glagoli 3 Flashcards
Kad deca prave sitne male korake.
scamper. The children scampered off into the garden.
Die Kinder flitzten in den Garten.
u slengu kao pretraziti/precesljati nesto detaljhno.
scour. The police are scouring the area for the missing child.
Die Polizei durchkämmt die Gegend auf der Suche nach dem vermissten Kind.
a system of limiting the amount of something that each person is allowed to have. Drzava je uvela ogranicenje struje.
rationing. The country introduced power rationing.
Das Land hat eine Strom-Rationierung eingeführt.
izaći na prstima
to tiptoe out of a room.
Er schlich auf Zehenspitzen aus dem Raum, um niemanden zu wecken
Ona je predavala u osnovnoj skoli.
She taught in a primary school.
Sie hat an einer Grundschule gelehrt?
knit socks, outfits
stricken die Socken
dočarati. Nekim ljudima rec “Engleska” i dalje stvara utisak basta i cajanki.
conjure up. For some people, the word “England” may still conjure up images of pretty gardens and tea parties.
hervorrufen. Für manche Menschen ruft das Wort ‘England’ vielleicht immer noch Bilder von hübschen Gärten und Teepartys hervor.”
ukrcati se u brod
ein Boot betreten.
presti . Mačka prede.
purr. Cat purrs
sudariti se. Dva kamiona su se sudarila.
collide. Two lorries collided.
Zwei Lastwagen sind zusammengestoßen.
to injure a person so severely that a part of their body will no longer work as it should:
to maim someone.
Sinonim za persuade
Coax, in more gentle way
Vielleicht könntest du deinen Vater dazu überreden, dich zum Bahnhof zu bringen.
to (try to) get something from someone else without paying for it:
He is always cadging free meals from his clients.
Can I cadge a lift home?
kada neko nadjača neko pravilo
That may ne overridden by Sponsor
to bask
to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun:
We could see seals on the rocks, basking in the sun.
die Sonne genießen
to rise proslo vreme
rose, risen
to do something awkwardly, especially when using your hands:
fumble. Where?” asked Inspector Dutruelle fumbling for a cigarette.
light proslo
He lit his cigarrete.
“Er zündete sich seine Zigarette an.”
moving without making noise
pad. She pads around the house in bare feet.
Sie läuft barfuß im Haus herum.”
to pique someone´s interest
pik. to excite or cause interest
wecken ihr/sein Interesse