Risk Management
Personnel Management Manager
Director of Human Resource or designee
Director of Human Resource or designee
GO 4.6.6 (4 A 2)
All serious work performance issues (Fitness for Duty Evaluations) will be routed through the Director of Human Resources or designee and on to EAP, where appropriate
When employees or their family members call the EAP and speak to an Employee Assistance Counselor, all communication between an individual and the counselor is subject to review by the agency.
GO 4.6.6 (4 B)
Employees or their family members who desire confidential assistance for a personal problem should call the EAP and ask to speak to an Employee Assistance Counselor. The counselor will either provide the assistance on the phone or will arrange to see the individual for further consultation. All communication between an individual and the counselor will be held in the strictest confidence.
Mandatory Supervisory referral pertains to employees and family members.
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 5)
Mandatory Supervisory referral pertains only to employees, and not family members.
not to be shared with other persons without the express, written consent of the individual concerned
Family Member
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
Constructive Confrontation
GO 4.6.6 (3)
dealing directly with performance issues without meddling in one’s personal affairs; yet, making it clear that whatever problems one has, they must be appropriately addressed so that performance is no longer affected
Family Member
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
Constructive Confrontation
Constructive Confrontation
GO 4.6.6 (3)
for purposes of this policy, an individual who performs work for the employer, to include sworn (full time and reserve) and non-sworn (full time non-sworn, part-time paid, and school crossing guards)
Family Member
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
Constructive Confrontation
GO 4.6.6 (3)
a person related to an employee who resides in the employee’s home, or is a legal dependent of the employee
Family Member
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
Constructive Confrontation
Family Member
GO 4.6.6 (3)
an assessment to determine an employee’s psychological fitness to perform assigned duties
Family Member
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
Constructive Confrontation
Fitness For Duty Evaluation (FFDE)
GO 4.6.6 (3)
Who is responsible for providing a follow-up report back to the EAP referring supervisor?
PSD Investigator
Sector Commander of PSD
Risk Management
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
GO 4.6.6 (4 A 2)
The Director of Human Resources or designee is responsible for providing a follow-up report back to the referring supervisor.
Supervisors and managers shall receive training in the program services, supervisors’ role and responsibility, and identification of employee behaviors which would indicate the existence of employee concerns, problems, or issues that could impact the employer’s job performance
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 6)
Supervisors and managers shall receive training in the program services, supervisors’ role and responsibility, and identification of employee behaviors which would indicate the existence of employee concerns, problems, or issues that could impact the employer’s job performance
EAP can be made through the following means EXCEPT:
informal supervisory referral
individual -self referral
fellow employee referral
mandatory supervisory referral
fellow employee referral
GO 4.6.6 (4 A 1)
Referrals to the EAP can be made through three (3) means: individual self referral; informal supervisory referral and/or mandatory supervisory referral
Who should a mandatory referral to the EAP be coordinated with?
Personnel Management Manager
Risk Management
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 3)
A mandatory referral to the EAP shall be coordinated with the Director of Human Resources or designee. Such referrals are appropriate when assistance is deemed necessary for continued effective job performance. However, fitness for duty has not yet become an issue
Mandatory Supervisory referral to the EAP does not entitle management to be advised whether or not the appointment was kept and whether or not the employee is cooperative
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 4)
Mandatory Supervisory referral to the EAP entitles management to be advised whether or not the appointment was kept and whether or not the employee is cooperative
Select ALL the items below that can be the basis of a mandatory referral to the EAP by a supervisor
tardiness and excessive absences
a particular on-the-job incident which indicates the possible presence of a personal problem
a request by an individual for assistance
a documented decline in work performance
a request by an individual for assistance, a documented decline in work performance, a particular on-the-job incident which indicates the possible presence of a personal problem
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 2)
The basis of a mandatory referral to the Employee Assistance Program by a supervisor can be:
a. A request by an individual for assistance with a personal problem which could impact work performance.
b. A documented decline in work performance and reason to believe personal problems outside the job exist.
c. A particular on-the-job incident which indicates the possible presence of a personal problem, excluding misconduct which may warrant disciplinary action
The employee must comply with the Supervisor’s suggestion to utilize EAP services
GO 4.6.6 (4 C)
Supervisors may suggest to employees that they contact the EAP to assist them with their personal problems. This type of referral serves as a reminder to employees of the services of the EAP provides. The employee does not have to comply with the Supervisor’s suggestion to utilize EAP services
Problematic behavior may indicate the appropriateness of constructive confrontation and a mandatory referral to the EAP for counseling and problem resolution.
GO 4.6.6 (4 D 1)
The EAP can be an effective tool for use by management in improving employee behavior at work. Problematic behavior may indicate the appropriateness of constructive confrontation and a mandatory referral to the EAP for counseling and problem resolution
It is the policy of the Sheriff to have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), at cost to
the employee.
G.O. 4.6.6 pg1
It is the policy of the Sheriff to have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), at no cost to
the employee,
Participating in EAP does not relieve an individual from performing his/her job duties
at an acceptable level.
G.O. 4.6.6 2G
Records pertaining to the EAP are not governed by Florida State Statutes.
G.O. 4.6.6 2H
Records pertaining to the EAP are governed by Florida State Statutes.
Once an employee is referred to EAP, management’s responsibility to maintain discipline or invoke disciplinary measures are waved.
G.O. 4.6.6. 2-i
Nothing in this statement of policy or in EAP is to be interpreted as constituting a
waiver of management’s responsibility to maintain discipline or invoke disciplinary
measures associated with a personal problem.