G.O. 5.1.0 DISCIPLINE Flashcards
The disciplinary appeals board that hears the appeal of an appellant holding the rank of Corporal or higher, the board shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) Deputy Sheriff.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 b)
The disciplinary appeals board that hears the appeal of a Deputy Sheriff shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) Deputy Sheriff. A subordinate ranking board member may not report in his or her chain of command to anyone of higher rank on the board. For appeals involving an appellant holding the rank of Corporal or higher, the board shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) member from a rank equal to or higher than the appellant’s rank.
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
Nothing discussed at any meeting held pursuant to this policy shall be binding upon any party until a final agreement is approved by the Director of Human Resources or designee.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 14 5)
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
Nothing discussed at any meeting held pursuant to this policy shall be binding upon any party until a final agreement is approved by the Sheriff or designee.
The only form needed for someone on disciplinary probation is the Notice of Disciplinary Action Form.
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 4 b)
The disciplining authority shall ensure the Disciplinary Probation Statement Form (#10-1692) is attached to the employee’s Notice of Disciplinary Action Form.
The Administrative Review Captain is not required to audio record any of the proceedings for an Administrative Review.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 h)
The Administrative Review Captain shall convene the hearing, identify him or herself, identify the appellant, identify all other persons attending, and explain the purpose of the proceedings. The Administrative Review Captain shall ensure the hearing is audio recorded in its entirety and all recordings are appropriately marked.
For alleged violations of agency policy for which intended discipline will not exceed a written reprimand the employee’s Lieutenant/Commander, equivalent, or designee (approved by the employee’s chain of command), may conduct an inquiry regarding the alleged violation.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 14)
For alleged violations of agency policy for which intended discipline will not exceed a written reprimand, including standards of conduct set forth in General Order 5.1.3, subparagraphs (4) Leaving Duty Post, (8) Courtesy and Respect, (10) Personal Appearance, (18) Posting of Bonds, (20) Reporting for Duty, (24) Legal Involvement, (32) Damage or Loss of Property, (34) Misuse of Breaks/Meals, (44) Operating Vehicles, (47) Telephones, (49) Identification, the employee’s Lieutenant/Commander, equivalent, or designee (approved by the employee’s chain of command), may conduct an inquiry regarding the alleged violation
The Disciplinary Appeal Board hearing shall be conducted within 14 calendar days of the signing of the notice of appeal.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 e)
The hearing shall be conducted within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the signing of the notice of appeal. The board chairperson shall determine the location for the hearing and contact the appellant to schedule it. The board chairperson shall also contact the investigating authority and the disciplining authority when scheduling the hearing to ensure availability. The board chairperson may approve a reasonable extension of time.
The disciplinary appeals board that hears the appeal of a Deputy Sheriff shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) Sergeant.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 b)
The disciplinary appeals board that hears the appeal of a Deputy Sheriff shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) Deputy Sheriff. A subordinate ranking board member may not report in his or her chain of command to anyone of higher rank on the board. For appeals involving an appellant holding the rank of Corporal or higher, the board shall consist of one (1) Captain, one (1) Lieutenant/Commander and one (1) member from a rank equal to or higher than the appellant’s rank.
LRM means Labor Relations Manager
The Administrative Review Captain does not have wide latitude to exclude from consideration evidence that is irrelevant or otherwise does not meet the requirements of this policy.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 f)
The Administrative Review Captain shall have wide latitude to exclude from consideration evidence that is irrelevant or otherwise does not meet the requirements of this policy and to run the hearing as he or she deems appropriate to support its efficiency and effectiveness. Any person who disrupts the proceedings may be ejected.
If the parties reach a proposed agreement in the DDRP, it will be reduced to writing by the LRM or designee. The employee and the LRM or designee shall sign the agreement. If the signed agreement involves discipline of an oral reprimand through 80 hours suspension, it shall be implemented. If it involves discipline of 81 hours or more, up to and including demotion or termination/resignation, the agreement is subject to approval by the Sheriff or designee. If the Sheriff or designee approves the proposed agreement, it shall be considered final and implemented.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 12)
If the parties reach a proposed agreement, it will be reduced to writing by the LRM or designee. The employee and the LRM or designee shall sign the agreement. If the signed agreement involves discipline of an oral reprimand through 120 hours suspension, it shall be implemented. If it involves discipline of 121 hours or more, up to and including demotion or termination/resignation, the agreement is subject to approval by the Sheriff or designee. If the Sheriff or designee approves the proposed agreement, it shall be considered final and implemented.
What is the maximum amount of time an individual has to make a verbal statement during a name-clearing meeting?
1 hour
20 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
20 minutes
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 f)
The subject, or his or her representative, may make a verbal statement not exceeding twenty (20) minutes.
There are no alternatives to a name clearing meeting other than scheduling a face to face meeting.
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 g)
As an alternative to a meeting, the person whose employment was terminated may choose to forward a written statement detailing relevant information and his or her position, along with written materials that support assertions in that statement, to the Director of Human Resources, who shall include the material in the individual’s personnel file or forward it to Professional Standards for filing, as appropriate. The statement may be written by the person whose employment was terminated or by his or her representative.
Who will control a name-clearing meeting?
Risk Management
Director of Human Resources or designee
Personnel Management Manager
None of the above
Director of Human Resources or designee
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 d)
The Director of Human Resources or designee shall determine the location for the meeting, and he or she shall contact the person whose employment was terminated (“the subject”) to schedule it. The meeting is not open to the general public. The Director of Human Resources or designee shall have wide latitude to run the meeting as he or she deems appropriate to support its efficiency and effectiveness.
the agency member appealing a disciplinary action
Career Change Personnel
Business day
Exempt Personnel
agency members who change from sworn to non-sworn
or vice versa, and who have not completed their designated probationary period for
the new position.
Career Change Personnel
Business day
Exempt Personnel
Career Change Personnel
Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
Career Change Personnel
Business day
Exempt Personnel
Business Day
persons performing certain functions (e.g., professional,
managerial) who receive a flat salary, instead of being paid on an hourly basis, in
accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
Career Change Personnel
Business day
Exempt Personnel
Exempt Personnel
levels of administrators
persons holding the rank of Major, equivalent or above.
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 2
Level 1
persons holding the rank of Captain, or equivalent.
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 2
Level 2
persons holding the rank of Lieutenant/Commander, or
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 2
Level 3
persons holding the rank of Sergeant, or equivalent.
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 2
Level 4
A supervisor’s record in awarding discipline must be documented and evaluated in his or her annual performance evaluation.
GO 5.1.0 (4 E 6)
The Sheriff is the ultimate authority in all matters of discipline.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 3 a)
Certain administrative actions do not constitute formal discipline, though they may negatively impact employees. There is no appeal for these actions, which include but are not limited to the following (select all the correct answers):
Transferring or reassigning employees
Relieving an employee from duty pending an investigation or in response to fitness for duty concerns
Withdrawing, or limiting the use of, an agency-issued vehicle
Delaying or disapproving a merit increase
Only 1, 2 & 3
Extending probationary period
Eliminating positions
Suspending or prohibiting participation in the agency’s off-duty employment program
Only 2, 3 & 5
Relieving an employee from duty pending an investigation or in response to fitness for duty concerns, Transferring or reassigning employees, Eliminating positions, Withdrawing, or limiting the use of, an agency-issued vehicle, Delaying or disapproving a merit increase, Extending probationary period, Suspending or prohibiting participation in the agency’s off-duty employment program
GO 5.1.0 (4 A 1)
The Administrative Review Captain shall note the date that he or she received the notice of appeal; the hearing shall be conducted within seven (7) calendar days of that date.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 c)
The Administrative Review Captain shall note the date that he or she received the notice of appeal; the hearing shall be conducted within seven (7) calendar days of that date.
Failure to achieve minimum skill levels during remedial training shall be reported to _____________
employee’s immediate supervisor
Personnel Management Manager
Risk Management
Employee’s immediate supervisor
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 2 c)
Employees will not be released from remedial training until they have acquired the minimum skill levels required by the agency. Failure to achieve these minimum skill levels shall be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor for action.
A copy of the Sheriff’s decision and all original recordings and documents related to an appeal, shall be forwarded to Professional Standards. Professional Standards will forward a copy of the final disposition (e.g., “Notice of Disciplinary Action”) to the Human Resources Director for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file. A copy of the Sheriff’s decision shall be forwarded to the appellant’s Division Commander.
ARC means Administrative Review Captain
a meeting conducted by the Human Resources Director or designee to allow terminated at-will personnel to supplement potentially stigmatizing information in the agency’s public records. This proceeding is not an appeal
Name Clearing meeting
Newly Hired Probationary Personnel
New and Material Evidence
Name Clearing Meeting
persons who have been hired by the agency for full-time work, but who have not completed their designated probationary period
Name Clearing meeting
Newly Hired Probationary Personnel
New and Material Evidence
Newly Hired Probationary Personnel
persons hired by the agency who are in the process of obtaining law enforcement certification (e.g., attending police academy). Their probationary period commences when they obtain law enforcement certification. At that point, they are considered newly hired probationary personnel.
Name Clearing meeting
Newly Hired Probationary Personnel
New and Material Evidence
relevant information that is substantial enough to alter the outcome of the disciplinary appeal, that is supported by proof, and that was not available earlier through the exercise of due diligence
Name Clearing meeting
Newly Hired Probationary Personnel
New and Material Evidence
New and Material Evidence
The agency encourages supervisors to explore alternatives to formal discipline with the goal of improving employee productivity.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C)
Who shall be for maintaining a record when awarded discipline includes the mandatory completion of drug/alcohol testing, credit report checks, or training
GO 5.1.0 (4 E 5 a)
Anytime prior to receiving a Notice of Intention to Discipline applicable to the case, an employee may request DDRP by submitting a Request to Initiate the Discipline Dispute Resolution Process Form to the Labor Relations Manager (LRM) in Human Resources.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 2)
After a verbal reprimand has been removed from an employee’s personnel file, can that reprimand be considered for purposes of progressive discipline?
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 1 a)
Other Non-Appealable Personnel Actions include the following (select all the correct answers):
Voluntary demotion, voluntary reduction in pay, or a requested transfer that is accompanied by a signed statement
Reclassifying a deputy from a Lieutenant/Commander or above position to his or her career service rank without citing the deputy for a policy violation
Voluntary retirement
Terminating at-will personnel
Only 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9
Reclassifying a deputy from a probationary promotion to his or her career service rank without citing the deputy for a policy violation. (For example, a Corporal promoted to Sergeant who is then returned to the rank of Corporal during his or her probationary period as a Sergeant.)
Voluntary written resignation
Reclassifying a civilian supervisor or manager without citing him or her for a policy violation
Only 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9
Abandoned position (e.g., left job without the required notice)
Voluntary written resignation, Voluntary demotion, voluntary reduction in pay, or a requested transfer that is accompanied by a signed statement, Voluntary retirement, Abandoned position (e.g., left job without the required notice), Reclassifying a deputy from a Lieutenant/Commander or above position to his or her career service rank without citing the deputy for a policy violation, Reclassifying a deputy from a probationary promotion to his or her career service rank without citing the deputy for a policy violation. (For example, a Corporal promoted to Sergeant who is then returned to the rank of Corporal during his or her probationary period as a Sergeant.), Reclassifying a civilian supervisor or manager without citing him or her for a policy violation, Terminating at-will personnel
GO 5.1.0 (4 B)
Examples of situations that require discipline immediately (instead of simply counseling a person) include but are not limited to all of the following EXCEPT:
excessive force
illegal discrimination
improper pursuits
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 1 a)
DDRP means Discipline Dispute Resolution Process
The immediate supervisor may exercise discretion in allowing the employee, who has been served with a Notice of Intention to Discipline, to retain the proximity card and/or MDC while he or she is reassigned until completion of the first level of the appeals process.
GO 5.1.0 (4 G 7)
The Division Commander may exercise discretion in allowing the employee to retain the proximity card and/or MDC while he or she is reassigned until completion of the first level of the appeals process. The agency Security Administrator shall be contacted to determine the appropriate level of access to network resources and facilities.
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
By signing an agreement reached pursuant to this policy, the employee waives all further appeals pursuant to policy or law, including contractual grievances concerning the investigation and discipline.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 14 1)
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
- By signing an agreement reached pursuant to this policy, the employee waives all further appeals pursuant to policy or law, including contractual grievances concerning the investigation and discipline.
Employees served with a “Notice of Intention to Discipline” specifying a verbal and/or written reprimand shall be afforded an appeal to the Director of Human Resources upon request.
GO 5.1.0 (4 J 1)
Employees served with a “Notice of Intention to Discipline” specifying a verbal and/or written reprimand shall be afforded an appeal to an Administrative Review Captain upon request.
The “Notice of Intention to Discipline” must be signed by each supervisor in the employee’s chain of command, up to and including the Major or manager, before it is served.
GO 5.1.0 (4 G 3)
The “Notice of Intention to Discipline” must be signed by each supervisor in the employee’s chain of command, up to and including the Division Commander or manager, before it is served.
Effective counseling provided in a timely manner may prevent future situations requiring formal disciplinary action.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 1 a)
The appropriate administrator shall serve only the “Notice of Intention to Discipline” on the employee.
The appropriate administrator shall serve the “Notice of Intention to
Discipline” on the employee. The administrator shall give one (1) complete
copy of the investigative report and supporting documentation (e.g.,
transcripts) to the employee at no cost.
Who maintains documentation of verbal/written counseling forms of an employee?
Division Commander Assistant
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 1 b)
Supervisors are encouraged to appropriately document all verbal counseling that is significant or repeated. By creating this record, supervisors support future disciplinary action that may be required. They are responsible for maintaining the documentation in a file and for forwarding the file to the appropriate supervisor upon the employee’s transfer, promotion, etc.
There are two phases of the disciplinary review process: an appeal to a Captain (Administrative Review) and disciplinary appeals board (occurs after discipline is imposed).
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1-2)
If the terminated subject, or his or her representative, fails to personally appear for the scheduled meeting, any further proceedings will be rescheduled.
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 d)
If the subject, or his or her representative, fails to personally appear for the scheduled meeting, any further proceedings are deemed waived.
Personnel that are served with a Notice of Intention to Discipline resulting in termination shall surrender their sworn agency identification, badge, firearms, Electronic Control Device (ECD), vehicle, and radio to supply.
GO 5.1.0 (4 G 7)
Personnel that are served with a Notice of Intention to Discipline resulting in termination shall surrender their sworn agency identification, badge, firearms, Electronic Control Device (ECD), vehicle, and radio to their immediate supervisor.
The decision of the Administrative Review Captain and/or Undersheriff shall be sent to the disciplining supervisor, who shall prepare and serve the appropriate paperwork.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 l)
The decision of the Administrative Review Captain and/or Undersheriff shall be sent to the disciplining supervisor, who shall prepare and serve the appropriate paperwork.
Supervisors referring employees for remedial training shall schedule the training when it is convenient for all involved.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 2 b)
Supervisors referring employees for remedial training shall schedule the training at the earliest possible date.
The “Notice of Intention to Discipline” form includes spaces for requesting an appeal or for accepting the charges and discipline. If the agency member accepts the charges and discipline, he or she should mark and sign the form and then give it to the administrator who served it (or his or her designee) within 48 hours of service.
GO 5.1.0 (4 G 5)
The “Notice of Intention to Discipline” form includes spaces for requesting an appeal or for accepting the charges and discipline. If the agency member accepts the charges and discipline, he or she should mark and sign the form and then give it to the administrator who served it (or his or her designee) within twenty-four (24) hours of service. In that case, or if the agency member fails to take any action, all further administrative appeals are deemed waived. The appropriate administrator shall serve the employee with a “Notice of Disciplinary Action.”
The Sheriff determines who the Administrative Review Captain will be.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 a)
Disciplinary Appeal Process
- Administrative Review Captain (“ARC”)
a. The disciplinary appeal process consists of two (2) phases. The first phase, an appeal to a Captain, occurs before discipline is imposed. The Captain performing this role is an “Administrative Review Captain,” and he or she is selected by the Undersheriff or designee.
The Administrative Review Captain shall render a decision in writing, or submit a request for deviation to the Undersheriff, within 5 business days of the hearing.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 k)
The Administrative Review Captain shall render a decision in writing, or submit a request for deviation to the Undersheriff, within two (2) business days of the hearing.
When must the effective date be after service of the “Notice of Intention to Discipline?”
by the end of employees shift
12 hours
24 hours
At the time notice is served
24 hours
GO 5.1.0 (4 G)
When a supervisor decides to impose discipline, he or she shall complete a
Notice of intention to Discipline Form
Notice of Intention to Discipline form
GO 5.1.0 (4 G)
Disciplinary Appeal Board hearings are not subject to “government in the sunshine” provisions. They are not open to the public.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 g)
Disciplinary Appeal Board hearings are subject to “government in the sunshine” provisions. They are open to the public. A board member is prohibited from discussing a pending case with another member of his or her board before the hearing. Similarly, board members are prohibited from discussing a pending case with the appellant, or a representative of the appellant, before the hearing. Criminal penalties may apply to “government in the sunshine” violations.
The disciplinary appeal process consists of two (2) phases.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 a)
Disciplinary Appeal Process
- Administrative Review Captain (“ARC”)
a. The disciplinary appeal process consists of two (2) phases. The first phase, an appeal to a Captain, occurs before discipline is imposed. The Captain performing this role is an “Administrative Review Captain,” and he or she is selected by the Undersheriff or designee.
Depending on the length of the suspension without pay, the employee shall pay the entire premium for enrolled Beneflex options he or she chooses to continue while suspended.
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 3 a 2)
The disciplinary appeals board must be notified when an agency member who is the subject of an investigation or disciplinary appeal alleges that his or her actions resulted from a medical condition.
GO 5.1.0 (4 L 3)
The HR Director must be notified when an agency member who is the subject of an investigation or disciplinary appeal alleges that his or her actions resulted from a medical condition. The HR Director is responsible for addressing the issue. If such an allegation is raised during an ARC or DAB hearing, ARC or DAB members shall not consider it for purposes of deciding the appeal.
Who is/are subject to at-will termination from employment with the agency?
Newly hired probationary personnel
Newly hired probationary personnel and career change personnel who have not yet completed their new employee probationary period
None of the above
career change personnel who have not yet completed their new employee probationary period
Newly hired probationary personnel and career change personnel who have not yet completed their new employee probationary period
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 a)
When awarding discipline, who is responsible for approving a deviation outside the class?
Division Commander
Director of Human Resources or designee
GO 5.1.0 (4 E 2)
The Administrative Review Captain is prohibited from informally contacting the investigating and/or disciplining authority to review his or her reasons for the specified level of discipline.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 p)
Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the Administrative Review Captain from informally contacting the investigating and/or disciplining authority to review his or her reasons for the specified level of discipline.
The supervisor who serves the at-will person with termination shall inform him or her of the opportunity for a name-clearing meeting.
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 c)
In order for a verbal reprimand to be removed from a personnel file, who must the request be sent to?
Immediate Supervisor
Director of Human Resources
Personnel Management Manager
Director of Human Resources
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 1 a)
After a verbal reprimand, how long does an employee have to wait before they can request that it be removed from his/her file?
6 months
2 years
1 year
3 months
1 year
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 1 a)
In all cases that result in demotion or termination, except at-wills, a complete copy of the case report shall be sent to _____ prior to serving a “Notice of Intention to Discipline.”
Personnel Management Manager
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 6
The disciplinary appeals board Lieutenant/Commander shall be selected from a list of nine (9) individuals designated by the Sheriff, three (3) will be assigned to each board, one (1) as primary and the other two (2) as alternates for each board.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 b 2)
In determining an appropriate discipline, supervisors shall consider the severity of the offense, whether the action was malicious, the applicable category and class, the employee’s disciplinary history, the employee’s position within the agency (e.g., supervisor), pertinent counseling and/or training received by the employee, extenuating circumstances directly related to the violation, and the best interests of the agency.
GO 5.1.0 (4 E 4)
After an employee has received a written reprimand, how long must they wait before a request can be made to remove it from their personnel file?
18 months
6 months
1 year
2 years
1 year
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 2 a)
Exempt personnel are eligible to serve suspensions without pay.
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 3)
Consistent with federal law, exempt personnel shall not serve actual suspensions without pay, but their vacation accruals may be docked and their assignments may be changed as described in Section 4(D)(3)(b).
When an employee initiates the DDRP by submitting the Request to Initiate the Discipline Dispute Resolution Process Form, the employee does not give up any rights in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights for the applicable case during negotiations.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 4)
When an employee initiates the DDRP by submitting the Request to Initiate the Discipline Dispute Resolution Process Form, the employee agrees to toll the limitations period specified in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights for the applicable case during negotiations.
The Sheriff shall select nine (9) Deputy Sheriff’s with five (5) or more years of experience. Three (3) of these deputies will be assigned to each board, one (1) as primary and the other two (2) as alternates for each disciplinary appeals board.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 b 3)
The Sheriff and FOP shall jointly select nine (9) Deputy Sheriff’s with five (5) or more years of experience. Three (3) of these deputies will be assigned to each board, one (1) as primary and the other two (2) as alternates for each board.
a verbal admonition by which a supervisor orders
inappropriate behavior corrected
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
Verbal Reprimand
suspending a person’s employment status so he
or she does not report to work for the specified time and does not receive
compensation for those hours
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
Suspension Without Pay
a period of close supervision, critical examination,
and evaluation which may be imposed for a specified period of time, not to
exceed one year.
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
Disciplinary Probation
a written admonition by which a supervisor orders
inappropriate behavior corrected
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
Written Reprimand
a reduction in rank, job classification, or pay grade and/or step
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
dismissal or revocation of appointment or employment
suspension Without Pay
Written Reprimand
Verbal Reprimand
Disciplinary Probation
The LRM or designee shall consult with the investigating authority and review past violations and discipline awarded for similar facts and circumstances prior to the meeting with the employee. The employee’s performance history and previous discipline with the agency can’t be considered.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 10)
The LRM or designee shall consult with the investigating authority and review past violations and discipline awarded for similar facts and circumstances prior to the meeting with the employee. The employee’s performance history and previous discipline with the agency shall be considered.
Remedial training may be provided only at the request of the supervisor.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 2 a)
Remedial training may be provided at the request of the supervisor or employee.
After the result of an ARC proceeding, an employee can appeal to a disciplinary appeals board for verbal and/or written reprimands as long as the Administrative Review Captain does not increase the discipline to suspension, demotion, or termination.
GO 5.1.0 (4 J 1)
The result of the ARC proceeding is final. There is no appeal to a disciplinary appeals board for verbal and/or written reprimands unless the Administrative Review Captain increases the discipline to suspension, demotion, or termination.
The employee is not required to be at the DDRP.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 11)
The employee must attend the meeting. The employee’s representative and counsel may also attend at the employee’s request. If requested, the employee’s supervisor, the investigating authority, and any other agency employee deemed necessary by the LRM or designee may be consulted at any time during the DDRP.
Employees on disciplinary probation are permitted to continue enforcement related off-duty employment, participation in promotional testing process, promotion, participation in the individually assigned vehicle program, voluntary transfer from their current positions, and participation in specialized functions (including but not limited to SWAT and ERT).
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 4 a)
Persons on disciplinary probation are prohibited from the following: enforcement related off-duty employment, participation in promotional testing process, promotion, participation in the individually assigned vehicle program, voluntary transfer from their current positions, and participation in specialized functions (including but not limited to SWAT and ERT).
Supervisors may request remedial training for an employee who fails to successfully complete other remedial training, fails to achieve minimum standards in any training program, is identified by Staff Inspections or Training personnel as needing remedial training, is required to receive remedial training as the result of formal discipline, or as the supervisor otherwise deems appropriate.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 2 a)
The purpose of the disciplinary appeals board is to:
- Afford the appellant another opportunity to present his or her case.
- Recommend to the Sheriff whether the charges are reasonable in light of the record in the case.
- Recommend to the Sheriff whether the level of discipline is reasonable in light of the record in the case.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 a)
They may impose discipline of any severity, up to and including termination Level 2 Level 1 Level 4 Level 3
Level 1
GO 5.1.0 (4 F 2)
They may impose discipline up to and including one-hundred twenty (120) hours suspension. Level 2 Level 1 Level 4 Level 3
Level 2
GO 5.1.0 (4 F 2)
They may impose discipline up to and including forty (40) hours suspension. Level 2 Level 1 Level 4 Level 3
Level 3
GO 5.1.0 (4 F 2)
They may impose discipline by verbal and written reprimands Level 2 Level 1 Level 4 Level 3
Level 4
GO 5.1.0 (4 F 2)
At-will personnel who have been terminated may request _____________
an investigation
an appeal
none of the above
a name clearing meeting
a name clearing meeting
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 c)
If an employee is suspended without pay, they have the following options (select all that apply):
Report to work as usual and surrender accrued vacation time to satisfy the suspension
Report to work as usual and surrender accrued compensatory time to satisfy the suspension
Do not report to work for the specified time and do not receive compensation for those hours
Report to work as usual and surrender accrued sick time to satisfy the suspension
Do not report to work for the specified time and do not receive compensation for those hours, Report to work as usual and surrender accrued vacation time to satisfy the suspension
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 3 a/b)
The only purpose of the administrative review is to review whether the charges are reasonable in light of the record in the case.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 1 b)
The purpose of this proceeding is to:
- Afford the appellant an opportunity to present his or her case.
- Review whether the charges are reasonable in light of the record in the case.
- Review whether the intended discipline is reasonable in light of the record in the case.
The LRM or designee may postpone any meeting in writing pursuant to the provisions of this policy if, due to the seriousness or nature of the allegations, interviews of witnesses or accused employees should occur first.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 8)
The LRM or designee may postpone any meeting in writing pursuant to the provisions of this policy if, due to the seriousness or nature of the allegations, interviews of witnesses or accused employees should occur first.
The LRM or designee will review the case to determine if it is appropriate for DDRP and reserves the right to deny an employee’s request to meet and resolve the allegations pursuant to this process.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 5)
Supervisors are required to initiate formal discipline for every policy violation
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 1 a)
Supervisors are not required to initiate formal discipline for every policy violation
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
Any employee who signs an agreement pursuant to this policy is not required to participate in a witness interview concerning the same investigation involving another employee.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 14 2)
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
- Any employee who signs an agreement pursuant to this policy must still participate in a witness interview concerning the same investigation involving another employee.
When an employee is on disciplinary probation, when shall the supervisor complete special performance evaluations?
at the beginning of the probationary period
No evaluation is needed
at the mid-point and conclusion of the probationary period
at the end of the probationary period
at the mid-point and conclusion of the probationary period
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 4)
Who serves the discipline to an employee?
Director of Human Resources or designee
Personnel management manager
appropriate administrator from an employee’s chain of command
appropriate administrator from an employee’s chain of command
GO 5.1.0 (4 F 1)
Before termination of at-will personnel is imposed, who shall review the proposed actions for administrative and legal sufficiency?
Personnel Management Manager
Risk Management
Director of Human Resources or designee
Director of Human Resources or designee
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 b)
Before termination of at-will personnel is imposed, the Director of Human Resources or designee shall review the proposed actions for administrative and legal sufficiency.
A supervisor may perceive that an employee is experiencing stress, emotional difficulties, etc., that are negatively affecting the employee’s work performance. The supervisor may refer the employee to a contract psychologist or Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for professional counseling.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 3 a)
The disciplinary appeals board Captain shall be selected by the Sheriff every two (2) years. Up to three (3) Captains may be designated to serve as a Chairperson and as a participant for purposes of establishing up to three (3) boards.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 b 1)
Only the terminated individual is permitted to attend the name-clearing meeting.
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 f)
The subject may be accompanied by an attorney or other representative, who may consult with and speak for him or her during the proceedings. Alternatively, the person’s representative may appear in his or her place. The subject, or his or her representative, may present a written statement detailing relevant information and the subject’s position. He or she may also present written materials that support assertions in that statement.
Supervisors are encouraged to appropriately document all verbal counseling that is significant or repeated.
GO 5.1.0 (4 C 1 b)
If the employee does not adhere to agency policy or meet the specified performance standards, he or she may be subject to additional adverse personnel actions, progressive discipline which may result in deviation outside the normal parameters of discipline, up to and including termination.
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 4)
The Request to Initiate the Discipline Dispute Resolution Process Form must be delivered directly to the LRM or designee, with a copy delivered to the investigating authority at the time the employee informs the investigating authority of their intent to initiate DDRP. The supervisor is responsible for confirming delivery to and receipt by the investigating authority and the LRM or designee.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 3)
The Request to Initiate the Discipline Dispute Resolution Process Form must be delivered directly to the LRM or designee, with a copy delivered to the investigating authority at the time the employee informs the investigating authority of their intent to initiate DDRP. The employee is responsible for confirming delivery to and receipt by the investigating authority and the LRM or designee.
If the LRM or designee decides the case is appropriate for DDRP, he or she may contact the employee or the employee’s representative in writing to set up a meeting no later than 7 business days (Monday thru Friday) following receipt of the employee’s request to initiate the DDRP.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 7)
If the LRM or designee decides the case is appropriate for DDRP, he or she may contact the employee or the employee’s representative in writing to set up a meeting no later than five business days (Monday thru Friday) following receipt of the employee’s request to initiate the DDRP.
In the event of an investigation involving more than one employee, the investigation and interviews will continue even if all employees sign a waiver tolling the limitations period in the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 6)
In the event of an investigation involving more than one employee, the investigation and interviews will continue unless all accused employees sign a waiver tolling the limitations period referenced above.
The board chairperson, for a disciplinary appeal board proceeding, shall ensure all appropriate public notices are made.
GO 5.1.0 (4 K 2 f)
The board chairperson shall notify the Director of Human Resources about the scheduled hearing. The Director of Human Resources shall ensure all appropriate public notices are made.
a decision in favor of an employee’s appeal
Appeal With Merit
At-Will Personnel
At- will
Appeal Without Merit
Appeal With Merit
GO 5.1.0 (3)
a decision against an employee’s appeal
Appeal With Merit
At-Will Personnel
At- will
Appeal Without Merit
Appeal Without Merit
GO 5.1.0 (3)
dismissal of a probationary employee with or without stated cause
Appeal With Merit
At-Will Personnel
At- will
Appeal Without Merit
GO 5.1.0 (3)
persons who may be summarily disciplined or terminated without
cause and without appeal, including but not limited to recruits, part-time agency
members, career change personnel, volunteers, and newly hired probationary
Appeal With Merit
At-Will Personnel
At- will
Appeal Without Merit
At-Will Personnel
GO 5.1.0 (3)
Supervisors are required to follow the categories when specifying the level of discipline.
GO 5.1.0 (4 E 1)
Supervisors are encouraged to follow the categories when specifying the level of discipline. However, if they justify their reasons in writing, supervisors may choose discipline from within a class.
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
If an agreement is reached, the investigating authority shall complete the Investigative Report and forward it to Professional Standards to close out the tracking number. All original DDRP documents will be included in the investigative file and forwarded to Professional Standards for records retention purposes.
GO 5.1.0 (4 H 14 4)
General Provisions for Discipline Dispute Resolution Cases
- If an agreement is reached, the investigating authority shall complete the Investigative Report and forward it to Professional Standards to close out the tracking number. All original DDRP documents will be included in the investigative file and forwarded to Professional Standards for records retention purposes.
Who will continue to maintain a verbal/written reprimand even if it removed from their personnel file?
Personnel Management Manager
GO 5.1.0 (4 D 2 a)
Garrity use immunity applies to name clearing proceedings.
GO 5.1.0 (4 B 8 h)
Garrity use immunity does not apply to name clearing proceedings.