Gluteal and Posterior Thigh Flashcards
the hip bone is the fusion of what three bones?
where do the three bones of the hip fuse? what is the name?
hip socket…called the acetabulum
what is the name of the surface where the femur articulates in the hip joint/
lunate surface
what are the two bumps on the proximal portion of the femur?
greater and lesser trochanter
is greater or lessern trochanter more lateral?
what attaches to the adductor tubercle at the distal medial femur?
hamstring portion of the adductor magnus
what is the linea aspera of the femur?
rough ridge located posteriorly on shaft of femur
what attaches to the gluteal tuberosity?
gluteus maximus
where is the intercondylar fossa? what attaches here?
between the femoral condyles…cruciate ligaments attach here
what lies on the anterior surface of the hip joint capsule?
a bursa that helps the iliopsoas muscle move
name the three ligaments of the hip joint
what is the tissue that helps deepen the hip joint?
acetabular labrum
what does the acetabular labrum form on the inferior side of the lunate surface?
transverse acetabular ligament
what comes out of the transverse acetabular ligament that attaches to the femur?
ligament of the head
where does the ligament of the head attach to the femur?
femoral head at the fovea
what is within the ligament of the head?
artery of the head that feeds small part of femoral head
name the four arteries that serve the femoral head…which gives the most?
medial circumflex (most)
lateral circumflex
retinacular arteries
artery of the head
what do the retinacular arteries come from in the femoral head?
branches of the medial and lateral circumflex arteries
a femoral neck fracture is called what? and what is it at risk for?
hip fracture…at risk for avascular necrosis
what ligaments help the sacroiliac joints?
dorsal and ventral sacroiliac ligaments
other than the sacroiliac ligaments, what two ligaments help secure the sacrum to the hip bones?
sacrotuberous ligament
sacrospinous ligament
name the five structures to know that pass through the greater sciatic foramen
piriformis muscle sciatic nerve superior/inferior gluteal nerves/vessels posterior femoral cutaneous nerve pudendal nerve
what two structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
pudendal nerve enters it to go to perineum
obturator internus tendon passes through it
what is the actionof the gluteal maximus?
extend and laterally rotate the hip
what innervates the gluteal maximus? nerve and roots
inferior gluteal nerve…L5S12
name the three abductors of the hip
tensor fascia lata
gluteus minimus
gluteus medius
what is the action of the gluteus medius and minimus?
hip abductors
what nerve and roots innervate the gluteus medius and minimus?
superior gluteal nerve…L45S1
what role do gluteal medius and minimus muscles play during walking?
when you are trying to swing one leg forward the other side uses the gluteus medius and minimus to stabilize the pelvis and hip
what is the trendelenburg gait?
when you have weakened gluteus medius and minimus and when you walk the leg that you are standing on…that side sorta tumbles over to support the pelvis since your medius and minimus are weak
name the five lateral rotators of the hip
obturator internus superior gemellus inferior gemellus quadratus femoris piriformis
name the five lateral rotators of the hip from superior to inferior
piriformis gemellus superior obturator internus inferior gemellus quadratis femoris
what lies on the anterior surface of the piriformis muscle?
sacral plexus
what are the gemelli muscles?
pair of muscles that are lateral rotators of the hip
what is the action of the obturator internus muscle?
lateral rotator of the hip
what is the action of the quadratus femoris?
lateral rotator of the hip
what nerve innervates the piriformis?
nerve to piriformis
what nerve innervates the obturator internus?
nerve to obturator internus
what nerve innervates the superior gemellus?
nerve to obturator internus
what nerve innervates the inferior gemellus?
nerve to quadrator femoris
what nerve innervates the quadratus femoris?
nerve to quadrator femoris
name the three hamstring muscles
biceps femoris
what innervates the hamstring muscles?
sciatic nerve…L5S12
name two actions of the hamstring
flex the knee and extend the hip
name the two nerves within the sciatic nerve
tibial nerve common fibular (peroneal) nerve
where does sciatic nerve usually exit the greater sciatic foramen?
inferior to the piriformis muscle
in some exception cases where does the sciatic nerve exit the greater sciatic foramen? what are these people at risk for?
in the middle of the piriformis muscle…more common to get sciatica
what causes a posterior hip dislocation?
usually a high velocity injury like a car accident
what are three issues that can also arise with posterior hip dislocation?
fracture acetabulum
Avascular necrosis
sciatic nerve injury
how does leg look with posterior hip dislocation?
shortened, adducted, flexed and INTERNALLY rotated
what nerve gives sensory to posterior thigh?
posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
what are nerve roots of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve?