Glycolysis, Glycogenesis, and Glycogenolysis Flashcards
List the (six) steps in order for glycogenesis
Glucose in blood ->
glucose in liver ->
glucose 6P ->
Glucose 1P ->
UDP-glucose ->
What is the allosteric enzyme for glycogenesis? What activates it?
Glycogen synthase is increased by insulin
How does glucose enter the liver?
Glut 2 transporter
How does glucose enter muscle?
Glut 4 transporter
(insulin dependent)
What enzyme converts glucose to glucose 6P in the liver?
What enzyme converts glucose to glucose 6P in the muscle?
What enzyme converts glucose 6P to glucose 1P in the liver & muscle?
What enzyme converts glucose 1P to UDP-Glucose?
UDP glucopyrophosphorylase
What enzyme converts UDP-glucose to glycogen?
Glycogen synthase
(activated by insulin)
List the (five) steps in order for glycogenolysis
Glycogen ->
Glucose 1P ->
Glucose 6P ->
Glucose in Liver ->
Glucose in Blood
What is the allosteric enzyme for glycogenolysis? What hormone activates it in the liver?
Glycogen phosphorylase activated by glucagon
What enzyme converts glycogen phosphorylase b (inactive) to glycogen phosphorylase a (active)?
Phosphorylase kinase
What mineral increases phosphorylase kinase in muscle?
influx of Calcium ions via nerve impulse
(forms Ca-calmodulin complex)
What hormone turns on phosphorylase kinase in both liver and muscle?
Glucose in blood is transported to the liver via ___ which is insulin ___
Glut 2 transporter which is insulin independent