Sworn personnel on light duty are permitted to drive an agency vehicle to and from work only.
While on light duty, who shall maintain pay records of the employee?
Temporary supervisor
Director of Human Resource or designee
Division Commander
If the employee, under Medical Placement, is offered a position within the initial allowable time period of comparable pay and chooses not to accept the position, the employee will be given Preferencial Rehire status.
Who is the memo for the Medical Placement Process sent to, via chain of command?
Division Commander
Risk Management
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
After a fitness for duty examination the findings of an evaluation indicate the need to suspend temporarily the sworn status of an employee, it must be done by _______________
Captain equivalent or above
Lieutenant/Commander equivalent
Captain equivalent or above
While on light duty, whenever possible, overtime shall be approved in advance by ____________
the employee’s regular supervisor
the employee’s temporary supervisor
the employee’s Division Commander
the Director of Human Resources or designee
the employee’s regular supervisor
A physician designated by the agency may not be used to determine the physical abilities of the person to perform limited duty assignments.
What must be obtained when an employee is temporarily incapable of performing his/her regular duties?
A physician’s certification
Authorization from Division Commander
Authorization from Director of Human Resources
Authorization from immediate supervisor
A physician’s certification
How many days does the Medical Placement process afford the employee the option of filling a current vacancy for which the employee is qualified?
After a fitness for duty examination present the need to permanently revoke the sworn status; must be approved by ________
Director of Human Resource
Division Commander
Fitness for duty examinations must be requested by a
Lieutenant/Commander equivalent, or above.
Personnel on light duty can work only in the area they are status for.
If findings of an evaluation
indicate the need to suspend temporarily the sworn status of an employee, it
must be done by a Captain equivalent or above.
Light duty assignments can become permanent.
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act the agency is required to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified employee.
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act the agency will make
reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of
an otherwise qualified employee unless such accommodations would impose
an undue hardship on the operation of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office
If a Deputy becomes pregnant; what must be provided by the deputy if there is a change in duty status?
memo, via chain of command, to Director of Human Resources or designee
memo, via chain of command, to Under Sheriff
written notification from their physician identifying light or no duty
memo, via chain of command, to Division Commander
written notification from their physician identifying light or no duty
Medical Placement Process is the process that applies to current employees who, because of a qualifying disability under ADA, a medical condition, or an impairment, are no longer able to perform the essential functions necessary for their job, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Who will be assigned to DRW when no exceptions are made?
Sergeant and below
Lieutenant and below
Corporal and below
Sergeant and below
Light duty personnel calling in sick or reporting an unscheduled absence shall call ____________
their supervisor
the Director of Human Resources
their Division Commander
their temporary supervisor
their temporary supervisor
If an employee, under Medical Placement, qualifies for a vacant position that has been posted, he/she will need to compete in the Transfer Review Board.
Who shall sworn, light duty personnel, report to?
Section Commander
Director of Human Resources or designee
Immediate Supervisor
Division Commander
Section Commander
All of the following can initiate the Medical Placement Process EXCEPT:
Risk Management Supervisor
Employee’s Chain of Command
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
The process is initiated by the employee’s chain of command, the
Risk Management Supervisor, or the employee.
Employees on light duty due to a service related or non-service related disability/injury desiring to work any form of secondary employment (non-enforcement related) must first notify _______________
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources or designee
Division Major
Division Commander
Division Commander
Employees on light duty due to a service related or non-service related
disability/injury desiring to work any form of secondary employment (non-enforcement
related) must first notify their Division Commander in writing to
obtain approval.
After being Medically Placed; when will the employee receive medical clearance indicating the ability to perform the new position?
within 2 weeks
within 4 weeks
within 60 days
within 90 days
within 2 weeks
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the agency is required reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified employee.
In compliance with the ADA, the agency will make
reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of
an otherwise qualified employee unless such accommodations impose an
undue hardship on the operation of the Sheriff’s Office.
Employees placed on light duty due to psychological, mental, or emotional concerns are permitted to maintain possession of their credentials and weapon(s)
A medically placed employee will continue to remain in the same pay range as the position they left.
The employee shall receive compensation based on the appropriate pay range of the new position. If the new position is a decrease in pay, the employee shall be placed in the highest step to minimize a pay decrease, but in the range of the new position. If the new position is an increase in responsibility and pay, the employee shall be compensated consistent with the agency’s pay and compensation policy.
Limited duty assignments are not considered permanent and may be granted solely at the discretion of __________
the Division Commander
the Under Sheriff
the Director of Human Resource
the Sheriff
the Sheriff
Fitness for duty examinations can not be disclosed to those in the employee’s chain of command. Psychologist/patient privilege exists with this type of evaluation and it is considered confidential under Florida State Statute Chapters 90 and 119.
GO 4.1.5 (4 E 4)
The findings/results of these evaluations will be disclosed to those in the employee’s chain of command and others who need to know. No psychologist/patient privilege exists with this type of evaluation and it is not considered confidential under Florida State Statute Chapters 90 and 119.
When requesting limited duty for a non-service related disability and the employee can no longer perform their regular duties; who shall the request be forwarded to?
Division Commander
Director of Human Resources or designee
Under Sheriff
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources or designee
Consistent with applicable law, who may require periodic exams of personnel on light duty to determine their medical status.
Immediate Supervisor
Division Commander
Division Major
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
While on limited duty any examinations requested by the agency will be paid for by who?
Workman’s Comp
the agency
the employee
the employees health insurance
the agency
If an employee, under Medical Placement, chooses a vacant position the division with the vacancy shall be contacted and the position recruitment or Transfer Review Board process placed on hold.
Once an employee clears fitness for duty, re-examinations will not be required at any time during employment.
GO 4.1.5 (4 E 6)
Re-examinations may be required at any time during employment in order to determine an employee’s fitness for duty.
While on light duty all leave or sick time requests shall be submitted on an official agency request form to ____________
immediate supervisor
Director of Human Resource or designee
Division Commander
temporary supervisor
temporary supervisor
Who must an employee that is on limited duty due to a service related or non-service related disability/injury and desires to work any form of secondary employment (non-enforcement related) notify and obtain approval?
Director of Human Resource or designee
Under Sheriff
Division Commander
Division Commander
Employees on limited duty due to a service related or non-service related
disability/injury desiring to work any form of secondary employment (non-enforcement
related) must first notify their Division Commander in writing to
obtain approval.
Disabilities resulting from authorized work activities that prevent employees from performing their regular assignments.
service related disability
Disabilities resulting from non-work activities that prevent employees from performing their regular assignments.
Non-service related disability
An employee who has exhausted all leave and all alternatives to leave resulting in termination from the agency who may be given preference for reinstatement.
Preferential Recall
An examination of an employees ability to perform various activities and tasks in a structured setting.
Functional Capacity
Any form of employment of a non-enforcement related nature other than with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Secondary Employment
If the fitness for duty does not permit the individual to continue employment in the present classification is permanent, he/she may not apply for any other vacant position within the agency for which he/she is qualified.
Personnel on light duty may not be allowed to remain on their normal duty schedule.
GO 4.1.5 (4 B 2)
Personnel will be allowed to remain on their normal duty schedule whenever possible, unless agency needs dictate otherwise.
When applying for the Medical Placement Process, no other documentation is required besides the memo.
Medical documentation shall accompany the memorandum stating details of the disability, medical condition, or impairment and a description of what reasonable accommodation, if any, is requested or necessary.
An employee may be required to submit to periodic fitness for duty examinations depending on the position, the job requirements, and the supervisor’s concern over an individual’s physical and/or psychological condition. These examinations may include, but are not limited to the following EXCEPT:
a functional capacity exam
psychological evaluation
knowledge exam
medical examination
knowledge exam
Who is notified if an employee, under Medical Placement, chooses a vacant position that has not been posted?
Division Commander
Under Sheriff
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources or designee
Who will determine the individual’s employment status should an individual be incapable of performing in any vacant position, or if a position is not available?
Should an individual be incapable of performing in any vacant position, or if a position is not available, all documentation and medical evidence will be referred to the employee’s Division Commander and _________________ to determine the individual’s employment status.
Division Commander
Director of Human Resource or designee
Risk Management
Under Sheriff
A & B
A & B
GO 4.1.5 (4 E 10)
Should an individual be incapable of performing in any vacant position, or if a position is not available, all documentation and medical evidence will be referred to the employee’s Division Commander and the Human Resources Director or designee to determine the individual’s employment status
Who may require an employee, who is on limited duty, submit to medical examination(s)?
Division Commander
Under Sheriff
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Application for Light Duty must be sent, via chain of command, to ____________
Risk Management
Director of Human Resources or designee
Division Commander
Division Major
Director of Human Resources or designee
Who will coordinate medical, psychological or functional capacity fitness for duty exams?
Director of Human Resources or designee
Immediate Supervisor
Lieutenant/Commander equivalent
Division Commander
Director of Human Resources or designee
Who can order a Fitness for duty examination?
Squad members
Lieutenant/Commander equivalent, or above
Lieutenant/Commander equivalent, or above
A composite of actual incapacity to perform the tasks usually encountered in one’s employment and the wage loss resulting therefrom, and physical impairment of the body.
A status referring to the greatest extent of recovery from an injury, illness or disease, and further recovery is not anticipated based upon reasonable medical probability.
Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)
Status of personnel who are incapacitated and unable to perform their regular assigned duties, but have been released by a physician to return to work under stated limitations and restrictions prior to reaching MMI.
Light duty
Status that exists after an employee reaches MMI and is released to work but his/her work activities are limited by physical or psychological restrictions placed by appropriate medical personnel. The medical restrictions that limit the employee’s ability, with or without reasonable accommodations, to perform essential functions of their pre-injury job
Limited Duty
If a fitness for duty examination indicates a condition that does not permit the individual to continue employment in the present classification, he/she may be _______________
placed in the Medical Placement Process
temporarily re-assigned to light duty status
temporarily re-assigned to light duty status
How long does an employee under Medical Placement have to select a position for which he/she qualifies?
90 days
14 days
7 days
60 days
90 days
An employee will be medically separated in the following instances EXCEPT:
lost a suitable position because employee was surpassed in the Transfer Review Board
chooses to opt out of the process
the agency is unable to locate a suitable position for which the employee is qualified
does not choose a position within the allowable time
lost a suitable position because employee was surpassed in the Transfer Review Board
If at the end of _____________, an employee is still on light duty, he/she may be required by the Director of Human Resources or designee to submit to a medical evaluation paid by the agency.
3 months
1 month
6 months
1 year
3 months