GO 6.2.1 (3 F 2)
How often is training for dealing with people suffering from mental illness reviewed and updated?
every 3 years
every 5 years
every 3 years
GO 6.2.1 (3 F 2)
Training for dealing with persons suspected of suffering from mental illness shall be reviewed and updated every three (3) years and provided to agency personnel.
GO 6.2.1 (3 C)
Transporting deputies are required to use restraints when transporting mentally ill individuals.
GO 6.2.1 (3 C)
Transporting deputies shall use discretion regarding the use and degree of restraints when transporting mentally ill individuals.
volunteer specially trained Uniform Patrol Division and Court Services Division deputies designated to handle situations involving the mentally ill in crisis. However, Crisis Intervention Team members only handle those incidents that do not rise to a level of a high-risk incident.
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Mental Illness
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
GO 6.2.1 (3)
a range of conditions, each with its own specific characteristics, including: 1. Schizophrenia 2. Bipolar disorder (manic depression) 3. Major depression 4. Schizo-affective disorder 5. Panic disorder 6. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder 7. Borderline personality disorder, or 8. Other mental illnesses as defined in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as published by the American Psychiatric Association, most current edition) that can cause disturbances in thinking, feeling and relating with others or the environment
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Mental Illness
Mental Illness
GO 6.2.1 (3)
an abbreviation used by CIT deputies when clearing a call to document their involvement or assistance was requested. This designation assigned to calls for service will allow the CIT Commander to complete a comprehensive annual report.
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Mental Illness
GO 6.2.1 (3)
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 4)
TRUE/FALSE - Deputies initiating or executing a Baker Act on a child are not required to notify the child’s parents or guardians of the circumstances.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 4)
Deputies initiating or executing a Baker Act on a child shall make reasonable efforts to notify the child’s parents or guardians of the circumstances.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 6)
What is required for a deputy to transport a Baker Act to facilities outside of Orange County (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)?
Approval of the Watch Commander or equivalent
Approval of Immediate Supervisor
No approval needed
Court Order
Court Order, Approval of the Watch Commander or equivalent
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 6)
Deputies shall not transport to facilities outside of Orange County without a court order or approval of the Watch Commander or equivalent
GO 6.2.1 (3 F 1)
Agency personnel who may come in contact with persons suspected of suffering from mental illness are not required to receive training regarding interaction with persons suspected of suffering from mental illness.
GO 6.2.1 (3 F 1)
Agency personnel who may come in contact with persons suspected of suffering from mental illness will receive entry level training regarding interaction with persons suspected of suffering from mental illness.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 6)
Who may complete a “Certificate of Professional Initiating Involuntary Examination” (CF-MH 3052B)? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
physician’s assistant
clinical psychologist
psychiatric nurse
clinical social worker
Physician, psychiatric nurse, clinical social worker, clinical psychologist
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 6)
A physician, psychiatric nurse, clinical social worker, or a clinical psychologist may complete a “Certificate of Professional Initiating Involuntary Examination” (CF-MH 3052B), usually referred to as a Professional Form 52
GO 6.2.1 (3 C 2)
When transporting a Baker Act individual from a medical facility to a designated receiving facility, documentation of clearance is not necessary.
False — Correct
GO 6.2.1 (3 C 2)
When transporting an individual from a medical facility to a designated receiving facility, deputies shall obtain proper supporting documents showing the individual has been medically cleared for transport. Without proper documentation, the patient may not be accepted by a receiving facility.
GO 6.2.1 (3 C 1)
Prior to transporting an individual to the nearest designated receiving facility, deputies shall determine if a medical clearance will be required.
GO 6.2.1 (3 C 1)
Prior to transporting an individual to the nearest designated receiving facility, deputies shall determine if a medical clearance will be required.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 5)
TRUE/FALSE - Mental illness includes retardation, developmental disability, simple intoxication, conditions manifested only by antisocial behavior, or drug addiction.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 5)
Mental illness does not include retardation, developmental disability, simple intoxication, conditions manifested only by antisocial behavior, or drug addiction.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D 1)
When providing transportation for voluntary Baker Act clients to the designated receiving facility, deputies are required to use restraints.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D 1)
When providing transportation for voluntary clients to the designated receiving facility, deputies shall use discretion with regard to restraints.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B)
Deputies may transport individuals to mental health receiving facilities under the following provisions of the Baker Act (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY):
Without care or treatment, they refuse to care for themselves or are likely to suffer from neglect; and that such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to their well-being
When there is reason to believe the individual is mentally ill and because of that mental illness, having refused voluntary examination, is unable to determine for themselves whether an examination is necessary
There is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment, they will cause serious bodily harm to themselves or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent behavior
When the court issues an “Ex Parte Order for Involuntary Examination”
GO 6.2.1 (3 B)
Deputies may transport individuals to mental health receiving facilities under the following provisions of the Baker Act:
- When the court issues an “Ex Parte Order for Involuntary Examination” (CFMH 3001 or 3002), deputies shall deliver the person named in the court order to the nearest facility for involuntary examination, unless the court order specifies a particular facility regardless of location.
- In compliance with F.S.S. 394.463, deputies shall take custody of and transport individuals to receiving facilities for involuntary examination when there is reason to believe the individual is mentally ill and because of that mental illness, having refused voluntary examination, is unable to determine for themselves whether an examination is necessary; and
a. Without care or treatment, they refuse to care for themselves or are likely to suffer from neglect; and that such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to their well-being; or
b. There is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment, they will cause serious bodily harm to themselves or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent behavior.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D 2)
TRUE/FALSE - A deputy can simply drop off a voluntary Baker Act at the front door of the receiving facility.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D 2)
Deputies shall inform the receiving facility staff of the circumstances under which the individual was taken into custody. Under no circumstances will deputies leave an individual at a receiving facility without notifying the staff.
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 3)
What forms are necessary when initiating or executing the Baker Act (SELECT ALL THOSE THAT APPLY)?
Ex Parte Order for Involuntary Examination CF-MH 3001
Transportation to Receiving Facility CF-MH3100
Certificate of Professional Initiating Involuntary Examination CF-MH 3052B
Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiation Involuntary Examination CF-MH3052a
Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiation Involuntary Examination CF-MH3052a, Transportation to Receiving Facility CF-MH3100
GO 6.2.1 (3 B 3)
Deputies initiating or executing the Baker Act shall complete Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiation Involuntary Examination CF-MH3052a and Transportation to Receiving Facility CF-MH3100. Both forms are necessary for a valid commitment, mandating assessment of the person named.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D)
When deputies encounter an individual who desires voluntary admittance and is in need of transportation, deputies may not provide this service.
GO 6.2.1 (3 D)
When deputies encounter an individual who desires voluntary admittance and is in need of transportation, deputies may provide this service.
GO 6.2.1 (3 A)
Whenever possible, in accordance with G.O. 6.4.0, a Crisis Intervention Team (C.I.T.) deputy shall be dispatched to calls involving a confirmed or suspected mentally ill person in crisis.
GO 6.2.1 (3 A)
Whenever possible, in accordance with G.O. 6.4.0, a Crisis Intervention Team (C.I.T.) deputy shall be dispatched to calls involving a confirmed or suspected mentally ill person in crisis.