a proactive, non-disciplinary system intended to
enhance awareness by employees, supervisors and managers of potential
employee problems before serious events occur.
Early Identification System Coordinator
Early Identification System (EIS)
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification Notification Report
Early Identification System Report Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
Early Identification System Research Form
Early Identification System (EIS)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3A)
a Professional Standards employee who
monitors the number of EIS defined events occurring and is responsible for the
proper flow of documentation. The EIS Coordinator ensures follow-up action is
Early Identification System Coordinator
Early Identification System (EIS)
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Coordinator
G.O. 17.1.3 (3B)
internal investigations not otherwise
defined in Status B, C or D, where the events consist of findings that are
exonerated, unfounded, sustained, or not sustained, inquiries, referrals and events
resulting in the initiation of the Defensive Tactics Form, excluding appropriate K-9 apprehensions and unintentional discharge of the Electronic Control Device.
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3C)
events resulting in the initiation of the
K-9 Report Form where the apprehension is determined to be inappropriate.
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3D)
investigations originating when an
employee discharges a firearm, to include accidental discharges.
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3E)
the intentional deployment of the
electronic control device (ECD) towards a subject.
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3F)
the unintentional deployment of the
electronic control device (ECD).
Early Identification System Status A (EISA)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE)
G.O. 17.1.3 (3G)
a document prepared by the Investigating
Supervisor along with any supporting documentation completed on the flagged
events. This includes whether a conference has taken place, the reason for the
conference, findings, recommendations and a signature of concurrence by the
Section Commander and Lieutenant/Commander in the employee’s chain of
Early Identification Notification Report
Early Identification System Report Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
Early Identification System Research Form
Early Identification System Report Form
G.O. 17.1.3 (3i)
a form that lists the events which caused the
EIS response.
Early Identification Notification Report
Early Identification System Report Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
Early Identification System Research Form
Early Identification Notification Report
G.O. 17.1.3 (3H)
a document indicating action, if any,
to be followed as a result of the flagged events. It contains a mandatory follow up
date documented in the space provided at the bottom of the form.
Early Identification Notification Report
Early Identification System Report Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
Early Identification System Research Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
G.O. 17.1.3 (3J)
this form is structured as a check off list
and is used by the Investigating Supervisor as a guideline to follow while exploring
the flagged events. This form also provides a location to access the listed
Early Identification Notification Report
Early Identification System Report Form
Early Identification System Action Plan Form
Early Identification System Research Form
Early Identification System Research Form
G.O. 17.1.3 (3K)
All employees
who have been involved in three events defined in this policy as Status A
events within the preceding six months, or five events within the preceding
twelve months, will be identified as EISA and documented in the EIS
Notification Report.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A1)
Early Identification System Status A (EISA) Reporting Criteria
All employees
who have been involved in three events defined in this policy as Status B
events within the preceding three months, or six events within the preceding
twelve months, will be identified as EISB and documented in the EIS
Notification Report.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A2)
Early Identification System Status B (EISB) Reporting Criteria
All employees who have been involved in two events defined in this policy as Status C
events within the preceding twelve months will be identified as EISC and
documented in the EIS Notification Report.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A3)
Early Identification System Status C (EISC) Reporting Criteria
employees who have been involved in four events defined in this policy as
Status D events within the preceding twelve months will be identified as EISD
and documented in the EIS Notification Report.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A4)
Early Identification System Status D (EISD) Reporting Criteria
employees who have been involved in two events defined in this policy as
Status E events within the preceding six months will be identified as EISE
and documented in the EIS Notification Report.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A5)
Early Identification System Status E (EISE) Reporting Criteria
Agency supervisors and managers shall demonstrate a positive approach to
identifying and assisting employees whose performance indicates a
possibility of job stress or other job-related problems.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6)
All FTO’s, supervisors and managers are responsible for actively monitoring
employee conduct and intervening when necessary.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6)
All FTO’s, supervisors and managers are responsible for actively monitoring
employee conduct and intervening when necessary. They shall properly
notify the chain of command when an employee has received two or more
counseling forms within the proceeding twelve month period, has
demonstrated a pattern of abuse of leave and when an employee’s behavior
is detrimental to self or others, or is contrary to agency policy. It is the
decision of the Section Commander to authorize an Early Identification
review. A supervisor initiating a review will follow the same protocol as a
Professional Standards initiated review. The Section Commander shall notify
the EIS Coordinator in writing to initiate an EIS process.
The Early Identification System will be physically located within Professional
Standards and the Section Commander shall appoint the EIS coordinator.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6B)
A designated Professional Standards employee will identify employees whose
conduct falls within the reporting criteria status of A, B, C or D of the EIS Program
and provide documentation to the EIS Coordinator.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6C)
Employees whose conduct falls within the reporting criteria status of E shall be
scheduled to attend remedial training through the Training Section in accordance
with General Order 8.1.8, Electronic Control Devices.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6F)
When an employee’s behavior review goes beyond the expertise of the Division
Commander or his or her staff, the employee may be referred to an agency contract
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6i)
If an employee has been identified more than once within a twelve month period
under the established Early Identification System criteria, the Division Commander
may refer the employee to an agency contract psychologist for review.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6L)
after examining the information gathered from the Early
Identification System Report, determines a need for some type of intervention,
corrective action may be taken including but not limited to: counseling,
reassignment, fitness for duty, anger management, stress resolution, or the
employee assistance program (EAP). Remedial training may include but is
limited to the areas of ethics, cultural diversity, use of force, interpersonal skills,
policy review or driving school.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6M)
after examining the information gathered from the Early
Identification System Report, determines a need for some type of intervention,
corrective action may be taken including but not limited to: counseling,
reassignment, fitness for duty, anger management, stress resolution, or the
employee assistance program (EAP). Remedial training may include but is NOT
limited to the areas of ethics, cultural diversity, use of force, interpersonal skills,
policy review or driving school.
Any intervention or remedial action that is required as a result of an EIS review is a disciplinary action,
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6N)
Any intervention or remedial action that is required as a result of an EIS review is NOT
a disciplinary action, nor should the EIS be used instead of disciplinary action when
disciplinary action is appropriate. An EIS review shall not preclude disciplinary actions
Except for employees whose conduct falls within the reporting criteria status of E, a
follow-up Round Table within six months shall be scheduled during the initial
conference with the employee’s Lieutenant/Commander and Section Commander.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6P)
It shall be the responsibility of the EIS Coordinator to maintain the files of the EIS.
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6Q)
Professional Standards shall annually evaluate and report on the Early Identification
G.O.17.1.3 (4A6T)